Dear Conservatives,
ObamaCare is collapsing.
The recent announcement that the Administration would delay implementation of the employer mandate is the latest example of President Obama ignoring laws he doesn't like.
And it's mighty convenient that the employer mandate is being delayed until 2015, which is after the midterm elections.
Try as he might, President Obama won't be able to lighten the weight of the anchor dragging down Democrats who supported this socialized medicine scheme.
I don't think we should delay ObamaCare…
…We should scrap the whole darn thing!
I have never been one to fidget around the edges.
Don't mend it. End it!
Now you may think this is impossible with President Obama in the White House.
But the political nightmare facing politicians who supported ObamaCare means the ground is fertile for a fight to repeal.
In a minute, I'll explain how you can help repeal ObamaCare, but let me take a moment to explain why this coming fight is so vital.
Let's start with one number - $17 trillion, which equals out to about $150,000 per citizen.
That is how deep our country is in debt.
And this debt isn't just an abstract number.
It's inflating away the value of our dollars, depressing wages and choking off economic activity.
The pain is felt every day by families across America.
If you and I are going to straighten out our fiscal mess and lift all Americans to a more prosperous future, ObamaCare MUST be repealed.
And by adding $2.6 trillion in debt over the next ten years, allowing President Obama to proceed with the crippling cost is like calling an arsonist to put out your house fire.
So that's why I'm asking you to take action today.
You see, nothing moves unless it's pushed.
The easiest thing to do in Washington is pass some phony "compromise, declare victory and watch as the status quo marches along.
I'm fed up with that game.
And I bet you are too.
So I hope I can count on you to sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition right away.
After you sign your petition, I hope you'll make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25, $10 - or whatever you can afford - so I can reach out to millions of Americans and whip up a grassroots firestorm demanding their representatives repeal ObamaCare.
You see, a one year delay of the employer mandate won't change the equation.
As you know, employers were refusing to hire so they wouldn't go over the 50 employee limit and be forced to offer health insurance or pay a fine.
And some were slashing hours so more workers could be classified as part-time.
Jobs were killed and those who were fortunate to hold on to a job in Barack Obama's stalled economy saw their hours and take home pay slashed.
Of course the $8.6 billion increase in taxes is being left in place.
As are the rate shocks - which could see premiums hiked by as much as 60% in some states.
I'm willing to stand and fight.
If you are sick and tired of bi-partisan "gangs" and secret negotiations with the White House to avoid a self-imposed crisis, I hope you'll stand with me.
So won't you please stand with me by signing your petition TODAY?
I hope you will.
And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250.
If that's too much, won't you please agree to $150 or $50?
Your generosity will help me turn the American people's overwhelming opposition to ObamaCare into an overwhelming political FORCE Washington, D.C. can't ignore.
Through petitions, phone calls, emails, and more, you and I can put enough grassroots pressure on Congress to overturn ObamaCare before it's too late.
But I'm counting on you to take action IMMEDIATELY.
So please sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition.
And if you can, please agree to a generous contribution of $250, $150, $50, $25 or even $10 TODAY.
You see, the American public's overwhelming opposition to this radical scheme hasn't changed in the three years since President Obama twisted arms and Senate rules to RAM his healthcare takeover into law.
And knowing he had a re-election campaign to run, President Obama delayed much of ObamaCare's implementation till now...
But now that his party is staring down the barrel of a brutal midterm election, he is trying to lessen the weight of the anchor dragging Democrats down.
This is a fight we can win.
The American public supports repeal!
Polls show this law is no more popular than the day it was rammed into law.
As you and I saw in 2010, when Republicans unanimously opposed ObamaCare, the GOP scored one of the largest midterm wins in political history.
But in 2012, when the waters were muddied, the party's hopes were torpedoed on Election Day.
I'm game and ready to fight to repeal ObamaCare.
Are you?
In liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. ObamaCare is collapsing.
The recent announcement by the Administration that they are delaying the employer mandate by one year is the latest example of this train wreck in action.
I say: Don't mend ObamaCare. End it once and for all!
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