Court: Hobby Lobby Doesn’t Have to Pay Fines While it Challenges HHS Mandate
A court ruling today says Christian-run business Hobby Lobby does not have to pay fines under the HHS mandate while its legal challenges continue.
A federal appeals court in
Denver has reversed a lower court’s decision to deny Hobby Lobby Stores
Inc.’s quest for an injunction against part of the Affordable Care Act
that requires it to cover the cost of emergency contraceptives for some
of its employees.
Obama Admin Releases Final Draft of Pro-Abortion HHS Mandate
The Obama administration today
released the final draft of the HHS mandate that will force
religiously-run groups and companis to pay for abotion-causing drugs and
birth control in violaton of their consciences.
The initial versions of the HHS
mandate have already been the subject of multiple lawsuits from colleges
and businesses that will be forced to comply because the HHS rules have
very limited exceptions.
Abortionist Killed Baby Born Alive After Abortion, Hid Evidence Cremating Body
Some time ago, Live Action published a
series on babies born alive after abortions. The series highlighted
cases where children were born after abortions and not allowed to
survive. One article discussed the accusations
made by a former clinic worker against Dr. Tommy Tucker, who has since
lost his license after being implicated in the death of a woman at his
clinic. Many people in the pro-life movement are aware of the
allegations against abortionist Douglas Karpen. Three abortion clinic
workers released a video in which they testified that the abortionist
has killed many babies who were born alive.
New York Times All But Runs Fundraising Piece for Texas’ Pro-Abortion Wendy Davis
It must be nice to be an obscure
Democratic state legislator when a major liberal newspaper runs a puff
piece in your favor. Such was the case in a June 27 story in The New
York Times highlighting the filibuster of a Texas abortion law by
Democratic state senator Wendy Davis.
In total, the 18-paragraph
piece read more like a campaign letter to donors than an actual news
article, with the substance of the bill buried in the 16th paragraph of
page A23.
Born With No Arms, Chet McDoniel Says “I’m Not Perfect, But I’m Worth It”
“I’m not perfect, but I’m worth it.”
To read these words through the
lens of a pro-life message is powerful. Despite what the world around us
may try to communicate about the standard of perfection set for us in
today’s day and age, as human beings, we are, in all actuality,
perfectly imperfect. Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy: Abortion and Planned Parenthood
Dr. Angela Franks, author of the incredibly well-researched and scholarly book “Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy,” is perhaps the nation’s foremost authority on the issue of Margaret Sanger’s troubling history of eugenic activism.
Franks spoke to attendees at
this year’s NRLC Convention about the eugenic roots of Planned
Parenthood’s founder in a talk entitled “Margaret Sanger and Planned
Parenthood: The Eugenics Connection.” “Rights” Not Synonymous With Women’s Health
When your grandmother gets some bad news, do you tell her: “Well, at least you have your abortion rights”?
Why not? Maybe it’s because whatever you think of abortion, the right to have one is not synonymous with a woman’s health.
Outspent 12-1 by Emily’s List, Right to Life Still Beats Pro-Abortion Group
In a March 3, 2013,
poll conducted by the polling companyTM, inc., only 12 percent agreed
with the statement, “Abortion should be legal for any reason at any time
during a woman’s pregnancy,” and yet this is the extreme position held
by EMILY’s List.
Rush Limbaugh Was Right, Abortion is What’s Wrong With Our Culture
Let me give you something real quick to think about.
Let me give you something real quick to think about.
Is Mercy Killing Really Merciful?
In a society where murder of the pre-born (and infanticide) is widely accepted, it is tragically unsurprising that the next step, child euthanasia, may soon take hold in a new way.
In a society where murder of the pre-born (and infanticide) is widely accepted, it is tragically unsurprising that the next step, child euthanasia, may soon take hold in a new way.
Melinda Gates Promised Not to Push Abortion, Now Promotes Planned Parenthood
When Melinda Gates announced the Gates Foundation’s expanded commitment to contraception, she made certain to spell out that this commitment did not embrace abortion or population control.
When Melinda Gates announced the Gates Foundation’s expanded commitment to contraception, she made certain to spell out that this commitment did not embrace abortion or population control.
Telling Teens to Say No to Drugs is Accepted, Abstinence a Different Story
Why is it when it comes to threats to our children’s health—like smoking or drugs—society has no problem promoting the policy to “just say no?” Yet, when dealing with sexual activity, abstinence is treated like a rarity, if not an impossibility.
Why is it when it comes to threats to our children’s health—like smoking or drugs—society has no problem promoting the policy to “just say no?” Yet, when dealing with sexual activity, abstinence is treated like a rarity, if not an impossibility.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Kansas Planned Parenthood Sues to Stop Law Saying Abortion Destroys Human Life
In the space of two days late last week, two lawsuits were filed against Kansas’ 2013 Pro-Life Protections Act, HB 2253.
In the space of two days late last week, two lawsuits were filed against Kansas’ 2013 Pro-Life Protections Act, HB 2253.
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