Submitted by: SandraAgenda 21 In China “250 Million Rural Citizens Corralled Into Cities” |
Shanghai skyline
The communist dictatorship ruling over mainland China has a new centrally planned plot in the works, a controversial scheme that seeks to force hundreds of millions of farmers from rural areas to regime-dominated mega-cities being built across the nation. According to news reports, much of the land is being seized by force as the Chinese Communist Party works fiendishly to pack people into shoddy cookie-cutter buildings and cities sprouting up all over the country.
More than a few analysts, of course, have cited former Chinese dictator Mao Tse Tung’s central planning schemes, which killed tens of millions of innocent people through starvation and even outright murder. While the late communist tyrant was obsessed with forcing “industrialization” on China from the top down, the regime’s newest crop of autocrats is similarly determined to foist what is dubbed “urbanization” on the Chinese.
It appears increasingly clear that the vast rural population will be forced to submit and “urbanize” whether they like it or not — all for their own benefit, of course, the regime and its propagandists insist. The latest development, though, follows decades of centrally planned disasters triggered by Communist Party plans to redesign society.
Among the worst was the murderous “Cultural Revolution,” a program started by mass-murderer Mao designed to centralize and solidify communist control by attacking traditions, vestiges of the market system, and especially dissidents. Another tragedy brought about by the regime's scheming: the so-called “Great Leap Forward,” which was supposed to modernize the country away from its agricultural roots but actually led to the “Great Chinese Famine” and tens of millions dead.
According to a report in the New York Times, the latest communist plan aims to relocate some 250 million rural people into urban areas over the next 12 years. The U.K. Telegraph, meanwhile, reported separately that around 400 million Chinese from the countryside were in the regime’s cross-hairs to be corralled into sprawling new centrally planned cities being erected all across China. Bloomberg Businessweek said about half of China’s rural population of 650 million would be relocated by “nudging, urging, and sometimes forcing farmers and their families to settle in China’s cities.”
News reports about the effort in establishment publications have largely been focusing on relatively trivial potential problems stemming from the scheme: unemployment, pollution, slums, pensions, and other matters. Most of them contain quotes from people celebrating their new lives in regime-run cities, though a few quote people who were forcibly evicted. However, buried deep within the articles, the truth about what is really going on becomes more apparent.
For example, about half-way into the recent report by the New York Times, which has long been criticized for sugar-coating or even concealing communist atrocities, readers find out that the plan will essentially be implemented at the barrel of a gun. “Efforts have been made to improve the attractiveness of urban life, but the farmers caught up in the programs typically have no choice but to leave their land,” the paper admits.
Of course, the dictatorship’s “constitution” states that all land in China is owned collectively — in other words, the regime calls the shots and property rights, at least as Americans know them, are not a barrier to the grand scheme. However, as Beijing and its lower-level minions across the country work to kick farmers off the land they farm, unrest is growing, and conflicts between authorities and farmers are becoming increasingly frequent.
In a 2011 survey cited in various media reports, a U.S.-based organization known as Landesa Rural Development Institute found that almost 45 percent of Chinese villagers said regime functionaries had seized or tried to take their land. “There’s this feeling that we have to modernize, we have to urbanize and this is our national-development strategy,” Landesa China director Gao Yu was quoted as saying. “It’s almost like another Great Leap Forward.”
Amnesty International, meanwhile, reported last year that at least 41 Chinese people had set themselves on fire from 2009 to 2011 to protest the widespread confiscation of land and property. The real numbers are probably much higher, but the dictatorship enforces an Orwellian censorship regime that aims to prevent the world and the people of China from knowing what the communist despots are doing.
“The problem of forced evictions represents the single most significant source of popular discontent in China,” the U.S.-based human rights group warned in its report. Under the new plan, however, the long-simmering outrage is likely to keep growing as the repressive regime gobbles up ever-greater quantities of land while dislocating hundreds of millions of people.
Unsurprisingly, Beijing, its legions of propagandists, and its Western apologists all claim that the “Great Uprooting,” as the New York Times put it, will benefit China and the victims of forced re-location. “Urbanization will usher in a huge amount of consumption and investment demand, increase job opportunities, create wealth for farmers, and bring benefits to the people,” the dictatorship’s new “Premier,” Li Keqiang, announced at a press conference. [Note from Elissa:WHAT A LIE! Its a power grab! And the ultimate controlling of the masses!]
Lower-level functionaries for the regime echoed those claims in media interviews. Vice director Li Xiangyang, with the dictatorship’s “Institute of World Economics and Politics,” for example, argued that forcing farmers into cities would force them to consume more. “If half of China’s population starts consuming, growth is inevitable,” he claimed. “Right now they are living in rural areas where they do not consume.”
Another argument advanced by proponents of the radical plot — described by the leftist U.K. Guardian as “the biggest and fastest social movement in human history” that is “turning Chinese society on its head” — is the notion that farming could become more efficient and “sustainable” if small farms were eradicated and replaced by massive operations. The regime’s “premier” made similar claims about the plan, estimated to cost upwards of $5 trillion.
Also part of the agenda is enforcing more so-called “sustainability” and pseudo-environmentalist policies on China — a highly polluted nation thanks in large part to communism, central planning, and a lack of real property rights. While a controversial United Nations scheme known as Agenda 21 has so far largely stayed out of the limelight in relation to the Chinese regime’s latest plan, the similarities between the UN’s planetary vision and the “urbanization” plan are remarkable.
To analysts who have followed China, the UN, so-called “sustainability,” and the role of the Western establishment in all of it, however, the communist autocracy’s new plot is hardly surprising. Billionaire banker and self-styled globalist David Rockefeller, for example, wrote fondly of Mao’s mass-murdering agenda as early as the 1970s. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history," he claimed in a 1973 piece for the New York Times.
Other globalist pseudo-environmentalist advocates for the UN, sustainability, and the Chinese regime include people like Maurice Strong, former Earth Summit boss. Twenty years after the original 1992 Earth Summit, a senior Chinese Communist Party member chaired the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beijing’s latest “Five Year Plan” is also filled with “green” references.
While only outlines of the Chinese “urbanization” plan exist publicly at the moment, analysts say more concrete information on how hundreds of millions of farmers will be herded into cities should emerge after the Communist Party’s “Third Plenum” meeting in the fall. The autocrats have reportedly asked the World Bank to help create “sustainable” proposals to “urbanize” the hundreds of millions of people.
What is almost certain at this point, however, is that, like all centrally planned efforts to restructure an entire society, Chinese people — and especially the peasants — can expect extra doses of misery and brutality. Forced evictions, like forced abortions, already run rampant in China. There is little doubt that the “urbanization” scheme will make it worse.
The dictatorship ruling from Beijing has already developed a reputation as among the most repressive and barbaric in the world — and even throughout human history. Despite Rockefeller’s claims of “success,” the coming decade will undoubtedly see countless additional crimes perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party in its zeal to uproot innocent citizens to suit the grand designs of their rulers. Whether justice will be served, however, depends on how the people of China react.
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at .
NOTE from Elissa: Could we see this in America at some point? Only time will tell!
With continued pressure from the EPA and other heavy-handed agencies to close rural communities so wolves and bears and mountain lion can roam free (even undisturbed across elementary school playgrounds as is now happening), my scenario is not as far-fetched as once thought. Let me go even further and share that a very aggressive push to close major utilities that provide for rural Arizonans is also underway. Very large fines by the EPA to meet some nebulous and still not explained criteria the utilities cannot pay, are now threatened with little to no consideration for the people who will be forced to relocate since water and power will either not be available or will cost 25-50% more, per month! Not to mention the loss of jobs connected to the utilities and associated ally industries and businesses.
ReplyDeleteAgenda-21 relocation is already beginning in other countries and just kept from the American public so as not to awake a sleeping giant! Mentioned below is but one country implementing Agenda-21 citizen relocation. The American Main Stream Media is onboard with the New-World Order and all of its’ nefarious plans and schemes. Many elected officials are, too! One only has to look at the debate (again) in the U.S. Senate regarding immigration and Border Security to learn that the sovereignty of the United States of America, as we have known her, is no longer the priority. Bringing America into the New-World Order where national sovereignty is no longer the rule, no longer acceptable, open borders with open citizenship, and no national loyalty or sovereignty is the goal being raced towards. Our United States Constitution, our inalienable rights of freedom are an outdated concept no longer viable for this New-World Order. All power is to be given to the State, for the State, and by the State for the good of the State…even to decide where individuals live.
Wake Up America! Wake Up Arizona! The drums are beating and the plans are being implemented whether you remain in denial or not. We The People have a terribly very narrow window of remaining opportunity to stand and fight the good fight. Spending time at Starbucks or McDonalds thinking all is well; is exactly what the Elites, who are pulling the strings, want from you. I pray we find elected officials who are more concerned with the realities of pending loss of personal and state sovereignty than with getting re-elected. I pray we find elected officials who are willing to stand and sound the alarm, to stand as the voice for the people (including those in denial), and who are willing to stand and be the arm of discontent for the citizens who elected them in the first place.
Please read what is being implemented in China where media is no obstacle to tyranny. Where the people live by the will of the government; where demonstrations are not allowed and are met with force; where surveillance on the citizenry is common place; where the will of the state is all encompassing. America is heading in the same direction, quickly!
Lyle –
Comment Pt2:Comment of Lyle J Rapacki, Ph.D : FOR YOUR ANALYSIS AND CONSIDERATION:
ReplyDeleteI presented “Agenda-21 and loss of State sovereignty” to a couple of thousand folks in 12 Arizona cities the past five months. I have shown Power Point evidence to the on-going plan to relocate citizens from rural areas and communities, and place them into already prescribed human development zones in the core of our state made up by several cities already chosen for such relocation. The idea that such an act could happen in America is still most difficult for many to grasp. Emotional arguments like, “I will just refuse to leave my ranch, or home, or property” have been common. As I pointed out using Agenda-21 documents, and passages from their own books and teaching materials the collapse of the middle class is well underway; the collapse of the over-all American economy is well underway; the collapse of rural communities is well underway given the first two considerations just mentioned, but then add the closures of recreational zones, forests, rural roads, industry befitting the rural landscape, and the livelihood of rural Arizonans is hanging by a thread.
Comment of Sandra: The Colorado fires were started/planned to force folks from their rural mountain homes into the cities where they will be corralled, separated and dealt with accordingly - it is happening and most have NO clue. . .