Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Submitted by: Lady Byrd
Have you ever thought maybe you should help pay the cost of homosexual
activity at "gay" bath houses and "gay" bars?
Too bad -- you are.
Click here for details |
Submitted by: Lady Byrd
twenty years ago, the estate
recovery clause was added to
Medicaid. If you are 55 or over and receive Medicaid coverage, the state
you live in can seize your estate when you die to recover the costs they paid
out for your health care.
and large, a large percentage of the people receiving Medicaid have been the low
income sector and poverty sector. Once they start receiving Medicaid,
there is little if any incentive for them to try to work and get off the
system. In fact, it seems that government created the system in such a way
as make it more lucrative to be poor and stay poor than to try to work and make
something of one’s self. In that light, why shouldn’t the state seek
repayment of what they’ve paid out for someone’s laziness?
Submitted by: Lady Byrd
by Erik Rush
Stop pretending Obama is our president
Exclusive: Erik Rush warns that havoc wreaked on America has been deliberate
Published 25 December, 2013
Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical
fare. His latest book is "Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial
Obsession." In 2007, he was the first to
give national attention to the story of Sen. Barack Obama's ties to militant
Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, initiating a media feeding frenzy. Erik
has appeared on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes," CNN, and is a veteran of
numerous radio appearances.
Featured - Tuesday, December 31, 2013
- Utah asks Supreme Court to stay decision on marriage
December 31, 2013
- 10th Circuit sets ‘expedited’ schedule for appeal of Amendment 3
December 31, 2013
- New Egyptian constitution gives greater freedom to Christians
December 31, 2013
- Attacks on religion, liberty | Robert George and Katrina Lanto Swett of USCIRF
December 31, 2013
Zealand author and blogger Trevor Loudon, who declared President
Obama’s statecraft and foreign policy stances “brilliant” — when it
comes to working for America’s rivals, that is.
Dec 30, 2013 05:38 pm
Go To Full Post: New Zealand author and blogger Trevor Loudon, who declared President Obama’s statecraft and foreign policy stances “brilliant” — when it comes to working for America’s rivals, that is.
Dec 30, 2013 05:38 pm
Go To Full Post: New Zealand author and blogger Trevor Loudon, who declared President Obama’s statecraft and foreign policy stances “brilliant” — when it comes to working for America’s rivals, that is.
Submitted by: John Rolls
“Direct Threat To All Life”, That Starts When? Lasts How Long
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Today at 2:10 PM
Turner who critized 3 corrupt Judges was sent to this prison.......READ HIS STORY
LIFE NEWS 12/31/2013
Grants Request From Jahi McMath’s Family to Extend Life Support
The judge who is adjudicating
the case of Jahi McMath has granted an extension for life support after
a legal request from her family’s attorney.
A county judge extended the
order for Oakland-based Children’s Hospital to keep Jahi McMath on
life support until 5 p.m. on January 7. Her mother and family say she
is alive following a tonsillectomy gone awry that has left her in an incapacitated
state since early December. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/12/30/judge-grants-request-from-jahi-mcmaths-family-to-extend-life-support/
of “Brain Dead” Teen Jahi McMath: My Daughter is Alive
Winkfield, the mother of Jahi McMath, the supposedly “brain dead”
teenager who is just hours away from having a hospital revoke her life
support, has released an open letter saying her daughter is alive.
McMath’s family had found
a new care facility that will continue her medical care and treatment.
But the hospital she is at now won’t cooperate to move her.
RENEW AMERICA 12/30/2013
December 30, 2013
ALAN KEYES — And Mary said: My soul doth
magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Because
he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from
henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is
mighty hath done great things to me: and holy is his name.... (more)
December 30, 2013
GORDON HELSEL — When 72 percent of
Americans surveyed by Gallup see big government as the greatest threat
to their freedom and safety, we've got a huge problem. Gallup says:
"This suggests that government policies specific to the period, such as
the Affordable Care Act - - perhaps coupled with recent revelations of
government spying tactics by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden - -
may be factors."... (more)
CONBUSTIBLE 12/31/2013
COWBOYBYTE 12/31/2013
NSA can hack WiFi networks from miles away
Sneaky, very sneaky. Check it out: A surprising new list of National Security Agency surveillance capabilities was revealed during Berlin’s Chaos Communications Congress this weekend, including the agency’s ability to hack private WiFi networks from up to eight miles away. … Continue reading →
Top Cowboy Headlines | |
CLASH DAILY 12/31/2013
Why Are LGBT People So Hacked With Christians?
[From the book, The Cross & the Constitution
in the Age of Incoherence, 2012, Tate Publishing] Perhaps secular ears
will hear … Not long ago a gay couple in West Hollywood hung Sarah Palin
in […] ... READ MORE
Make Your New Year’s Anti-Resolutions My New Year’s resolutions: -Become co-dependent on a significant other and base my entire life around that person’s dreams and aspirations while completely ignoring my own -Develop a fear of doing or saying anything that ... READ MORE
Make Your New Year’s Anti-Resolutions My New Year’s resolutions: -Become co-dependent on a significant other and base my entire life around that person’s dreams and aspirations while completely ignoring my own -Develop a fear of doing or saying anything that ... READ MORE
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
It is time to tell D.C., ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
It is time to tell D.C., ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Submitted by: Donald Hank
The recent series of terrorists attacks which have taken place in Russia, in which tens of people were killed, are events that are only adding to the nation’s already growing tension against Islam, and it as well prefigures a religious inquisition being imposed on Muhammad’s heresy.
According to the pro-Russian government newspaper, Izvestiya, Russian security officials are aspiring to impose certain measures to control uncontrolled immigration, and also imposing surveillance on women who have converted to Islam.
Kirill Benediktov, a Russian policy analyst, attributed the terrorist attack to Saudi Arabian support of Wahhabism in Russian:
Russia Will Get Tougher On Islamic Religion
By Theodore ShoebatThe recent series of terrorists attacks which have taken place in Russia, in which tens of people were killed, are events that are only adding to the nation’s already growing tension against Islam, and it as well prefigures a religious inquisition being imposed on Muhammad’s heresy.
According to the pro-Russian government newspaper, Izvestiya, Russian security officials are aspiring to impose certain measures to control uncontrolled immigration, and also imposing surveillance on women who have converted to Islam.
Kirill Benediktov, a Russian policy analyst, attributed the terrorist attack to Saudi Arabian support of Wahhabism in Russian:
Submitted by: Debbie Beatty
The Obama Lie Library (To Date):
*I will have the most transparent administration in history.
*The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
*I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
*The IRS is not targeting anyone.
*It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
*I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict
and cynicism".
The Obama Lie Library (To Date):
*I will have the most transparent administration in history.
*The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
*I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
*The IRS is not targeting anyone.
*It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
*I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict
and cynicism".
video: Obama’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013Dec 31, 2013 01:30 pmRead More and Comment: Video: Obama’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013 |
Dear Fellow Conservative,
I don’t need to tell you how important it is that we win control of the United States Senate in November; you already know that. What I am here to tell you though is that the path to 51 Republicans to take back the Senate, 51 votes to make Washington, D.C. work for the people, and 51 votes to finally repeal Obamacare, runs through Michigan.
My name is Terri Lynn Land—I am ready to be the next Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Michigan, and ready to be America’s 51st vote to repeal Obamacare.
We need to win a total of six seats in November to finally take the reins from Harry Reid. It won’t be easy; some seats are more difficult to win than others. But as each day passes, and more Americans are faced with the new reality of more expensive health care, fewer choices, and lower quality, the more people join our cause.
I don’t need to tell you how important it is that we win control of the United States Senate in November; you already know that. What I am here to tell you though is that the path to 51 Republicans to take back the Senate, 51 votes to make Washington, D.C. work for the people, and 51 votes to finally repeal Obamacare, runs through Michigan.
My name is Terri Lynn Land—I am ready to be the next Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Michigan, and ready to be America’s 51st vote to repeal Obamacare.
We need to win a total of six seats in November to finally take the reins from Harry Reid. It won’t be easy; some seats are more difficult to win than others. But as each day passes, and more Americans are faced with the new reality of more expensive health care, fewer choices, and lower quality, the more people join our cause.
MUTH'S TRUTHS 12/31/2013
[Editor's Note: The Left, the mushy middle and the media would all have us believe that the tea party movement has petered out and is on life support. Au contraire. As Matthew Boyle explains in the guest column below, the tea party movement controlled the agenda in our nation's capital in 2013...and appears to be just warming up. Happy New Year, everybody! - Chuck]
2013 Year in Review: Tea Party Beats Washington
by Matthew Boyle
The past year has by far been the best for the Tea Party movement in its short history. In 2013, the five-year old conservative grassroots upsurge has grabbed Washington, D.C. by the collar, tearing the city colloquially known as “Boomtown” in a conservative direction for the first time in decades. As the Tea Party movement matures, it is getting more professional in its political activism.
The way the Tea Party won 2013 is by entrenching itself in Washington warfare and fighting for conservative victories by connecting powerful grassroots activists directly with lawmakers in decision-making positions. What has happened is the movement has matured, and learned how to manipulate the ways of Washington to promote conservative policies while defeating liberal ones.
PROGRESSIVES CAN MAKE FUN OF BLACKS: Outrage as MSNBC jokes about Romney’s adopted black grandson
A Sunday episode of MSNBC’s political commentary
show Melissa Harris-Perry has sparked outrage because of a segment that
turned Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandson into the butt of a political
joke. Host Harris-Perry stirred ... READ MORE
THERE GOES TOKYO: Michelle Obama Congratulates Robin Roberts for Being Gay First Lady Michelle Obama today tweeted her support to Robin Roberts – hours after the GMA host revealed she was in a long-term relationship with girlfriend Amber Laign. Mrs Obama, 49, congratulated Robin, 53, and […] ... READ MORE |
WEIRD: No arrests in brutal ‘knockout’ attack on downtown mall A couple’s late night stroll on the Christmas-lit Downtown Mall turned to terror in the early morning hours of Friday, December 20, when they were brutally assaulted by three men in what appears to have […] ... READ MORE |
Virginian Creates Registry of Pro-Gun Restaurants
The windows of restaurants and businesses are often crowded with signs and stickers denoting store hours and accepted credit cards, but a Leesburg restaurateur is looking to add one more decal in the name of constitutional rights.
Read More
Charlie Rangel: ‘Cult-Type’ Tea Party Has ‘Illness’ to Campaign on Repeal
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) says he doesn’t understand the Tea Party, “a cult-type of group” and that to campaign to repeal laws “is illness.”
Read More
Congrats to Phil and America
Congratulations America, we did it! Thanks to your passionate push back, A&E networks rescinded its suspension of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson.
Read More
10 Liberal Limericks for 2013
In clear violation of op-ed protocol, this week I’m suspending prose and having a little good, clean, limericky fun at liberals’ expense because – well, because they just make it so darn easy. (Warning: Some are bad and others worse. Side effects may include groaning, nausea, vomiting and involuntary eye-rolling.)
Read More
The windows of restaurants and businesses are often crowded with signs and stickers denoting store hours and accepted credit cards, but a Leesburg restaurateur is looking to add one more decal in the name of constitutional rights.
Read More
Charlie Rangel: ‘Cult-Type’ Tea Party Has ‘Illness’ to Campaign on Repeal
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) says he doesn’t understand the Tea Party, “a cult-type of group” and that to campaign to repeal laws “is illness.”
Read More
Congrats to Phil and America
Congratulations America, we did it! Thanks to your passionate push back, A&E networks rescinded its suspension of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson.
Read More
10 Liberal Limericks for 2013
In clear violation of op-ed protocol, this week I’m suspending prose and having a little good, clean, limericky fun at liberals’ expense because – well, because they just make it so darn easy. (Warning: Some are bad and others worse. Side effects may include groaning, nausea, vomiting and involuntary eye-rolling.)
Read More
Submitted by: Joan Biz
By Susan Duclos
Rumors of affairs, with males and females, surround Barack Obama and the icing on the cake according to multiple sources an...
By Susan Duclos
Rumors of affairs, with males and females, surround Barack Obama and the icing on the cake according to multiple sources an...
Blog post link:
Michelle Has Had Enough Of Barack, Seeks Divorce
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Eye-popper! Japan radiation poisoning America? |
The nuclear disaster in Japan is finally impacting the United States in some very disturbing ways. You'll be disgusted by what's happening to wildlife and the U.S. food supply ... |
Read the latest now on WND.com. |
NEWS WITH VIEWS 12/31/2013
31, 2013
The GOP: A Party in Search
of a Philosophy
Boehner claims to be, and to have always been, a “conservative” and that it is unreasonable for party conservative elements to chastise him. Boehner did not offer a definition of what being conservative might mean and one is left to wonder if perhaps for John Boehner “conservative” is simply a label. Which is, of course, the whole problem spotlighted by that other conservative label, “RINO” or “Republican in Name Only.”...... http://www.newswithviews.com/Swift/jack114.htm by Attorney Jack Swift
Congrats to Phil Robertson
and America
Congratulations America, we did it! Thanks to your passionate push back, A&E networks rescinded its suspension of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson. One thing to take away from the Duck Dynasty controversy is that no one knows enough or can predict the future well enough to be a pessimist.......... http://www.newswithviews.com/Marcus/lloyd279.htm by Lloyd Marcus |
JIHAD WATCH 12/31/2013
Dec 30, 2013 10:27 pm | Robert Spencer
Palin here explains why jihad terrorism works, and why it is on the
rise worldwide today. "You can't parody Islam, says Palin: Monty Python
star believes religious sensitivities have increased so much it would be
impossible to make Life of Brian today," by Alasdair Glennie for the
Dec 30, 2013 10:02 pm | Robert Spencer
information from Islamic Finder can be found here (thanks to Giaour).
But it's strange: Islamic groups in the U.S. such as the Hamas-linked
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and others routinely assure
us that only greasy Islamophobes think that any Muslims in the U.S.
want to establish Sharia...
Submitted by: BobJen
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in
fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan news...top to bottom;
Then go back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them
later, as
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be
removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
Note: This is a "DAILY"
Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something".
And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......especially.
Where Do we go From
Here, America…Will There be Anything left?
From: ORYR
Submitted by: BobJen
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in
fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan news...top to bottom;
Then go back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them
later, as
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be
removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
Note: This is a "DAILY"
Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something".
And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......especially.
From: sherzieve
Where Do we go From
Here, America…Will There be Anything left?
WheresObamasBirthCertificate Team Member Produces Flyer Which All Citizens
Can Distribute ...
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