Dear Conservatives,
As one of the cosponsors of the National Right to Work Act (S. 2173), I'm grateful to all the concerned citizens who have urged your U.S. Senators and Representatives to stand up to Big Labor and end forced unionism.
But it's vital for Right to Work supporters to keep up the pressure.
That's why, if you haven't yet signed the National Right to Work Act petition, please go ahead and do so by clicking here. It's important your elected officials hear your opinion on the National Right to Work Act.
If you need a refresher why this bill is so important, take a few minutes to watch the eye-opening video.
Once you have (or if you already did), I would like to ask a favor of you.
Please forward this email to everyone you know who shares our concern for worker freedom and a better economy.
Let your friends and relatives know that the National Right to Work Act not only fights forced unionism, it also loosens Big Labor's stranglehold on our economy.
Click here to forward the National Right to Work Act petition now.
I hope I can count on your action today.
Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)
P.S. The National Right to Work Committee relies entirely on generous voluntary contribution from its supporters. Please click here to chip in with a contribution now.
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