Obama To Military: Pay Up
In an official policy statement the White House wrote,
“The Administration is disappointed that the Congress did not incorporate the requested TRICARE fee initiatives into either the appropriation or authorization legislation.”
In the most recent budget proposal by the Obama administration (no budget has been in effect the entire time Obama has been in office), billions of dollars worth of higher feesfor members of TRICARE were proposed. It’s one of the administration’s means of cutting $500 billion from the Pentagon’s budget.
Obama makes this move against what the House has already approved in May, which isHR 5856. It outlines a clear and precise military budget. But Obama’s senior adviserssay that he will veto it. The House bill has bi-partisan support.
It appears that our own military cannot depend on the psuedo commander-in-chief to look out for them while they continue to look out for America.
Should the bill make it to his desk and he veto it, it will be another in a long line of issues that Barack Obama has set up that Republicans can easily slam him for in this election season, but more than that, it will mean that it only becomes more and more difficult for struggling military servicemen and their families.
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