Tuesday, March 31, 2015
CHUCK KOLB 03/31/2015
President Davis w Mass Awakening !!!
Previously posted ...
Jade Helm files - Intel Intercepts !!!
There is a very real battle going on for the future of America and the rest of the world, that originates from the Fourth Dimension. What we call reality is merely a holographic projection. The monetary system is a spiritual system that creates a virtual reality by a satanic elite using sorcery and magic, which interfaces with Quantum Physics. The technologies of scientific mind control developed by England, Nazi Germany and America have established a genetic dictatorship where Cybernetics, the Singularity and the World Brain will plug everyone alive into the Hive Mind by hacking into the human mind through computer-brain interfaces. Mass Events can be ignited due to "Emotional Contagion" through the Internet and produce Mass Awakenings for evil or good. In "Mass Awakening" you will understand how it is possible that a Mass Event like revival can ignite a Third Great Awakening, bringing in a last days soul harvest before the return of Jesus Christ. Only those who can overcome their programming by renewing their minds and learning how to walk in a supernatural relationship with God will be able to overcome in the last days. Ultimately, the new global order is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God ! Thanks - Paul McGuire
Previously posted ...
Jade Helm files - Intel Intercepts !!!
There is a very real battle going on for the future of America and the rest of the world, that originates from the Fourth Dimension. What we call reality is merely a holographic projection. The monetary system is a spiritual system that creates a virtual reality by a satanic elite using sorcery and magic, which interfaces with Quantum Physics. The technologies of scientific mind control developed by England, Nazi Germany and America have established a genetic dictatorship where Cybernetics, the Singularity and the World Brain will plug everyone alive into the Hive Mind by hacking into the human mind through computer-brain interfaces. Mass Events can be ignited due to "Emotional Contagion" through the Internet and produce Mass Awakenings for evil or good. In "Mass Awakening" you will understand how it is possible that a Mass Event like revival can ignite a Third Great Awakening, bringing in a last days soul harvest before the return of Jesus Christ. Only those who can overcome their programming by renewing their minds and learning how to walk in a supernatural relationship with God will be able to overcome in the last days. Ultimately, the new global order is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God ! Thanks - Paul McGuire
QUOTE: Pakistani brigades would relieve the substantial
Saudi ground forces strung out along the kingdom's 1,000-kilometer-long southern
border with Yemen, and free them up for action against the Houthis.
Pakistani troops would also be available for ensuring security at Saudi oil
fields and terminal, as they have in the past."
Well, if the US is no longer the power that defens the
Saudi oil fields, then the petrodollar agreement is DEAD!
But without that agreement, the dollar is no longer propped
up by anything:
Analysts insist that the reason for the dollar's decline is
the Fed's announced rate hikte. But if the props have just been kicked out from
under the dollar, isn't that the more likely reason? Could it be that the Fed is
raising rates only to hide the real reason?
If my guess is correct, the dollar will not recover after
the rate hike goes into effect -- barring unforeseen circumstances. Let us hope
and pray for unforeseen circumstances.
Don Hank
Donald Hank writes:
Two items should command your attention today:
1. Pakistan enters the fray in
Pakistan has entered the Yemen conflict on the side of Saudi Arabia.
The other side is headed by Iran. For the first time this pits 2 Muslim powers
against each other that either have nukes (Pakistan) or are thought to aspire to
have them (Iran). Add to this the fact that Iran and Pakistan share a border and
you have a situation as volatile and dangerous as we have seen in decades. What
happens if Iran escalates and sends MORE troops or its air force gets
Stolen Valor! Real Vet Confronts Imposter Mar 30, 2015 06:02 pm Go To Full Post: Stolen Valor! Real Vet Confronts Imposter |
GRASSTOPS USA 03/31/2015
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." ~ Seneca |
Abuse, Dereliction, Neglence ... |
Posted On America's Conservative News When Reuters released a story on their poll to the public, they chose to highlight the result that a third of all Republicans viewed Obama as an "imminent threat," but they neglected to tell you, as the late-Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story. Read The Full Story |
THE POINT 03/31/2015
Obama-Backed Muslim Ex-Dictator “Wins” Nigerian Election“Allah willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country” Read more » |
Stunning Breaking News Out of the Iranian Nuke “Talks” in Switzerland
Iranian President’s Aide DEFECTS During Nuke Talks, Leaks Obama’s Stunning Deception
A close aide to Iranian President
Rouhani has just defected during the height of nuclear talks, and leaked
very disturbing information about the United States’ so-called
“negotiating” team.
He revealed that the European powers are
opposed to the weak deal Obama is pushing, and that the Obama
team is acting as if they were agents of Iran.
In addition, Obama is reportedly
threatening key allies who are against the insane deal that would
permits Iran to continue to enrich nuclear material in bomb-proof
bunkers, beyond the eyes of inspectors.
The Telegraph reports:TEA PARTY NEWS NETWORK 03/31/2015
"'A close aide to
Iranian President Rouhani has just defected during the height of nuclear
talks, and leaked very disturbing information about the United States..." Read more...
AMNESTY ALERTS!!!! 03/31/2015
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
Well, winter is over. That means that a new border surge is upon us. Illegal aliens have begun crossing the border again in record numbers and the Obama administration is once again refusing to turn them away.
We went over this last year. The administration wants you to believe that these are just small children who are coming across the border. I guess the illegal alien “children” with tattoos and facial hair didn’t get that memo.
The fact is that we are facing an invasion on our southern border for the second time in as many years and it is only just starting to build up. We’re not even into April yet and Border Patrol has already “caught” 12,509 illegal aliens. This is the second largest border surge in our history!
Border Patrol Ignoring Judge, Letting Thousands of Illegal Aliens In!
Fellow American,Well, winter is over. That means that a new border surge is upon us. Illegal aliens have begun crossing the border again in record numbers and the Obama administration is once again refusing to turn them away.
We went over this last year. The administration wants you to believe that these are just small children who are coming across the border. I guess the illegal alien “children” with tattoos and facial hair didn’t get that memo.
The fact is that we are facing an invasion on our southern border for the second time in as many years and it is only just starting to build up. We’re not even into April yet and Border Patrol has already “caught” 12,509 illegal aliens. This is the second largest border surge in our history!
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Hanging is too good for these murderers & crooks !
Hanging is too good for these murderers & crooks !
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 03/31/2015
Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die Horribly
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore.
Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die
Horribly The purpose of this essay is to present facts and very
conservative estimates which will convince the reader that billions of
human beings will most likely suffer horrible deaths before the year
2050 and almost certainly will suffer...
Porker of the Month: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy |
Submitted by: John Rolls
Obama's Judaslike Kiss of Death On America
Posted and written by Cynthia J Quinn
cannot help feel a tremendous sense of gloom and despair knowing that
one of the twelve disciples of Jesus betrayed him for 30 pieces of
silver! How is greed like that even possible? Jesus explains it in four
simple words, “Then Satan entered Judas” (Luke 22:3)
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary Daily DigestTHE FOUNDATION"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God." --Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Convention, 1775TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKSConn. Governor Lashes Out at Indiana's Religious Freedom Law |
Random Thoughts for April, 2015. By Robert A. Hall
Feel free to post or forward.
If John Boehner or Mitch McConnell were chanting, 'Death to
Obama, Death to Democrats" maybe Obama would be eager to negotiate with
The nuke deal with Iran keeps getting worse. If the
Mullahs hold out another of couple of weeks, Obama will give them some of our
I'm beginning to think Hillary may not be the Democrat nominee
in 2016.
JIHAD WATCH 03/31/2015
Necessary Lies
“That lies should be necessary to life is part and parcel of the
terrible and questionable character of life.” –Nietzsche I couldn’t help
but notice how the major media outlets avoided articulating into print
what much of thinking humanity suspected after hearing the horrible news
of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately flying his plane into
[…] |
1776 COALITION 03/31/2015
1. Matt Kibbe on Harry Reid's Legacy, Ted Cruz, and Clinton Emails On Fox News Sunday, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe discusses Harry Reid's legacy, Ted Cruz's chances, and the Hillary Clinton emails. Syndicated columnist George Will, Carol Lee of The Wall Street Journal, and former Democratic Senator Evan Bayh also join the panel. Watch more here... |
This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a “Grave” Warning About Democrats
who live in the present age ought to take close heed of the messages
passed to us by our forefathers and ancestors, including long-deceased
friend of President Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Nathaniel Grigsby. This
legendary man, born on October 11, 1811, died 124 years ago, but not
without first sharing a paramount message about the Democratic
Featured - Monday, March 30, 2015
- NYC churches hope mayor keeps promise, rescinds worship service ban
March 30, 2015
- Mayor De Blasio, don’t make these churches homeless!
March 30, 2015
- Clear eyes, full hearts: Why we need Easter
March 30, 2015
- Family loses lawsuit to force nursing home to starve their mother to death
March 30, 2015
- Woman who cut baby out of mother’s womb should be charged with murder
March 30, 2015
From: Kathy
Dog Fetch Fails -- makes you laugh! NONE OF US
Full Audio- Dr. Terry Lakin
On Challenging Obama's Article II Eligibility; My Life Was
Threatened http://www.birtherreport.com/Monday, March 30, 2015
The NSA has a copy of each and every E Mail sent and/or received by citizens of the U.S.A..
If a subpoena were issued by Congress to the NSA demanding copies of ALL E mails sent by Hillary and to Hillary encompassing the dates of her tenure as Secretary of State, JOB DONE!
If a subpoena were issued by Congress to the NSA demanding copies of ALL E mails sent by Hillary and to Hillary encompassing the dates of her tenure as Secretary of State, JOB DONE!
March 30, 2015 | Permalink
The Ind. of the Road for Religious Freedom?Unfortunately for Governor Mike Pence (R-Ind.), the hysteria started well before last Thursday, when he officially inked the bill into law. Instead, the Left's propaganda machine has been out in full force all month, working to deceive people into believing that this measure will somehow give Christians the ability to "discriminate." |
March 30, 2015
ALAN KEYES — It's official. U.S. Sen. Ted
Cruz is competing in the GOP presidential primaries. I have only one
question for him: Will he pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee,
whoever that may be? De facto, this pledge is required of every
competitor in the GOP primary process... (more) |
Seriously? Did John Kerry Just Refer To ‘Allah’ When Asked About The Iran Nuclear Talks?Mar 30, 2015 02:31 pm"Holding up both hands with his fingers crossed..." This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom Read More and Comment: Seriously? Did John Kerry Just Refer To ‘Allah’ When Asked About The Iran Nuclear Talks? |
Feds hiding details of Navy Seals shootdown |
When Hillary Clinton blows off a demand to produce documents, she erases the data and wipes the disk clean.
Read the latest now on WND.com.
PATHETIC: Obama’s Pentagon Gives SICK Excuse for Why Bergdahl Deserted
seems like the Obama administration is intent on finding all kinds of
excuses as to why Bowe Bergdahl abandoned his post in 2009. The
latest claim to surface about what actually happened that night involves
Bergdahl’s concern for wrongdoing at his unit. Sources close to the
case say Bergdahl planned to report “order and discipline” problems |
JIHAD WATCH 03/30/2015
Egypt: Muslim mob attacks church honoring Christian martyrs of Islamic State
“It is not permissible for Christians to build or repair churches.” —
Egyptian Shaykh Sa’id ‘Abd-al-‘Athim “Non-Muslim subjects…are forbidden
to build new churches.” (Reliance of the Traveller 011.5; o119-10)
“Minya church commemorating beheaded Egyptians attacked,” by Mahmoud
Mostafa, Daily News Egypt, March 29, 2015 (thanks to Patrick Poole): …On Friday, scores of mostly young Muslims […] |
Mar 30, 2015 06:59 am

By News Editor
Recent reports indicate that senior Obama officials are doing their best to deep-six the Bergdahl prosecution.
Obama Trying to Stop the US Army From Prosecuting Bergdahl?
By News Editor
Recent reports indicate that senior Obama officials are doing their best to deep-six the Bergdahl prosecution.
Obama Trying to Stop the US Army From Prosecuting Bergdahl?
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