Random Thoughts for February, 2015. By Robert A. Hall
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Cruz: ‘In Effect, They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers’ Jan 30, 2015 05:53 pm View all latest posts at: Conservative 50 Plus Blog. Go To Full Post: Cruz: ‘In Effect, They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers’ |
Dear Friends,
I’m driving up to Carson City tomorrow for
our 78th Nevada Legislature. I’m really excited for this session as
well as our new
Assembly Policy Committee. The Assembly Policy Committee will be providing
Nevadans with summaries of bills in plain, everyday language so you can
track what our
legislators are proposing and email them your thoughts on whether
it’s good for
Nevadans or not. We will certainly be talking a lot about this on
“Walk the
Talk” each Saturday morning on 720am KDWN from 7:00-8:00am
This week’s radio show just aired, and you
can listen online at www.VoteFiore.com.
FREEDOM FORCE 01/31/2015
Breaking News:
- Democrats Now Want to Ban Body Armor
- Pesky History Stands In the Way of Liberal Efforts
- Gun Buybacks: An Opportunity for Profit
- Boehner on Dissension: It's About Fundraising
Yours in Freedom,
- Democrats Now Want to Ban Body Armor
- Pesky History Stands In the Way of Liberal Efforts
- Gun Buybacks: An Opportunity for Profit
- Boehner on Dissension: It's About Fundraising
Yours in Freedom,
Savage calls out Obama on 'medical genocide' |
Popular radio host Michael Savage is not the least bit surprised by news
the recent Disneyland measles outbreak probably came from overseas.
But he has a surprising warning from history and epidemiology about what it all means for America. |
Read the latest now on WND.com.
CHUCK KOLB 01/31/2015
Lee with Longstreet - N.B.Forrest
- J.E.B.Stuart - "Stonewall"Jackson
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson - LEST WE EVER FORGET !!!
Verily, both Lee and Jackson would be grieved greatly at the country’s current state of affairs, abuses by the federal government upon the states, and now, the war on history, itself. A hundred and fifty years have passed, yet Southerners and much of the rest of America are still fighting the over-reach of the federal government. Black Americans are still struggling against a system that in many ways is set up for failure. The Southern plantation system has been replaced by Washington, D.C. leaving many citizens searching for answers. There is justification in honoring these American heroes with a national day of remembrance as they do in Lexington, Virginia.
Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Beshalach 'When He Let Go' - Pharaoh !!!
✡ ✡ ✡
THE POINT 01/31/2015
Obama Ready to Help Finance $160 Billion in India Green EnergyWe'll be paying China so India can install solar panels with money we borrowed from China Read more » |
BREAKING: US Generals Come Forward With Huge Bombshell About Hillary
eventual fall of Hillary Clinton is near. Between recordings of her
bragging about defending a child rapist to new revelations about her
involvement in the Benghazi terror attacks, she’s walking through pretty
thick mud these days. A recent bombshell set of recordings was revealed
by The Washington Times that clearly expresses the frustration felt by |
JIHAD WATCH 01/31/2015
Jan 30, 2015 07:54 pm | Robert Spencer
“Blasphemy should be declared a crime globally and stringent laws
should be made in this regard.” This may not even be necessary:
non-Muslims in the once-free world are voluntarily censoring themselves
in accord with Sharia norms in increasing numbers. “Sentiments: Siraj
accuses Muslim leaders of silence over blasphemy,” Express Tribune,
January 31, 2015: LAHORE: The […]
Jan 31, 2015 04:50 am

By News Editor
A British medical student who became part of ISIS to find a friend's children recently escaped and made a startling revelation: ISIS is planning something far worse then 9/11.
Insider Warns of Imminent Attack: ISIS Planning Something Much Bigger Than 9/11
By News Editor
A British medical student who became part of ISIS to find a friend's children recently escaped and made a startling revelation: ISIS is planning something far worse then 9/11.
Insider Warns of Imminent Attack: ISIS Planning Something Much Bigger Than 9/11
Savage says that Romney was told to step down so his supporters would go to Jeb
to run against Hillary and lose. Not news.
Still, let us make this perfectly clear (and we don’t care how many
republican (in cahoots) party friends and associates again beg us on hands and
knees now to vote for Jeb)...WE WILL NOT
VOTE FOR JBUSH...over and out.
From: Sher From: J.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Forgive and Forget
God’s Way
many times have you had a dispute with a friend, loved one or even your
wife and ended up apologizing and asking for forgiveness and been told,
“I forgive you?” Over the next few days, months or even years another
dispute arises with that same person and you hear, “Remember when….?” ;
and you are reminded of the initial dispute and are ‘beat over the head’
with it.
Was that person honest is his/her telling you, “I forgive you?”
ACTIVIST POST 01/30/2015
NYPD to Permanently Patrol Protests with Machine Guns
ISIS Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US
Social Media Giants Adopt ''Mob Rule'' Tactics
NYPD to Permanently Patrol Protests with Machine Guns
Carey Wedler
Pentagon: Hillary's Push For War In Libya Was Based on ''Stupid Facts''
Eric Blair
ISIS Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US
Tony Cartalucci
Social Media Giants Adopt ''Mob Rule'' Tactics
Janet Phelan
Update: Your Blast Faxes And Calls Are Working. House Republicans Just Announced That They Would Postpone The Vote On Their Mother Of All Amnesty Bills. But it's not enough to DELAY this bill. Now we need to administer the coup de grace... we need a another flood of Blast Faxes and calls to kill this GOP amnesty scheme. You already know what John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and a number of GOP elites tried to do. After Boehner's House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill to defund Barack Obama's Imperial Amnesty Decree, GOP elites agreed ... behind the scenes... to pull a bait-and-switch and let that bill die on Mitch McConnell's desk. |
The Kids Are Not All RightIt's almost a foregone conclusion that researchers who compare children raised by heterosexual parents to those raised by a homosexual one will be vilified, harassed, and professionally targeted. An amicus brief filed with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals might explain why.In their own words, four of these adult children are breaking their silence in an official court document about how growing up with s changed their lives. At a time when the Left is desperately trying to prove that all families are the same, these stories -- from the powerful to the painful -- speak for themselves. |
MUTH'S TRUTHS 01/30/2015
America’s worst Republican governor strikes again.
So there’s this story going around that Nevada Attorney General
Adam Laxalt owes his election last
November to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Oh, puh-lease.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
I agreee with Chuck on the vast majority of this, particularly his critique
of mindless 'Christians,' but there may be a bit of libertarian thought here
that needs to be scrutinized and weeded out (for example, law and order is
needed, and our police must defend it. But to what extent? That is the issue
that we need to discuss. What is happening right now is that Americans
are waking up to the way our elites have brainwashed us in the past and they are
absolutely furious and belligerent, ready to fight the powers that be. But
we need a careful analysis of our situation or we will wind up
with something akin to anarchy, and that is not good. Don Hank
By Chuck Baldwin January 29, 2015 NewsWithViews.com |
RENEW AMERICA 01/30/2015
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — You're not going to
like this. Our commander-in-chief is recklessly releasing jihadists from
Guantanamo Bay. The president's Bush-deranged base is buoyed by the
all-out effort to fulfill his vow to shut down the detention camp. But
the vast majority of Americans remain opposed, and increasingly
alarmed... (more) |
VIDEO: Watch the Amazing Moment a Blind Vet Sees for the First Time in Nearly 20 Years
so nice to be able to report something amazing happening to a veteran
of the U.S. military – especially given the ups and downs of the
treatment of our veterans over past decades. But this story has to be
one of the best. Mark Cornell, an 18-year veteran of the Air Force, lost
his sight |
JIHAD WATCH 01/30/2015
Jan 29, 2015 05:16 pm | Robert Spencer
Earlier today I was on Sun TV’s Straight Talk with Pat Bolland,
discussing the new demands the Islamic State had made regarding its
Jordanian and Japanese hostages, and jihad murderer Sajida al-Rishawi.
Jan 30, 2015 07:45 am

By News Editor
Senior Obama adviser, John Podesta, has been caught in a major ethics violation: he received tens of thousands of dollars from a shadowy foreign billionaire whose passion is shutting down American energy exploration.
Obama Advisor John Podesta Paid by Shadowy Foreign Billionaire to Shutdown ANWR?
By News Editor
Senior Obama adviser, John Podesta, has been caught in a major ethics violation: he received tens of thousands of dollars from a shadowy foreign billionaire whose passion is shutting down American energy exploration.
Obama Advisor John Podesta Paid by Shadowy Foreign Billionaire to Shutdown ANWR?
Daily DigestTHE FOUNDATION"The province of the Court is solely to decide on the rights of individuals. ... Questions, in their nature political or which are, by the Constitution and laws, submitted to the Executive, can never be made in this court." --John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, 1803TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKSReleased Gitmo Jihadi Seeks Return to Battle |
Breaking News:
- Pesky History Stands In the Way of Liberal Efforts
- Gun Buybacks: An Opportunity for Profit
- Boehner on Dissension: It's About Fundraising
- The False Perception of Conservatism
Yours in Freedom,
- Pesky History Stands In the Way of Liberal Efforts
- Gun Buybacks: An Opportunity for Profit
- Boehner on Dissension: It's About Fundraising
- The False Perception of Conservatism
Yours in Freedom,
GRASSTOPS USA 01/30/2015
"If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way." ~ Emile Zola |
Disparaging The Entrenched Two-Party System? |
Posted on America's Conservative News Yes ladies and gentlemen, you read that right ... and it's happening right here in the good ol' USA ... Read The Full Story |
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Beshalach 'When He Let Go' - Pharaoh !!!
Previously posted ...
ISIL threatens WH - WH threatens BIBI !!!
Welcome to this week’s Parasha (Torah Portion).
This is the portion of Torah that will be read in synagogues around the world during this week’s
Shabbat (Saturday) service. We know you will be blessed as you read along today. Enjoy!
In last week’s study, after the last and most devastating of the Ten Plagues
(Death of the Firstborn), Pharaoh finally relented in letting the Israelites go free.
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 01/15/2015
Worse Grid Down Scenario, 4 Months, 250 million dead
FIX THIS NATION 01/30/2015
Your #1 Conservative News Source
>> Jindal Speaks Truth to Islam, Warns of "Colonization" <<
>> Rollover Your IRA or 401k Into Gold Using This IRS Loophole - Free Guide Reveals How <<
>> Obstructionist: President Will Veto Keystone Bill <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
>> Jindal Speaks Truth to Islam, Warns of "Colonization" <<
>> Rollover Your IRA or 401k Into Gold Using This IRS Loophole - Free Guide Reveals How <<
>> Obstructionist: President Will Veto Keystone Bill <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
THE POINT 01/30/2015
Illiterate Social Justice Warriors Denounce US Army for “Chink in Armor” TweetWe're a few years away from Chink being outlawed because leftists can't read. Read more » |
Submitted by: Kurt J Fritsch
By Bob Price
27 January 2015
An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal’s decisions are “voluntary.”
Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the “judges,” Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of “non-binding dispute resolution.” El-badawi said their organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “a court or forum of justice.” The four Islamic attorneys call themselves “judges” not “arbitrators.”
By Bob Price
27 January 2015
An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal’s decisions are “voluntary.”
Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the “judges,” Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of “non-binding dispute resolution.” El-badawi said their organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “a court or forum of justice.” The four Islamic attorneys call themselves “judges” not “arbitrators.”
CHUCK KOLB 01/29/2015
ISIL threatens WH - WH threatens BIBI !!!
Previously posted ...
Goo Goo GOOGLE - here's the skinny !!!
As the end time events come into prophecy fulfillment,
it is pure insanity as ISIL desires to behead Soebarkah and
Soebarkah conspires to derail Bibi's reelection. You can
deny reality, but you cannot deny the consequences of
denying reality.
✡ ✡ ✡
Obama’s AG Nominee: Right To Work Is Shared By Everyone In This Country Regardless Of Immigration Status
Jan 29, 2015 05:06 pm
View all latest posts at: Conservative 50 Plus Blog.
Go To Full Post: Obama’s AG Nominee: Right To Work Is Shared By Everyone In This Country Regardless Of Immigration Status
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