Officer Corps of the US Military Complicit in Treason & Establishment of World Government
Today's Articles
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Petition: Bring Illegal Immigrants to VA and House Them?
Jul 30, 2014 06:31 pm
The post Petition: Bring Illegal Immigrants to VA and House Them? appeared first on Conservative 50 Plus Blog.
Go To Full Post: Petition: Bring Illegal Immigrants to VA and House Them?
LIFE NEWS 07/31/2014
Meriam Ibrahim Finally Heads to U.S. After Being Sentenced to Death for Her Faith
The Sudanese woman who was pregnant and sentenced to death for not
recanting her faith is finally headed for the United States after she
spent weeks in a U.S. embassy after her release from prison.
At eight months pregnant, Ibrahim had been sentenced to death for not renouncing her Christian faith and she was imprisoned and eventually forced to give birth in chains while shackled in the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in North Khartoum, Sudan.
At eight months pregnant, Ibrahim had been sentenced to death for not renouncing her Christian faith and she was imprisoned and eventually forced to give birth in chains while shackled in the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in North Khartoum, Sudan.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
How my son Mike came to recognize the wickedness in
Genocide and culturicide in Ukraine:
Facts be damned, Russia is foe, China is
Big Labor is demanding Congress pass its Card Check Forced Unionism bill.
That's why if you have not already done so, it's vital you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators demanding they oppose Card Check Forced Unionism.
And if you have already signed the petition, please forward this email to friends and family by clicking here.
If you need more information, please read below.
Click here to sign the petition.
Rand Paul
Big Labor is demanding Congress pass its Card Check Forced Unionism bill.
That's why if you have not already done so, it's vital you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators demanding they oppose Card Check Forced Unionism.
And if you have already signed the petition, please forward this email to friends and family by clicking here.
If you need more information, please read below.
Click here to sign the petition.
Rand Paul
Featured - Thursday, July 31, 2014
ADF in the News
From the Desk of:
Mathew D. Staver
Founder & Chairman, Liberty Counsel
The Internal Revenue Service is still discriminating against the First Amendment rights of Christians and conservatives. Responding to a complaint from an atheist group that won a court decision, the IRS has agreed to monitor churches for "electioneering."
Additional proof of the agency's unconstitutional treatment of conservatives was also revealed yesterday, when congressional investigators released incriminating emails from Lois Lerner. In the correspondence, the IRS' former head of tax exempt groups refers to conservatives as "crazies," and uses foul language to describe them.
The Obama administration continues to execute a strong, determined strategy to silence conservative and Christian voices across America. Find out what steps you can take to derail those efforts by reading my important update below— Mat.
Mathew D. Staver
Founder & Chairman, Liberty Counsel
July 31, 2014
The Internal Revenue Service is still discriminating against the First Amendment rights of Christians and conservatives. Responding to a complaint from an atheist group that won a court decision, the IRS has agreed to monitor churches for "electioneering."
Additional proof of the agency's unconstitutional treatment of conservatives was also revealed yesterday, when congressional investigators released incriminating emails from Lois Lerner. In the correspondence, the IRS' former head of tax exempt groups refers to conservatives as "crazies," and uses foul language to describe them.
The Obama administration continues to execute a strong, determined strategy to silence conservative and Christian voices across America. Find out what steps you can take to derail those efforts by reading my important update below— Mat.
CHUCK KOLB 07/31/2014
9pm EDT 7/31 - Dr. Jim Garrow on Walls In
Our Minds !!!
Previously posted ...
Previously posted ...
COWBOYBYTE 07/31/2014
House approves lawsuit against Obama’s Executive PowerAll about the politics not the actions. Check it out: The House on Wednesday approved a highly contentious lawsuit against President Obama over his alleged abuse of executive power, teeing up an election-year legal battle sure to spill onto the … Continue reading → |
Top Cowboy Headlines |
Breaking News: Majority of Americans Want to See Illegal Immigrants Sent Packing
More Popular News:
- Third of Americans Want Obama Thrown Out of Office
- Hamas Charter Makes Clear Their Ambitions
- Post-Antibiotic Future – Could Drug Resistance Doom the World to a Plague?
- Are We On the Verge of Getting Rid of Obamacare Once and For All?
In Freedom,
Ray Hobbs
More Popular News:
- Third of Americans Want Obama Thrown Out of Office
- Hamas Charter Makes Clear Their Ambitions
- Post-Antibiotic Future – Could Drug Resistance Doom the World to a Plague?
- Are We On the Verge of Getting Rid of Obamacare Once and For All?
In Freedom,
Ray Hobbs
Liberal Judges Sacrifice Women's Safety to Abortion Agenda
Earlier this week, in a transparent act of judicial slight-of-hand, two judges on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a pro-life bill in Mississippi unconstitutional. They enjoined the law not because of what it says -- it merely brings abortion regulations back in line with state standards for ambulatory surgical centers -- but because holding abortionists to standard medical standards would shut down the last abortion facility in the state. In other words, two unelected justices decided that keeping abortionists in business is more important than the safety of women. Even more amazing is that the same Circuit ruled in favor of a very similar law in Texas.ACTIVIST POST 07/31/2014
Record Label Lawsuit Against Vimeo Threatens Free Speech Online
This is Why No One Trusts Gov't, CIA Apologizes After Denying Torture Hack
Kiev Deploys WMDs Against Eastern Ukraine
Internationalists Are Pushing The World Towards Globally Engineered Economic Warfare
The Big Blackout: Why I’m Going Low-Tech to Prep for an EMP
Record Label Lawsuit Against Vimeo Threatens Free Speech Online
Activist Post
This is Why No One Trusts Gov't, CIA Apologizes After Denying Torture Hack
Eric Blair
Kiev Deploys WMDs Against Eastern Ukraine
Ulson Gunnar
Internationalists Are Pushing The World Towards Globally Engineered Economic Warfare
Brandon Smith
The Big Blackout: Why I’m Going Low-Tech to Prep for an EMP
Daisy Luther
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Militias are on alert at our southern border! Pray for them!
Militias are on alert at our southern border! Pray for them!

THE POINT 07/31/2014
Bill Clinton Admits He Chose Not to Kill Bin Laden Before 9/11
The blood of 3,000 Americans in on his hands.
Read more »
NEWSMAX 07/31/2014
Breaking News From
CIA's Brennan Apologizes, Admits to Spying on Senate
Special: Do NOT Pay Your Mortgage Until You See This! An Often Overlooked Way to Pay Off Your Mortgage Frightens Banks Across America...
Divided House Abandons Vote on Border Bill
Draft Ben Carson Chairman: Campaign's Success Is 'Astonishing'
Ben Stein, Alan Dershowitz, Steve Forbes, featured on Newsmax TV Live – Watch on DIRECTV 349 or DISH 223 or Online – Go Here Now
CIA's Brennan Apologizes, Admits to Spying on Senate
Special: Do NOT Pay Your Mortgage Until You See This! An Often Overlooked Way to Pay Off Your Mortgage Frightens Banks Across America...
Divided House Abandons Vote on Border Bill
Draft Ben Carson Chairman: Campaign's Success Is 'Astonishing'
Ben Stein, Alan Dershowitz, Steve Forbes, featured on Newsmax TV Live – Watch on DIRECTV 349 or DISH 223 or Online – Go Here Now
GRASSTOPS USA 07/31/2014
"It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." ~ Patrick Henry |
Bankrolling Death Squads |
By John Hayward We're still trying to grapple with the newest, richest terror state in history seizing a fortune in cash, plus military equipment, from conquered Iraqi territory. Now we learn Europe has been pouring millions of ransom dollars into the hands of hostage-taking terrorists. Read The Full Story |
Obama Orders Netanyahu to Cease All Military Operations
Jul 31, 2014 03:29 pm
“He was yelling and telling Prime Minister Netanyahu..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Watch the Video and Comment: Obama Orders Netanyahu to Cease All Military Operations
FREEDOM WORKS 07/31/2014
1. New Version of USA FREEDOM Act Would Curb NSA Spying
Senator Leahy (D-Vt.) has introduced a new version of the USA FREEDOM Act that would limit the NSA’s power to spy on innocent Americans. This bill is a good step in the right direction to restore our 4th amendment rights and it’s an improved version from the weakened bill passed by the House.
You may remember the House debate over the USA FREEDOM Act a few weeks ago. A number of pro civil liberties groups, including FreedomWorks, endorsed the original version of the USA FREEDOM Act. We felt that it was the best bill introduced to increase government transparency and limit the bulk collection of records on Americans. Read more here...
Senator Leahy (D-Vt.) has introduced a new version of the USA FREEDOM Act that would limit the NSA’s power to spy on innocent Americans. This bill is a good step in the right direction to restore our 4th amendment rights and it’s an improved version from the weakened bill passed by the House.
You may remember the House debate over the USA FREEDOM Act a few weeks ago. A number of pro civil liberties groups, including FreedomWorks, endorsed the original version of the USA FREEDOM Act. We felt that it was the best bill introduced to increase government transparency and limit the bulk collection of records on Americans. Read more here...
PATRIOT POST 07/31/2014
"[Rights] are not annexed to us by parchments and seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence, which establish the laws of our nature. They are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power, without taking our lives. In short, they are founded on the immutable maxims of reason and justice." --John Dickinson, A Warning to the Colonies (Of the Right to Freedom; and of Traitors), 1766TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKS
'Stop Whining' and Take ObamaCare
ALT 07/31/2014
ALT Headlines Featured Stories for July 31, 2014 | ||||
SHARIA-COMPLIANT Department of Defense orders US troops to refrain from eating or drinking in front of Muslims during Ramadanby BareNakedIslam |
were also told to learn more about Islam and the brigade commander
provided a link to a website about Islam, and specifically
Ramadan. That’s the directive that has gone out to active duty military
personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a
Department of Defense medical and graduate school in Bethesda, Md. The
brigade […]
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 07/31/2014
Don't Miss This! Nightmare in America Right Now: FEMA Quarantine of US Citizens and Global Transmission of Ebola Already Here?! (Life-Saving Video) (video)
Jul 31, 2014 07:30 am

By News Editor
A game warden hit in the head with a rock while trying to seize a raft. Police officers wounded in an hours-long standoff with a gang member wanted for murder.
Ohio Sheriff Sends Mexico $900,000 Bill for Jailing Illegals
By News Editor
A game warden hit in the head with a rock while trying to seize a raft. Police officers wounded in an hours-long standoff with a gang member wanted for murder.
Ohio Sheriff Sends Mexico $900,000 Bill for Jailing Illegals
JIHAD WATCH 07/31/2014
Jul 30, 2014 09:24 pm | Robert Spencer
US Defense Security Cooperation Agency said that ‘the U.S. State
Department agreed to sell Iraq five thousand Hellfire missiles to help
it in the war against Jihadists.’” What’s that you say, US Defense
Security Cooperation Agency? “Jihadists”? Don’t you know that CIA
director John Brennan has declared that jihad is a positive concept, and
Submitted by: BobJen
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
Briefer –
Note: This is a "DAILY" Briefer. "If you DON'T get one
DAILY, say something".
Jenny....Got it, Patriots? From: Maria
If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try,
Try, again, and
again, and again. You Will Wonder; You Will
Worry; And You Will Cheer The Outcome. LINK
From: Vincent Gioia...
Surrender... That the House leaders’ border package includes no language on
executive actions is surrender to
a lawless …
RedState Briefing 07/31/2014
Morning Briefing
For July 31, 2014
This is Inexcusable
House Republican Leaders have a deal for conservatives. After giving Barack Obama a blank check with the debt ceiling, if they will now give him $659 million then and only then will John Boehner give conservatives a vote on shutting down DACA.
This really is inexcusable. DACA is the chief incentive inspiring people to cross the border. The administration intends to expand DACA.
The House GOP should be starting with closing DACA, not telling conservatives they first have to fund the President and then they’ll get table scraps.
I have opened RedState’s Action Center. Go here now, put in your zipcode, and we will connect you with your congressman. Tell him the House GOP must close DACA as part of their legislation, not as a separate vote after funding Barack Obama. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The "CREST Act" (Children Returning an Expedited and Safe Timeline Act) will do the following:
- Make it a federal crime to tell someone where a Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Human Health and Services (HHS) or Border Patrol bus carrying illegal aliens is spotted, coming from or headed.
EXCELLENT! Hamas military chief says, “No cease-fire until the Israeli siege of Gaza is lifted”
by BareNakedIslam
means, Israel can continue its air strikes and ground offensive until
all the underground tunnels and rocket launchers are destroyed. The only
siege on Gaza is the Israeli blockade of weapons being shipped to Gaza.
Otherwise, everything they need, they get. And their high obesity rate
is proof that they have all the food […]
Submitted by: Doris Parker
Until now, "Operation BlueStar" has been kept hidden from the public by members of Congress, governors of five states, and major silicon heavyweights.
But by 2015 it will impact 98% of the U.S. population.
Forbes describes the end game of what's been put in motion as "world-changing," with initial estimates projecting a $737 billion disruption to the U.S. economy.
Yet, few Americans have any idea what Operation BlueStar is, or how this secret technology project will transform America.
That's why 34-year Silicon Valley insider Michael Robinson performed his own investigation into it.
What he's unearthed are five shocking facts about Operation BlueStar:
1) Operation BlueStar involves a top-secret base 3X larger than the National Mall

This special investigation reveals the exact location of this unbelievable tech project, which is projected to span 1,000 acres and include a 10-million square foot facility. Even at 3X larger than the National Mall, this is still America's most top-secret base.
2) Operation BlueStar will impact 98% of Americans by 2015

If you live anywhere near one of these red dots you will feel the direct effects of Operation BlueStar by 2015. Already, five states are engaged in an economic war for control of the project. For the latest details, go here.
3) The key technology for Operation BlueStar was discovered in a golf cart

The key piece of technology used in Operation BlueStar was actually discovered 24 years ago, by J.B. Straubel while salvaging junk at a local scrap yard.
4) Operation BlueStar could revolutionize the automotive industry

Morgan Stanley released its own investigation and determined that, "We are witnessing the most disruptive intersection of manufacturing, innovation and capital experienced by the auto industry in more than a century."
Forbes believes "a revolution, a true disruptor" is coming.
5) Operation BlueStar is the equivalent of "reinventing fire"

Wired Magazine believes Operation BlueStar will usher in "a truly transformative revolution." And top military think tank, the Rocky Mountain Institute, described its impact as the equivalent of "reinventing fire."
Economic War Brewing Among 5 States
By MONEY MORNING STAFF REPORTSUntil now, "Operation BlueStar" has been kept hidden from the public by members of Congress, governors of five states, and major silicon heavyweights.
But by 2015 it will impact 98% of the U.S. population.
Forbes describes the end game of what's been put in motion as "world-changing," with initial estimates projecting a $737 billion disruption to the U.S. economy.
Yet, few Americans have any idea what Operation BlueStar is, or how this secret technology project will transform America.
That's why 34-year Silicon Valley insider Michael Robinson performed his own investigation into it.
What he's unearthed are five shocking facts about Operation BlueStar:
1) Operation BlueStar involves a top-secret base 3X larger than the National Mall
This special investigation reveals the exact location of this unbelievable tech project, which is projected to span 1,000 acres and include a 10-million square foot facility. Even at 3X larger than the National Mall, this is still America's most top-secret base.
2) Operation BlueStar will impact 98% of Americans by 2015
If you live anywhere near one of these red dots you will feel the direct effects of Operation BlueStar by 2015. Already, five states are engaged in an economic war for control of the project. For the latest details, go here.
3) The key technology for Operation BlueStar was discovered in a golf cart
The key piece of technology used in Operation BlueStar was actually discovered 24 years ago, by J.B. Straubel while salvaging junk at a local scrap yard.
4) Operation BlueStar could revolutionize the automotive industry
Morgan Stanley released its own investigation and determined that, "We are witnessing the most disruptive intersection of manufacturing, innovation and capital experienced by the auto industry in more than a century."
Forbes believes "a revolution, a true disruptor" is coming.
5) Operation BlueStar is the equivalent of "reinventing fire"
Wired Magazine believes Operation BlueStar will usher in "a truly transformative revolution." And top military think tank, the Rocky Mountain Institute, described its impact as the equivalent of "reinventing fire."
Editor's Note:
One company holds the key to the entire project. But none of this would
be impossible without the technology owned by the firm's "silent
partner." The identity of both companies and everything you need to know
about Operation BlueStar can be found in this exclusive presentation.
ACTIVIST POST 07/30/2014
Audience Brain Waves Are Being Used to Better Predict YOU
Heather Callaghan
Kiev Fires Ballistic Missiles into Eastern Ukraine
‘Catastrophic’: Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer warns of EMP
Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?
Audience Brain Waves Are Being Used to Better Predict YOU
Heather Callaghan
Kiev Fires Ballistic Missiles into Eastern Ukraine
Tony Cartalucci
‘Catastrophic’: Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer warns of EMP
Aaron Dykes
Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?
Michael Snyder
LIFE NEWS 07/30/2014
Massachusetts Governor Signs Radical Bill Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech
Despite the fact the nation’s highest court took the state of
Massachusetts to task for passing a law curtailing the free speech
rights of pro-life advocates, the Bay State is again trying to suppress
In a unanimous decision last month, the Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts buffer zone law prohibiting pro-life free speech outside abortion clinics. The decision was a huge victory for pro-life sidewalk counselors who provide women with abortion alternatives.
In a unanimous decision last month, the Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts buffer zone law prohibiting pro-life free speech outside abortion clinics. The decision was a huge victory for pro-life sidewalk counselors who provide women with abortion alternatives.
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