Dear Conservatives,
Steven Starr, MT (ASCP), is a medical
laboratory scientist at the University
of Missouri, with expertise in nuclear
proliferation and its environmental
impacts, and is also a senior scientist
at Physicians for Nuclear Responsibility.
His speech entitled, "The Implications
His speech entitled, "The Implications
of Massive Radiation Contamination of
Japan with Radioactive Cesium" and was
given at the Cinema Forum Fukushima
symposium in New York City March 11-
12, 2013. The event was co-sponsored
by The Helen Caldicott Foundation and
from these continued radiation spikes will
more than likely be blamed on causes other
than radiation, effectively covering up the
severity of the situation. The radiation
component of radiation-induced heart
disease, organ failure, and cancer, for
example, will be simply ignored, and any
increase in deaths, particularly among the
elderly, declared nothing unusual.
The New York Academy of Medicine's
Fukushima Symposium made it crystal
clear that there has been a deliberate
effort by Japanese government, the Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the
Obama administration, the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to
downplay the long term health
consequences of nuclear fallout, especially
to children.
Instead of backtracking on the billions
of dollars he approved to subsidize TEPCO
to build more US nuclear power plants,
Obama is participating in an international
cover-up to conceal the serious long term
dangers of this technology.
Video I (around 20:31 mins):
And then, there's:
Video II (around 26:42 mins):
In a two-hour July 2013 interview with
an atmospheric scientist and planetary risk
consultant, we learn that the Fukushima
catastrophe is ongoing, that the US
Government is lying to us about our
exposure to radiation and its attendant
impact, and that our Food "Safety" agencies
have raised allowable levels of radiation
by more than 400%. These are the extracts
from that interview.
Simon Atkins, PhD, DSc, warns not to
eat any Pacific seafood and to consider
moving to the Southern Hemisphere,
at least 15 degrees south of the equator.
How can we protect ourselves? Steven
Starr, MT (ASCP) says first, be aware of
what items are likely to be highly tainted:
1.) SEAFOOD: Question the origin of ALL
seafood. Fish and crustaceans from the
Pacific Ocean should all be considered to
be poisoned with radiation.
2.) WATER: The rainfall and snowfall are
all radiated. Do not drink any water that
has not been filtered. The tap water that
flows from your faucet has NOT been
treated to rid it of radioactive particles.
A recent report from the NY Times stated,
"A rooftop water monitoring program
managed by UC Berkeley's Department
of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial
spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during
torrential downpours.
3.) DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk and milk
products from the West Coast states
currently have the highest levels of radiation
in North America.
4.) PRODUCE: Leafy Vegetables, Wines,
Tomatoes, Strawberries....all produce
from California or any other West Coast
States are also likely to be tainted.
5.) MEAT: If an animal eats any leafy
vegetable all along the West Coast, that
animal has consumed radiation and is
poisoned. This is any animal from cows,
pigs, goats, sheep to wild deer and other
game. If you eat the above foods from
areas with high radiation levels, you are
eating radiation and feeding it to your
children. Slowly the radiation levels
within your body will build up.
- Alexandra
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Alexandra Bruce
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