Tuesday, June 28, 2011


David Limbaugh: A Constitutional Convention is a Dangerous Idea

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 12:34 PM
The left's assault on liberty never rests, so don't ever be sucked into supporting the dangerous idea of a new constitutional convention, even if its stated purposes purport to be limited.

Recently, CNN's Fareed Zakaria spoke admiringly of how "Iceland is actually junking its own constitution and starting anew and ... soliciting ideas from all of Iceland's 320,000 citizens, with the help of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube." Zakaria beamed as he ticked off some of the wonderful ideas proposed by Icelanders, such as "guaranteed good health care" and "campaign finance systems that make corporate donations illegal."

Putting aside the obvious question of how Barack Obama, Russ Feingold and John McCain managed to get on Iceland's social networks, I hope idealistic Americans don't get any ideas from this tiny nation's dubious project.
Oh, wait. Our geniuses are already well ahead of Iceland's. A friend called me in February to tell me of a proposed resolution circulating in the Missouri House in support of a national convention to consider amendments to the U.S. Constitution. She asked me to help discourage the Republican leadership from pursuing this ill-considered idea. She didn't have to convince me.
Ummmm, do we really need to scrap a Governance that, when followed, has not only worked well, but has provided prosperity, liberty and security for 235 years? WHO do you trust more? Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Henry and Franklin? OR Obama, Pelosi, McCain, Reed, Kerry, Watters and Biden?!!! What do YOU say about this?

 -Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

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