Verily and extensively high-ranking military officers have gone beyond legitimately articulating why President Trump may be wrong on foreign policy, and now feel free to smear him personally or speak openly of removing their commander-in-chief from office. And the media and the bipartisan foreign-policy establishment are with them every step of the way and even deeper into the dark state ...
Maranatha !
Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Noach - the Merciful Salvation of God !!!
Gather In His name
President Trump quotes ...
"We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unaccountable,
unelected global bureaucracy," "We reject the ideology of globalism."
9/25/18 U.N. General Assembly
'Tonight we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country."
2/5/19 State of the Union address
Sign up for email updates here ...
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President's Public Schedule (1:26:22) 11/1/19
LIVE: President Trump in Lexington, KY (1:20:46) 11/4/19
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Wed, November 6, 2019 - Monroe, LA
7:00 pm (CST) Monroe Civic Center
401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expy, Monroe, LA 71201
Rally Live Streams
w vid At Kentucky rally, Donald Trump claims 'far left' is trying to impose 'authoritarian ideology' on nation
“They want to indoctrinate your children, destroy anyone who holds traditional American values,”
Trump warned at a political rally in Lexington, Ky.
Rehearsal for 2020 ...
w vid on 2019 takeaways: What we learned from Kentucky, Virginia, and Mississippi
The Democrats swept Virginia. The Republicans swept Mississippi. And Kentucky is still too close to call.
w vid 'I have the real polls': Trump calls Fox News polls 'lousy' after survey finds 49% support impeachment
"You're reading the wrong polls," Trump told reporters when asked about the surveys outside the White House. "I have the real polls. The CNN polls are fake. The Fox polls have always been lousy I tell them they ought to get themselves a new pollster." Trump said "the real polls" that came out that same morning showed that "people don't want anything to do with impeachment."
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Trump Suggests Sending U.S. Army to Mexico For ‘WAR’ on Cartels After Deadly Ambush
w vid Suspected drug cartel gunmen kill nine members of a family in ambush in Mexico
Mormon family brutally killed in Mexico. The victims were U.S. citizens and members of La Mora, a decades-old settlement in Sonora state founded as part of an offshoot of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's located about 70 miles south of Douglas, Arizona. Leah Staddon, who lives in Arizona, said her nephew's wife and her four children died in the blaze. "It's devastating," she said. "It's incomprehensible, the evil. I don’t understand how someone could do that."
w vid Mexico family shooting: Suspect arrested in connection with 'incomprehensible' attack
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Infestation at the White House
Colonel Alexander Vindman was a witness in Adam Schiff’s basement chamber of secrets. During questioning on Tuesday, Colonel Vindman admitted he shared the read-outs of President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Zelenzky with several other secret operatives.
vid> (3:38) Headlines Voice
Rick Perry, top Trump administration aides scheduled to testify in impeachment inquiry
Crooked Adam Schiff Releases Twisted Transcripts
Schiff only released that which tends to favor the democrats. No surprise there!
Due to the secretive nature, we have no way to know how many pertinent facts are redacted.
Impeachment transcripts show - here are 5 takeaways:
w vid Ambassador to Ukraine faced intense pressure
WASHINGTON – House committees leading the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump released transcripts Monday from closed-door depositions with Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, and Michael McKinley, a former senior State Department adviser.
>> Transcript of testimony by former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch
in House impeachment inquiry (317 page pdf)
>> Transcript of testimony by Ambassador P. Michael McKinley
in House impeachment inquiry (156 page pdf)
Sondland detailed 'quid pro quo' in amended testimony filed this week, transcript shows
Read the Sondland, Volker Transcripts From House Impeachment ...
House impeachment investigators on Tuesday released transcripts of the testimony of Gordan Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European ...
>> Gordon Sondland Testimony (379 page pdf)
>> Kurt Volker Testimony (360 page pdf)
Jim Jordan blasts 'partisan', 'unfair' impeachment inquiry
vid> (6:12) FoX 11/3/19
Democrats can try to put a ribbon on a sham process but that doesn't make it any less of a sham,
says Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Republican member of the House Oversight Committee.
w vid 'Do your job!': Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul demands media reveal whistleblower's identity
Whistle-Blower’s Legal Team Releases Shocking Statement
President Trump continues to hammer away at the Democrats’ “impeachment resolution” proceedings, and in particular the so-called ‘whistle-blower’ and the irrelevance of his (or her) thoughts and feelings…
vid> (5:10)
It’s a Race Between Impeachment and a Durham Indictment
After President Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart on July 25 to investigate pro-Clinton Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election, and allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son Hunter, a CIA officer who worked with DNC meddler Alexandra Chalupa and Joe Biden filed a second-hand whistle-blower complaint on a recently altered form which previously allowed only first-hand information.
vid> (3:59)
And he's the latest to face trial ...
w vid Roger Stone, a GOP operative and Trump ally, faces trial on accusations he lied to Congress
Stone, who has maintained his innocence, is among the most prominent allies of President Donald Trump to be charged as part of former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the presidential election.
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Ukrainegate, or the Coup Against President Donald Trump—Phase Three
by Barbara Boyd
> A parade of Washington’s unelected diplomatic elite has been appearing before the House Intelligence Committee in a tiny room in the House basement, a SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility), walled off from the world by a blanket of electronic security to enforce absolute, total secrecy. There, in a proceeding reminding most of the British Star Chamber, they are making claims against a man they hate, a man whom the voters elected in 2016 to throw them all out of any power whatsoever over the nation—the President of the United States.
Pt 1)
> In 2013-2014, the Obama Administration, in conjunction with NATO and the UK government, conducted a coup d’etat in Ukraine, replacing its duly elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, with a U.S./British asset, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
Pt 2)
> Now, let’s look at Ukraine’s intervention into the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. It is known that the following individuals are key players in the coup against the President:
Pt 3)
Don’t Be Fooled by Witch Hunts and Zombie Banks - LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat
stream link> (1:57:48) LaRouchePAC Live 10/31/19
Every Thursday night LaRouchePAC holds a live town meeting-style conference
call with participants across the nation—what we call our weekly "Fireside Chat."
President Trump’s Fireside Chats
In an interview with the Washington Examiner, the President said he wants to read the transcript of his July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky live on air as part of a “fireside chat,” a term coined during the FDR administration when Roosevelt gave evening radio addresses direct to the American people.
vid> (1:25)
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ALERT! House Bill - H.R. 1111 Literally Turns U.S. Into The United Nations New World Order!
There is now a bill presented to the United States Congress titled “H.R.1111 – Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2019″. The details of this bill, the words in the bill, the laws set up in the bill should never, EVER appeared on American soil. This brings a United Nations style of government to the US. As a matter of fact the United Nations is sited numerous times as to how this ‘peacebuilding force’ goes live and active.
vid> (10:50)
H.R. 1111: Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2019
43 page pdf>
a12iggymom reports ...
Maine turning into the next Minnesotastan?
by BareNakedIslam
w Embedded list of more running in other states - Muslims Elected in 2018 General Elections in the U.S.
Another Somali Muslim is running for office, this time in Lewiston Maine (swarming with Somali Muslims). If you don’t like what you see and hear coming out of that America-hating radical Somali Democrat Congressmuslim, Ilhan Omar from Minnesota, don’t elect another one of her ilk, Safiya Khalid, in Maine.
w vid/pix 'No more': Trump says he'll cut off federal funds to fight California wildfires
President Donald Trump said Sunday that he wants to cut off federal funds to fight wildfires raging across California, tweeting that Gov. Gavin Newsom should "get his act together" and properly manage the state's forests.
Floyd Brown reports, publisher of The Western Journal ...
w vid After Years of Common Core, Betsy DeVos Announces 'Devastating' Results
by Jared Harris, Content Editor
Years after Common Core made its debut in many state education systems, the disastrous long-term results of the program are finally being seen. The revelation came as part of the Department of Education’s 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress report. “Every American family needs to open The Nation’s Report Card this year and think about what it means for their child and for our country’s future,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said in a media release. “The results are, frankly, devastating.”
w vid Trump's health insurance rule for immigrants put on hold by judge
PORTLAND, Ore. — A federal judge in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday put on hold a Trump administration rule requiring immigrants prove they will have health insurance or can pay for medical care before they can get visas. U.S. District Judge Michael Simon granted a temporary restraining order that prevents the rule from going into effect Sunday. It's not clear when he will rule on the merits of the case.
w vid Watch Live As Alex Jones Crashes Hillary Event In Austin
Plus, 25 horrible things that will happen if Trump is removed
Alex Jones is storming a Hillary Clinton event in Austin in his signature armored vehicle with fellow Texans to protest the Deep State Queen’s efforts to undo the 2016 election, while she prepares to jump into the 2020 race to challenge President Trump again. Jones will also break down 25 terrible things that will happen in this country if Trump is removed from office.
Hillary is demon from HeLL ...
Hillary Clinton DemonCrats in Tx
vid> (51:40) UNITE AMERICA FIRST 11/3/19
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w vid Iran announces nuke deal violations 40 years after U.S. Embassy takeover, hostage crisis
The head of Iran's nuclear program, Ali Akbar Salehi, said the Middle Eastern nation is now operating 60 IR-6 advanced centrifuges in violation of its 2015 landmark atomic deal with world powers. An IR-6 centrifuge can produce enriched uranium 10 times as fast as allowed under the accord.
w vid Iran starts injecting uranium gas into centrifuges, further unraveling nuclear accord
Ted Belman reports ...
Hey America: Israel is Losing It Too!
by Victor Rosenthal
Israel, I used to suggest, is different. We aren’t crazy. We are a small country that makes the best of its opportunities, with competent leaders. We can’t afford an army like the US has, but ours is still the best in the region, because Jews are smart and know how to innovate. Aren’t we the “startup nation?” Haven’t we found a way to be both a Jewish state, a refuge for persecuted Jews the world over, while still maintaining halfway decent relations with the 20% of our population that are Arabs? Aren’t we, despite all the challenges, a democratic state? Well, boker tov [good morning] Eliyahu as they like to say here to someone who finally understands the obvious. We are just as crazy as America. Our political and social fabric is tearing here just as badly as it is over there, and we seem to be just as clueless about how to mend it.
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
Pray at the Kotel - the Western Wailing Wall
QhD - Doctorate of Quelosophy
Q Is Back!
Alexandra Bruce reports ...
RIG FOR RED - What does that mean? According to Twitter user, @elenochle “Rig for Red” is a command used in the control room of a US Navy submarine. It is used when the boat is going to be surfacing or coming to Periscope Depth at night. The purpose is to give the lookouts heads up for their eyes to adjust to darkness. Q is resurfacing. Eyes open!
Q is Back! (With New Proofs!) & Thoughts on "Initiative Q"
vid> Jordan Saither (17:35) Destroying the Illusion 11/2/19
Maps: Champ - https://www.greatawakeningmap.
Dylan - https://
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Saoirse Kennedy Hill, the granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy, died of an apparent drug overdose at the Kennedy Massachusetts compound in Hyannis Port (via CNN). She was 22. he Kennedy family confirmed the death in a statement on Aug. 1, 2019, following reports that a person had been found unresponsive at Kennedy compound after police responded to a call about a possible drug overdose.
w pix 2 murder suspects escape California jail. See them? Call 911, authorities say
SALINAS, Calif. – Two murder suspects escaped from the Monterey County Jail early Sunday in Salinas, California. Authorities have asked for the public’s assistance in spotting them, the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office announced on social media Sunday. They are considered dangerous and should not be approached. Anyone who sees them should call 911 immediately.
Airbnb bans 'party houses' after 5 die in Halloween party shooting at home rental
w vid Chicago teenager accused of shooting 7-year-old girl on Halloween faces court hearing Monday
A 15-year-old boy charged with attempted murder faces a court hearing Monday in connection with a Halloween night shooting that left a Chicago girl who was trick-or-treating fighting for her life.
Nutz - somebody cut in front of the other in line ...
Two Maryland men got into a fight over a Popeyes chicken sandwich.
One of them was stabbed to death, police say
Man held in Texas Halloween party shooting is freed as case crumbles
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Moocho Man dingaling ...
w vidlinx Why Michelle Obama Will NEVER Be America’s First Woman President
But Michelle Obama, even if she tosses her hat in the ring, would NEVER be America’s first female president. Like her husband Barack, she is simply ineligible. But it’s not quite the same.
> (1:24)
> (0:39)
Chuck Baldwin: Who killed Joan Rivers?
w vid Conservative Journalist's Family Finds Unsettling Threat on Security Camera
It’s dangerous to be conservative in modern America. rom raging leftists intent on causing physical harm to cowards who prefer to dox and harass online, there’s no shortage of liberals acting out against the political right. Now, they’re even turning to shamelessly menacing the families of conservatives.
w vid Colorado Cops Strap Woman to a Chair, Torture Her with Taser Over Refusing to Sign a Ticket
According to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office policies, supposedly police have the right to taser you even though you are completely restrained. While the policy reportedly exists, the risks are present just as well. Over the years, the Free Thought Project has consistently reported on the potential for tasers to be deadly.
vid> (8:25)
Uh Oh - clown whoring around ...
McDonald's CEO ousted after having 'consensual' relationship with an employee
In a news release, McDonald's said Easterbrook was ousted "following the Board's determination that he violated company policy and demonstrated poor judgment involving a recent consensual relationship with an employee."
America….. Social engineering…….
by matureconservative1945
Here we go America, the left nut cakes are now trying to engineer another "social change" , Menstruating men. No I am not joking. Most of we Americans know that men do not have a menstrual cycles, but in colleges and high schools around our nation, the Leftist liberals are asking for women's monthly health products to be available in all men's bathrooms.
Just another sad day for our American justice system. I guess this is the result of the
Presidential choices we've made over the last 24 years… funny that all 3 are good friends huh?
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Breaking: O’Keefe About to Go Live w/ #EPSTEINCOVERUP
Thirteen hours ago, responding to questions many people have asked him related to his work exposing corruption, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas stated that he doesn't fear for his life. He said his organization is protected by patriots.
vid> (1:22)
O'Keefe's Twitter Feed
BREAKING: @abcnews anchor @arobach caught on 'hot mic' in August disgustedly exposing networks decision to strategically spike bombshell investigation into Jefferey Esptein over THREE YEARS AGO.
Says what she had was "unbelievable"
Months ago, mainstream media told you that disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in his jail cell by hanging himself. I told you he was murdered. As it turns out the autopsy proves he was more than likely strangled to death then via suicidal hanging.
vid> (6:13)
infovid> Trump Declares War on Mexican Drug Cartels After Massacre of American Children
Plus Project Veritas to give exclusive details of ABC News aiding and abetting
Deep State/Epstein child trafficking ring
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8 Months Pregnant: Wife with AR-15 Saves Husband & Daughter From Armed Home Invaders
The AR15 in the hands of law-abiding citizens is a necessity because, in a world where full of evil psychotic criminals who thrive on taking advantage of the law-abiding, it gives the power back to the PPL!
vid w linx> (3:20) Colion Noir 11/2/19
1 Peter 2:9 KJV
The Military-Intelligence Complex !!!
Brennan & McLaughlin Admit Intel Trying to Take Trump Out
Two former intelligence heads bragged about how the deep state is engaged in a coup to remove President Trump Thursday, with one even praising God for the existence of the deep state.
vid> (1:49)
Sher Zieve via Ave Victoria reports ...
The Obama plants are still within our military "leadership," folks. And, they need to be reassigned
to some job/position where they will have a much harder time continuing to harm our country...and us.
The Military-Intelligence Complex
by Victor Davis Hanson
Many retired high-ranking military officers have gone beyond legitimately articulating why President Trump may be wrong on foreign policy, and now feel free to smear him personally or speak openly of removing their commander-in-chief from office. And the media and the bipartisan foreign-policy establishment are with them every step of the way. Perhaps these efforts were best summed up by an anonymous New York Times op-ed writer who on September 5, 2018, outlined how officials within the Trump Administration took it upon themselves in the midst of the Mueller investigation to obstruct and impede the workings of the seemingly oblivious cuckold Trump: “The dilemma—which he [Trump] does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations . . . I would know. I am one of them.”
The Complexity of the Military Industrial Complex
The military industrial complex is a very real body incorporating multinational corporations and private contractors with military agencies. There is nothing beyond their reach. They supersede the government in their advanced understanding of global matters, be it military, financial, pharmaceutical, corporate, and more.
Ike warning 1/17/1961 > (2:30)
The “State Secrets Privilege” – How the Military Intelligence Complex Retains Control
State Secrets Privilege is a device used by the Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) to shield information from the judicial branch of Government, giving it undeserved legal immunity, unchecked Executive power and total lack of accountability.
A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex
Arlen Williams reports ...
How to Deep Six the Deep State
by Cliff Kincaid
The most recent declaration of war against Trump, “Thank God for the Deep State,” came from former CIA official John. E. McLaughlin, who genuflected in front of the Deep State during an appearance broadcast by C-SPAN. He was Deputy Director and Acting Director of Central Intelligence. He was on a panel with Obama’s CIA director John Brennan that was sponsored by George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government and the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security. Hayden is a former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Wanted: Justice & The Rule of Law
by Ray DiLorenzo, Editor
Justice and the Rule of Law (justice) within the ruling class in America is a scarce commodity. It's at a point where justice is nowhere to be found when warranted and everywhere when it isn't. The social divide between the ruling class and average Americans has never been as wide as it is now. By ruling class, I mean those in government, the political system, the Ivy League educated, the leaders of bureaucracies, universities, major corporations, newspapers, media, Hollywood.
Arnie Rosner reports ...
The Law That Governs Government (63 page pdf)
Reclaiming the Constitution From Usurpers
by Richard A. Viguerie and Mark J. Fitzgibbon
Government has injected itself into nearly every aspect of privateaffairs, and has taken an excessive, intrusive and omnipotentview of what are publicmatters. Given the vast and unilateralauthority it claims to have over so much of society and property,government has unmatched opportunity for lawbreaking. Itmakes and rigsthe rules in its favor. It cloisters and covers up its lawlessness, and makesit almost impossible to challenge its lawbreaking when exposed.
The Deep State's Vendetta Against General Flynn Led to the Russia Collusion Hoax
by Lawrence Sellin, PhD
Long before he met Donald Trump in August 2015, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was a man marked by the Obama administration. To them, he was a dangerous ticking bomb because of his deep intelligence knowledge and his outspoken opposition to President Obama’s cavalier attitude toward the resurgent threat of terrorism as represented by the rise of the Islamic State. Already under the watchful eyes of U.S. and British intelligence for his contacts with Russians, Flynn’s initial meeting with Trump triggered a cascade of events that would eventually lead to Flynn’s coerced guilty plea for lying to the FBI and the entire Trump-Russia collusion hoax investigation.
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David Suissa, Editor reports ...
Is the Impeachment Inquiry a Coup?
Are the Republicans denying Trump’s wrongdoings and stonewalling the impeachment process out of partisan devotion to the president? Or are Democrats trying to take down the president through a partisan impeachment turned coup?
Andy Biggs: Trump impeachment and Dems' slowest-moving coup in history
Hatred for the president really fuels narrative
Why impeachment is not a 'coup'
Fake Opinion by Julian Zelizer, CNN Political Analyst
Fake Opinion Impeachment Is Not a Coup
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Ruth Hammons reports ... the evil dystopian beast...
NBC News Thinks Getting Microchipped Sounds Super-Convenient - Sweden leads ...
It looks like the push is on. A while back, Brandon Turbeville wrote about the UK’s pro-microchipping coverage. And now, NBC News published a pro-microchipping video, gushing over the “convenience” of having your keys, your money, and your ID all placed in your hand in a device about the size of a grain of rice.
vid> (2:28) NBC 10/13/19
8 Places to Avoid After the SHTF
Depending on what specific kind of S hits the fan, there can be a big element of luck in whether or not you get through it. Of course, your chances of becoming a casualty depend on what’s happening around you, and that mostly depends on where you are.
Frantic Lisa reports ...
MAJOR EVENT FAST APPROACHING & Trust Me You Won’t Like It—Trump’s Forceful Removal…
A major event is approaching, and America just might experience things they have not seen in quite some time. What am I talking about? Well according to multiple news outlets were nearing Civil War, in fact, many believe we’re about two-thirds of the way there…
vid> (5:30)
If Democrats Win In 2020, Here’s What’ll Happen, Nazi Style Labeling Of Conservatives
If Democrats Succeed in impeaching President Trump and overthrowing the 2020 election, then what can we expect in America?
vid> (12:50)
25 Mind-Blowing Things Likely to Happen If Dems Succeed in Removing Trump From Office
Era of pedophilia, child abuse, chemical castration, language police and Hollywood insanity awaits
by Mike Adams - Natural News
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Less than 1% of patients are still alive a decade after their diagnosis, with survival rates not improving at all over the past 40 years, according to Cancer Research UK. The “brutal disease” often goes unnoticed, with around 60% of tumours only being spotted after they have spread, MedStar Georgetown Cancer Institute reports. Pancreatic cancer does cause some warning signs that could help patients get diagnosed sooner. The disease tending to be aggressive, more than 70% of cases that are “successfully” operated on still end up being fatal.
Cannabis chemical as a treatment for pancreatic cancer may have 'major impact’
Cleansing the vatic evil ...
w vid Man who threw Pachamama idol into Tiber speaks out
The man who tossed the infamous Pachamama statue into the Tiber River has revealed his identity today in a video explaining why he removed the "pagan idol” from Santa Maria in Transpontina church near the Vatican last month.
vid> (25:10)
Bizarre omen ...
w vid Boat trapped for 101 years near edge of Niagara Falls moves after Halloween night storm
A boat that has been grounded in shallow rapids near Niagara Falls since 1918 became dislodged on Halloween night and moved downriver about 150 feet. The development was reported by Niagara Parks, an agency of the government of Ontario, Canada, in a video posted to social media on Friday. At the time, the boat was again grounded in a new location.
What is the purpose of daylight saving time?
Why do we turn the clocks back? Daylight saving time is ending. Here are answers to your questions. Daylight saving time was first enacted by the federal government March 19, 1918, during World War I, as a way to conserve coal. As the annual eight-month run ends at 2 a.m. on Nov. 3, here are some facts about daylight saving time you may not have known: While not necessarily advocating changing time, Benjamin Franklin urged his fellow countrymen to work during daylight and sleep after dark, thus saving money on candles. (It was likely a tongue-in-cheek comment.) But daylight saving time saves energy, according to the U.S. Transportation Department.
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Ben Davidson reporting ...
Kira and Lulu Visit the Planets by Kat Davidson
Earth Catastrophe Cycle>
Extensive research links in vid description ...
Crossing Stars, Atmosphere Cycle, Weather Watch | S0 News Nov.6.2019
Geomagnetic events and relative palaeointensity variations during the past 300 ka as recorded
in Kolbeinsey Ridge sediments, Iceland Sea: indication for a strongly variable geomagnetic field
Toward a myth-free geodynamic history of Earth and its neighbors
by roybeaird
"If the Media was half as diligent in reporting the failures as the predictions the public would be aware"
I am sometimes chided for my disbelief in the so-called ‘man-made global warming’ or ‘climate change’ as it is now called. I am told, “this is settled science.” However, after doing hours of research I can find nothing settled in this science when it is science. I find disagreement and refutations of the Alarmist Hysterical Predictions and I continue to believe that God is still on the Throne. That last statement will possibly tick some off, but I am a Christian, I believe the Bible, I believe that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
Weather Modification NEVER Intended To Have This Disastrous Consequence! Millions Impacted
“There is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues.
vid> (12:11)
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
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A greater part of intelligence analysis is deciphering the information
from the disinformation, this is under the guises of tradecraft.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
Proud to be a Jew and an Israeli
I am Israeli - אני ישראלי
Birkat Kohanim
Washington A Man of Prayer 2015 - Jonathan Cahn's message
w transcript - Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Gives America a Final Warning
Thanks - beloved Timothy A. Pope
The King James Bible Documentary (59:06) T. de Haan 12/28/12
I See You - Sauron (0:06)
Trump decimates Christine Blasey - Southaven, MS (1:22) Fox News 10/2/18
QAnon - America, Verge of a Miracle (4:16)
Best campaign Ad ever made ...
Donald Trump's GoldenHair
Bob Hope best movie line ever
Rise Up ! An Anthem For The Revolution - LogisticsMonster (5:18)
For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield 1967
A Few Good Man "You Can't Handle the Truth"
Best intel vid WORLD WAR 3 – END OF DAYS
The #1 Risk To Earth - Killshot by Ben Davidson
Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers
Under God, our Vindicator
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