Previously posted ...
9pm edt 10-31 Live Call - Rogue "Impeachment" is a Coup Attempt !!!
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, all the "fountains of the great deep" burst forth, and the rain began to fall for 40 days and nights. The waters eventually covered the entire earth, overwhelming even the tops of the highest mountains. After 150 days, the water began to recede, and on the 17th day of the 7th month, the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.
Baruch Hashem Adonai
#ShabbatShalom - Welcome to Parasha Noach (Noah), this week’s Torah portion. This is the portion of Scripture that will be read in synagogues around the world during the Shabbat (Saturday) service. We invite you to read along with us; we know you will be blessed as you rediscover the importance of covenant and unity!
Last week in Parasha Bereisheet, Adam and Chava (Eve) were exiled from the Garden of Eden because of sin. They became fruitful and multiplied, as God intended, but sin manifested in their son Cain when he murdered his brother Abel. Murder manifested five generations later in his descendant Lamech, who also refused to repent. This week’s Torah portion specifically identifies that by the time of Noah, the earth was filled with violence (hamas – חָמָ֖ס). God decided to cleanse the world from that hamas by sending a Great Flood upon the earth that would destroy every living thing He had created.
You can view this Parasha on our website complete with embedded links ...
Parasha Noach (Noah): A Righteous Man
Parasha Reading Schedule 5780
Hebrew Blessings for Torah Study
Jewish holiday calendars & Hebrew date converter
Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000–2050
Zmanim / Halachic - Times performed at specific times
Special Shabbatot
The First Shabbat Celebrated (1313 BCE) A Brief History of Shabbat
Shabbat: An Island in Time
English to Hebrew to English lookup
The Best Jewish Words You Need To Know: A Yiddish and Hebrew Glossary
A Living Library of Jewish Texts in Hebrew and English translation.
A Basic Introduction to Biblical Hebrew with CD-ROM - $17.99 till 10/28/19
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The name YHVH Sabaoth is used 235 times in the Bible.
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Simchat Torah: Celebrating Yeshua – the Word That Dwells Among Us
When to Celebrate Yeshua HaMashiach's birthday ...
The Joy of Tabernacles when Jesus was Born
How Yeshua was born on the Feast of Tabernacles by Rabbi Isaac
What others have said concerning Yeshua's birth ...
Jesus was born on the first day of the Jewish New Year, known as Nissan 1, in 6 B.C
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn> (27:20) .
Dr. Michael Heiser - Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) - Tishri 1, 3759 / September 10, 3 B.C.
> (40:33)
Holy Hebrew Arithmetic: What Age was Jesus when he became Teacher-Priest?
The Daniel Timeline
The Book of Revelation In Words of Understanding - Sermon Series (96 page pdf)
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Todah Rabah - beloved Rabbi Ralph Messer ...
Simchat Torah Beit Midrash - Joy of God’s Teaching and Instruction
Parasha Noach
Online Shabbat Services and Midrash
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Parshat Noach
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Todah Rabah - beloved Rabbi Chaim Richman ...
Weekly Torah Portion: Noach
A mere 400 years following the flood, man, who had previously ignored G-d at his own peril, now determined to take G-d head-on and expel Him from His world forever, enabling man to take the helm and do as he please. This was the goal of the generation of the dispersion, the people who, under the iron fist of Nimrod, built the tower of Babel, intending to topple G-d from His heaven. G-d, it transpires, had a plan of His own.
Noach (Genesis 6:9 - 11:32) Parashat Noach is read on Shabbat: Marcheshvan 4, 5780 / November 2, 2019
>> (23:16)
Published on Oct 30, 2019 - The Temple Institute
Weekly Newsletter - https://www.templeinstitute.
Special ... Broadcasting from Jerusalem with Rabbi Chaim Richman, Yitzchak Reuven
Temple Talk Radio: It’s Marcheshvan, Better Batten Down the Hatches!
> > (46:11)
Published on Oct 29, 2019 - The Temple Institute
The Month of Marcheshvan: The Best is Yet to Come
Water, Water Everywhere: The Blessing of Rain vs. the Retribution of the Great Flood
This week's Torah reading of the portion of Noah coincides with the arrival of the month of Marcheshvan. That's no coincidence, since this is the month during which the punishment of the Great Flood occurred during the time of Noah! But yet it's also the time we begin to pray for rains of blessing and sustenance in the Land of Israel. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss the true and unsung essence of the month of Marcheshvan and provide fascinating insights into the month's themes and spiritual challenges, in this week's edition of Temple Talk!
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Hillel Richman: The True Location of the Temple Mount: Fully Illustrated
Rabbi Chaim Richman: The Dedication of the Third Temple
Special ... Rabbanit Rena Richman: On Suffering
Update On 3rd Temple In Jerusalem
The Coming Temple - Full Documentary
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Todah Rabah - beloved Rabbi Naphtali “Tuly” Weisz ...
The Portion of Noah
The Israel Bible side-by-side English and Hebrew text along with audio being read in Hebrew.
You can read Hebrew - The Scholar Set
First Herzl Conference on Contemporary Zionism Features
Jewish Senator Praising Christian Support of Israel
by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich
Although the support for Israel among US Christian Evangelicals remains strong today, “I see storm clouds gathering in American politics,” said former US Senator Joseph Lieberman. Lieberman, accompanied by his wife Hadassah, was making one of his frequent visits to Israel, as he is an “American Zionist” and has several relatives living in Israel, including his daughter, son-in-law and five grandsons.
Thousands Sign Petition Backing Professor who Revealed that Rabin's Assassination was False Flag
by BIN staff
The petition in support of Dr. Kedar, initiated by the Bar-Ilan University branch of the Zionist watchdog Im Tirtzu, called the university's actions hypocritical. Hundreds of students at Bar-Ilan University signed a petition today in support of Dr. Mordechai Kedar after the university administration summoned him for a disciplinary hearing following his remarks about the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s Channel 12 reported.
Palestinians Turn to Sanhedrin Organization of 70 Nations, Accept Role in Third Temple
by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz
“The conference seems to have been a spark that ignited a consciousness in many people,” Rabbi Weisz said. “There are many obstacles such as funding. But the main difficulties are political: governments that prefer war over peace, politics over Bible and serving God. But these are representatives of a deeper force in the world that choose death over life, using darkness and lies to obscure the truth.” Rabbi Weisz noted that the Organization comes to fix a shortcoming that was inherent in the founding of the UN.
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2 FREE bumper stickers - I Stand with Israel
Hebrew “Trump 2020” Bumper Sticker
Jared and Ivanka Special w Joseph, Arabella and Theodore ...
Shana Tova to the Jewish people in the U.S., Israel and around the world!
May it be a sweet new year for all! Happy #RoshHashanah - 5780
As we begin this holiest of days, Yom Kippur - 5780
That’s a wrap! - 5780
Mazel Tov 37th Birthday Lara 10/12/82 ííííÎìììì - 5780
Mazel Tov 26th Birthday Tiffany 10/13/93 ííííÎìììì - 5780
Mazel Tov 10th Anniversary 10/25/09 Forever Love Jared - 5780
Mazel Tov 38th Birthday Ivanka 10/30/93 ííííÎìììì - 5780
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Todah Rabah - beloved Ted Belman writing from Jerusalem, Israel for 18+ years ...
T. Belman writes,
I admire Mark for swimming upstream and taking the heat by defending Trump’s decision. My information is that Trump has cut a deal with Putin to stabelize North Syria and protect the Kurds. Putin is still allowing Israel and the US to act to contain and pushback Iran. Trump is still calling the shots. He simply redeployed to the south.
US retreat from Syria likely prevented war with Iran
by Mark Langfan, INN
It’s a simple military axiom: At all costs, avoid a two-front war. In their hysteria, the anti-Trump “defend the Kurds from a NATO ‘Ally’” crowd seems to have forgotten that in the Middle East, apart from the Turks and Kurds, there is a real possibility of war brewing between Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. America has tens of thousands of its soldiers in the Gulf area and in the Iranian line of fire. Given the volatile Iranian Front, President Trump made the necessary military decision, and avoided facing a Turkish Northern Front, all the while reinforcing forces against the likelihood of an Iranian attack in the Persian Gulf. President Trump’s executive command decision likely has saved thousands of American soldiers’ lives.
The Purge of John Bolton and his policies
by Dr. Jiri and Leni Valenta, BESA
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,327, October 29, 2019
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In Syria, President Trump, like Obama before him, seems oblivious to the reality that when the US withdraws, its enemies advance and fill the vacuum. Ousted NSA John Bolton has said that America is constraining its range of action through foolhardy entanglements with international institutions and naive bilateral agreements that promise too much to America’s enemies in exchange for too little. He maintains, correctly, that Americans support leaders who are not appeasers but defenders of American values, vital national interests, and human rights.
Ted Belman, editor and publisher of Israpundit (5:10) ILTV ISRAEL DAILY 10/9/17
Ted Belman - 12/3/17 (1:08:08) Alexander Gendler 12/3/17
The “Jordan-is-Palestine” idea, as the preferred resolution for the Israel-Palestine conflict. The conference was organized together with Mudar Zahran, Secretary-General of the Jordan Opposition Coalition, who lives in England under the protection of that country's police.
>> The Jordan Option, plain and simple
>> The Jordanian Option is the only game in town
3 ways to help Ted Belman ...
Please send checks payable to Ted Belman,
Dan #33, Unit 25, Jerusalem, 93509, ISRAEL
Or go to Israel Institute for Strategic Studies
and use your credit card and mention "Israpundit"
Donators will get a US tax deductible receipt.
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Who Are the Tribes of Judah?
Who are the “Lost Tribes of Israel” w map
The “Lost Tribes of Israel” are the physical descendants of Israel (Jacob) who – through expulsion,
captivity or – have become disassociated from the generally recognized worldwide Jewish community.
12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim
Jewish Internal Distinctions
Types of Jews: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi and More
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What is Hasidic Judaism? A Brief History of the Movement
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Good News From Israel - 10/27/19 edition
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
Pray at the Kotel - the Western Wailing Wall
a world consumed by violence and depravity, Hashem starts over and selects Noah as his agent for renewal. By remaking the world with a promise to never again destroy his creation, Hashem seals his covenant with a rainbow, an everlasting tribute to a promise kept. This week, we show our true colors with a rainbow-inspired Colorful Shabbat menu.
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I have had (and continue to have) a difficult relationship with food.
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among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Genesis 6:9
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Noach - the Merciful Salvation of God !!!
Shabbat Shalom
Welcome to Parasha Noach (Noah), this week’s Torah portion.
This is the portion of Scripture that will be read in synagogues around the world during the Shabbat (Saturday) service. We invite you to read along with us; we know you will be blessed as you rediscover the importance of covenant and unity!
NOACH (Noah / Rest)
Genesis 6:9–11:32; Isaiah 54:1–55:5; Luke 1:5–80
“This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.” (Genesis 6:9)
This model of Noah's Ark was created in the Netherlands by Johan
Huibers, who used the measurements found in Genesis 6 as a guide.
Last week in Parasha Bereisheet, Adam and Chava (Eve) were exiled from the Garden of Eden because of sin. They became fruitful and multiplied, as God intended, but sin manifested in their son Cain when he murdered his brother Abel.
Tragically, Cain did not take the opportunity God gave him to repent (change his thinking and behavior to follow God). Murder manifested five generations later in his descendant Lamech,
who also refused to repent.
who also refused to repent.
This week’s Torah portion specifically identifies that by the time of Noah, the earth was filled with violence (hamas – חָמָ֖ס).
God decided to cleanse the world from that hamas by sending a Great Flood upon the earth that would destroy every living thing
He had created.
He had created.
“So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence [hamas] because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.’” (Genesis 6:13)
Noah and His Ark (1819), by Charles Willson Peale
Noah Means Rest
“By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.”
(Hebrews 11:7)
(Hebrews 11:7)
Although the world was filled with injustice, cruelty and violence, God found one man worth saving. Noach (Noah) was in his generation the only ish tzadik (righteous man).
In Hebrew, the name Noach means rest or consolation. It is related to the word for comfort.
His father called him Noach believing that he would bring him rest from hard labor over the ground that was cursed because of sin.
(Genesis 5:29)
(Genesis 5:29)
Perhaps his father also foresaw a greater calling
of Noach to bring rest.
of Noach to bring rest.
Because Noach was a righteous man, God instructed him to build the ark to save himself, his family, and the world’s animals from the coming deluge. In that way, those who followed Noah into the ark found rest from God’s judgment.
When his family left the ark, they entered what was essentially
a new world.
a new world.
The Dove Returns to Noah,
by James Tissot
The Obedience of Faith
Though Noach likely could not even imagine a flood so severe that everything and everyone on earth would be destroyed,
he obeyed God.
he obeyed God.
Year after year, he labored in the sun, following
through on God’s instructions.
through on God’s instructions.
He did not need to see evidence of the coming rain;
he had faith in God.
he had faith in God.
It was Noah’s great faith that led him to work obediently with Godly fear to build an ark for the saving of his family. (Hebrews 11:7)
It must be noted, however, that Noah’s Ark (Tevat Noach) guaranteed only their physical salvation, not their spiritual destiny.
Building the Ark, by James Tissot
The ark seems to foreshadow the protection of the Israelites through the blood of the lamb on the doorpost in Egypt.
Like the ark, that blood only guaranteed the physical safety and deliverance from the final plague in Egypt, the death of the firstborn. (Exodus 12:12)
It also did not guarantee that those who survived as a result of that blood would make it to the Promised Land. Each person determined their own entry into that Land.
Tragically, just as most of the people perished in the flood, the vast majority of the children of Israel also died in the wilderness due to unbelief.
Only two men, Caleb and Joshua, who walked with God wholeheartedly, were given the right to enter the Promised Land.
Unbelief leads to disobedience that robs us of the rest of God.
“And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.” (Hebrews 3:18–19)
An orthodox Jewish man walks with other Israelis and tourists
outside the Old City walls of Jerusalem.
The faith of Noach is something of a parallel with our own walk with God and entrance to the "New Jerusalem."
It is by faith that we inherit the promises, not good deeds, though good deeds and obedience are essential hallmarks of a living faith.
After all, Noach did not establish his faith only with words; he demonstrated it with faithful obedience.
“But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
(James 2:18)
(James 2:18)
Thanksgiving after Leaving Noah's Ark (1901), by Domenico Morelli
The Rainbow: the Sign of the Covenant
After Noah and his family emerged from the Ark, they sacrificed to God an offering of the clean animals carried on the Ark for that purpose.
God promises Noah that He will never again curse the earth because of the wickedness of man, and never again destroy every living, breathing creature on earth as He had done in the flood:
“And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.’” (Genesis 8:21)
God sets a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant (ot brit / אוֹת בְּרִית) with all people of the earth: “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13)
This is not the only covenant that God has made. Other covenants were to follow, and each one comes with its own particular sign (ot).
The sign of the Abrahamic covenant
is circumcision of all male infants on the eighth day.
The sign of the Abrahamic covenant
is circumcision of all male infants on the eighth day.
The sign of the Mosaic covenant is
the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath.
the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath.
Yeshua said that the great hallmark of faith in Him — of having the Torah written inside our hearts and minds in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) — is love:
“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples,
if you love one another." (John 13:35)
if you love one another." (John 13:35)
Jewish women chat in an Israeli cafe.
Haftarah (Prophetic Portion)
"To Me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.
"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:9–10)
The Haftarah portion of this week's reading, highlights God's covenant with Noah to never again destroy the earth through a flood.
It also emphasizes God's unfailing love for Israel and His forgiveness, redemption, and restoration through His covenant of peace.
God promises that the exiles of Israel, who were punished for their sins, will one day be forgiven, redeemed, and returned to their Land in fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.
“For a little moment I left you, and with great mercies
I will gather you up.” (Isaiah 54:7)
I will gather you up.” (Isaiah 54:7)
An Israeli couple takes a moment to enjoy a waterfall in Israel.
As in the Days of Noach
A final judgment and destruction is coming upon the world; but just as was in the days of Noah before the flood, most continue on with life as usual, completely unaware of what is coming.
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away.” (Matthew 24:36–39)
Those who love God and are faithful to His Word will not be consumed, but will see His glory displayed in the new heavens and the new earth:
“As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before Me, declares the LORD, so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before Me, says the LORD.” (Isaiah 66:22–23)
Yeshua has promised to be a safe place of refuge for us; therefore, no matter what trials we may endure, we can rest in His promise of eternal security.
May we emerge from this ark of salvation to see the establishment of the new heavens and the new earth of peace and righteousness and perfect justice under the rule of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).
“Watch, therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36)
Shabbat Shalom from the Entire Bibles For Israel Family!
Willing to Help
Willing to Help
Copyright © 2019
Articles cannot be copied without permission
The Jewish people (the People of the Book)Articles cannot be copied without permission
gave the world the BIBLE. Today there are about 14 million
Jewish people in the world though most have never studied
the Messianic Prophecies. Finally, for the first time, there will
be a Hebrew Messianic Prophecy Bible, based on the
Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls and Masoretic texts translated
into hundreds of languages, exposing the true meanings.
Many have falsely said that God is finished with His
Chosen People; however, Bible prophecy clearly states that
this will never be so. In fact, in these Last Days, God is moving
among His people to physically and spiritually restore them.
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A greater part of intelligence analysis is deciphering the information
from the disinformation, this is under the guises of tradecraft.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
Proud to be a Jew and an Israeli
I am Israeli - אני ישראלי
Birkat Kohanim
Baruch Hashem Adonai כבוד שם יהוה
Blessed be the Name of the Lord ברוך שמו של האדון
Baruch Hashem Adonai - Messianic praise (with lyrics)
Baruch HaBa Beshem Adonai - Elihana ברוך הבא בשם ה ' – אליחנה אליה
The Siege of Masada (73 AD) - Last Stand of the Great Jewish Revolt
Washington A Man of Prayer 2015 - Jonathan Cahn's message
w transcript - Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Gives America a Final Warning
Thanks - beloved Timothy A. Pope
The King James Bible Documentary (59:06) T. de Haan 12/28/12
Under God, our Vindicator
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