'Why do no Democrats stand up and shout ‘Stop!’ at Pelosi and Schiff? Because they are indeed either cowards or as ethically challenged as Pelosi and Schiff, blinkered by their hatred for Trump, the best president the nation has had since Ronald Reagan!
The economy! Unemployment! The stock market! The border! Trade! The left has an aversion to pro-American politicians; they are an embarrassment to their oh-so- Euro-globalist sensibilities. As Victor Davis Hanson wrote last week, our nomenklatura is bankrupt. The entirety of the Democratic Party is morally bankrupt as well. If any one of them were to stand up and call their own out for their spurious campaign to destroy Trump, he or she would be a hero. But there are no heroes on the left.'
Why will no Democrat pull the plug on Schiff?
Patricia McCarthy - Posted by Ruth S.King - November 4, 2019
One would think that by now that there would be one or two sentient Democrats who realize the terrible damage that Adam Schiff is doing to their party. But, with the possible exception of the two Democrats who voted against Pelosi’s stupid “impeachment resolution,” Reps. Jeff Drew and Collin Peterson, they all seem to be captive to Nancy Pelosi’s and Adam Schiff’s pathological moonbattery. Not one other of them has the courage to stand up for what is right and true; that Trump committed no impeachable crimes, not even close. He’s the most transparent, most investigated president in U.S. history. The Democrats all know this! They know Trump is not guilty of any offense, let alone one that is impeachable. They surely know that Schiff is certifiably insane and yet they stand by and let him make fools of their party. They stand by and let him conduct his anti-democratic Star Chamber that is running roughshod over the Constitution. And they all know that what he is doing is wrong, very, very wrong. If this were being done to one of theirs, they would be screaming from the rooftops of their luxurious D.C. abodes.
So what explains the cowardly reticence of the rest of the party? Trump derangement? Perhaps. They all certainly suffer from that disorder. Conservatives loathed what Obama did to the nation over his eight years in office. We did not engender the violence the left promotes such as that of Black Lives Matter or Antifa. No one on the right hired thugs to foment chaos as the left did on the day of Trump’s inauguration and so many times since. That brand of vicious intolerance is all on the left. It is who they are, what they do. They are proud of their contempt for those with whom they disagree. They believe it proves their superiority, but it only proves that they are narrow-minded, discriminatory and contemptuous of millions of their fellow Americans. To be a Democrat in Congress at this moment in time means that one is dismissive of our Constitution, despite their constant professed reverence for it, and willing to do everything in their power to overturn the results of the 2016 election. They do so at their peril. Americans are not nearly as ignorant and/or unengaged as they assume. They are not fooled by the Democrats’ obsessive mission to remove Trump from office because a majority of Americans, the Americans they loathe, love him and are grateful for his America First agenda. Unlike Obama, this president loves this country; Obama did everything in his power to diminish us and he succeeded wildly. He wasted billions for a fake stimulus to his donors, more than a billion in cash to the terrorist nation of Iran, broken promises all around. He was a foreign policy disaster. Trump now has to try to clean up the mess.
Why did no Democrats speak up as Obama was wreaking havoc across the globe? Because they live in fear of the media that would have deemed any criticism of Obama as racist, the media’s go-to charge against anyone who deigns to disagree with a favored African-American. Oh, they can attack Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and the lovely and brilliant Candace Owens with impunity in their sleep; black Americans, if conservative, are ripe for the left’s outrage, but it is those America-loving African Americans who are truly courageous in every sense of the word. And the Democrats hate them with every fiber of their leftist beings. Who are the racists? These very illiberal Democrats. Who are the sociopaths? The Democrats who go to the mat to protect the right of women to abort a full-term baby. So why are any of us surprised that they are copacetic with Pelosi’s and Schiff’s campaign to destroy the president? It’s who they are. It’s what they do. They mean to win at all costs; ethics do not enter their minds.
Why do no Democrats stand up and shout ‘Stop!’ at Pelosi and Schiff? Because they are indeed either cowards or as ethically challenged as Pelosi and Schiff, blinkered by their hatred for Trump, the best president the nation has had since Ronald Reagan! The economy! Unemployment! The stock market! The border! Trade! The left has an aversion to pro-American politicians; they are an embarrassment to their oh-so- Euro-globalist sensibilities. As Victor Davis Hanson wrote last week,our nomenklatura is bankrupt. The entirety of the Democratic Party is morally bankrupt as well. If any one of them were to stand up and call their own out for their spurious campaign to destroy Trump, he or she would be a hero. But there are no heroes on the left.
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