Subject: High Treason
Date: Tue, Nov 5, 2019
‘Obama started his mission of abandoning Arab leaders and toppling them one after another. When the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt with Obama’s blessings, plan ‘A’ emerged, for the blessed beginning of the creation of the Caliphate emerged. Egypt was the first choice since after all it was the birthplace of the Muslim Brotherhood, was geographically strategically centered and was also the most populated of all Arab countries. But plan ‘A’ failed when Egyptians rebelled against the Muslim brotherhood and went with the better of the two evils to returning back to military dictatorship.
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood moved quickly to plan ‘B’ to be located in Syria after Egypt rejected the Caliphate experiment. Obama immediately started shipping weapons from Libya to Syria to help rebels against the regime in Syria. And we all know how that ended. An unspoken large-scale carnage and disaster for both Syria and Libya! Not to mention the sacrifice of the US ambassador and three other American heroes to cover up Obama’s dreams of the Caliphate.’
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood moved quickly to plan ‘B’ to be located in Syria after Egypt rejected the Caliphate experiment. Obama immediately started shipping weapons from Libya to Syria to help rebels against the regime in Syria. And we all know how that ended. An unspoken large-scale carnage and disaster for both Syria and Libya! Not to mention the sacrifice of the US ambassador and three other American heroes to cover up Obama’s dreams of the Caliphate.’
Dreams Of My ‘Caliphate’
By Nonie Darwish - - on November 4, 2019
If we look back at the Obama administration we couldn’t help but recognize the elephant in Obama’s legacy; his unshakable stand and defense of Islam. Now, we are seeing declassification of U.S. government documents confirming what we all have known all along, that the Obama administration “supported the creation of ISIS” and was secretly backing the Muslim Brotherhood.
The documents unfolding made it clear that the Obama Administration [including Hillary Clinton] knew about ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq before the 2012 election and knew days before the deadly attacks in Sept. 2012 that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to Syria.
It’s hard to imagine how a US administration would be duped into facilitating and aiding such a dangerous, unrealistic and unattainable goals of the Muslim Brotherhood both inside and outside the United States. But that is exactly what happened under Obama.
It was not a coincidence that when ISIS was created, Obama made a big deal about correcting us ignorant Americans as to the correct translation of the last S in ISIS. Obama through out his term called it ISIL. The L stood for the Levant, which historically meant the whole area East of the Mediterranean, larger than just Syria and that included other nations such as Israel and Lebanon. What could be in the head of a US president so invested in dissecting the meaning and geographical scope of yet another Islamic terror group name?
Obama allowed himself to be duped into facilitating the creation of the failed Islamic Caliphate. The writing was on the wall with Obama from the very beginning when he came on the scene in American politics. His passion, adoration and respect were all without a doubt for Islam in both is words and actions.
As the first black president, many assumed that his number one agenda would be issues concerning uplifting black America. We thought Obama was going to give his first inspirational speech to heal America and the black community. America wanted to hear Obama give a historical speech to bring us all together similar to that of the historical speech of Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream.’ But instead Obama’s groundbreaking speech was in Cairo to the ‘Muslim World.’ Where Obama’s heart was became clear and it was not in America.
Quickly after his election, Obama hired many Middle East Muslims and Muslim sympathizers who defended the goals and values of the Muslim Brotherhood as moderate. They quickly impacted every branch of the US government. The head covered Egyptian Dalia Mujahid, who’s last name meant ‘jihadist’, helped him write his Cairo speech.
For a century, the Muslim Brotherhood, whose members were given the first rows at Obama’s Cairo speech, were hammering the idea that Arab dictators were the only obstacle to achieving the great, democratic and peaceful Islamic Caliphate. But in reality that Caliphate was going to require the forced merger of Muslim nations under one Islamic government to be governed by Sharia.
The problem was a bit similar to that of the clash we see today between Western globalists who want to eliminate Western borders for the sake of a one-world government and those who want to preserve the nation states.
The Muslim Brotherhood convinced Obama that Mubarak of Egypt, Assad of Syria, and Gaddafi of Libya, among others, were the obstacle to the Islamic dreams of freedom, democracy and self-determination. They also convinced Obama that it was all America’s fault in its support of these dictators and that was the only reason these hated dictators were able to stay in power. That was not true but it all made sense to the anti-American mind of the Left.
An Islamic globalist state based in the Middle East and comprised of Islamic countries made sense and was in harmony with Western globalists views of the New World Order.
Obama started his mission of abandoning Arab leaders and toppling them one after another. When the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt with Obama’s blessings, plan ‘A’ emerged, for the blessed beginning of the creation of the Caliphate emerged. Egypt was the first choice since after all it was the birthplace of the Muslim Brotherhood, was geographically strategically centered and was also the most populated of all Arab countries. But plan ‘A’ failed when Egyptians rebelled against the Muslim brotherhood and went with the better of the two evils to returning back to military dictatorship.
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood moved quickly to plan ‘B’ to be located in Syria after Egypt rejected the Caliphate experiment. Obama immediately started shipping weapons from Libya to Syria to help rebels against the regime in Syria. And we all know how that ended. An unspoken large-scale carnage and disaster for both Syria and Libya! Not to mention the sacrifice of the US ambassador and three other American heroes to cover up Obama’s dreams of the Caliphate.
Obama never understood that the only way an Islamic state could exist and stay in power is through terror, bloodshed, tyranny, assassinations and civil unrest. The ‘so-called’ Arab dictators understood that and many of them stood against it to preserve a sliver of freedom to hungry citizens. The Muslim Brotherhood’s violent dreams of the Caliphate were always a threat to any kind of freedom to the political, social and economic systems of Islamic nations.
Obama never truly understood Islam but naively fantasized about it as his father’s religion and put America into an 8-year drama on how to be sensitive to Islam. Obama’s yearning for the father he never knew or lived with led him to fantasize of an Islam that never was and led him to associate his devotion to his father with his devotion to Islam and to becoming a hero in the eyes of Muslims. Obama’s dreams of the father he never had pushed him to ignore the ugly reality of the Muslim Brotherhood that stared him in the eyes. He defended Islam, its goals and terror even at the peril of the country that chose him as its president. That is an American tragedy few recognize.
Before venturing into destroying several countries in the Middle East to bring about the ideal Islamic Caliphate, Obama should have known that under Islam there are only two kinds of governments that could survive. The first is the 100% Sharia compliant tyrannical theocracy and the second is a military dictatorship that used the power for military force against it. No other form of government could survive under a majority Muslim country. Islamic military dictatorships are often viewed as the lesser of the two evils and many agree with this assessment.
That is why Obama’s project to help install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt failed. The Egyptian public quickly realized their mistake and went back to familiar and safe life under military dictatorship. Libya and Syria were not as lucky and they are still mired in bloody shed, civil war and instability.
Obama learned on the job that Islamic State atrocities were not the JV team as he once said, but that the actions of ISIS were all based on Sharia punishments that are similar to many Islamic examples practiced today and through out history. In fact the word JV was not even Obama’s idea but has been used often by Egyptians to defend terror groups and ISIS as nothing to worry about and that it was un-Islamic after all. But tell that to Al Azhar University, which until today refuses to condemn ISIS as un-Islamic.
Obama’s huge gamble in conducting US foreign policy based on his emotions and beliefs in Muslim Brotherhood propaganda have caused horrific havoc and blood shed in three Arab nations, Egypt, Libya and Syria. It also took America on a spin into an Islamic experiment and unwise foreign policy that cost America a lot.
Today there are reports in Egypt that its government never trusted or liked Obama and his administration. It must be disappointing for Obama, who viewed himself as the defender of Islam, to see many majority Muslim country, like Egypt, view him with disdain. But who would blame Egyptians for distrusting Obama after all of what Egypt went through after Obama’s Cairo speech that turned Egypt upside down, which quickly resulted into the 2011 revolution and another counter-revolution a year later.
Obama’s dreams of his father’s caused him to help build a failed Caliphate that no one gave him credit for. He thought he would go down in history as the champion of the Caliphate but in reality brought his dreams came to an abrupt crash by the reality of what the Islamic State truly was and always will be.
Nonie Darwish, author “Wholly Different; Why I chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values”
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