Bertrand Daily Report
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (May 18th, 2017)
Ed Note: The Dems are swimming in celebration.....former FBI / Bush/Cheney crony Robert Mueller will head-up the independent investigation against President Trump. I can see both George W and brother Jeb in ecstasy to see their own facilitator / protector of 9/11 crimes back in the show again to take down Trump.
Let us not forget the fact that 9/11 was NOT investigated as a "crime scene" by Mueller's FBI, but most every piece, structure and other materials (many thermite indicators) were ordered to be removed immediately and placed on barges for shipment out of the country.
Mueller fired two top FBI agents.... (on their own investigation) found collusion between the Saudi's and the Bush Administration, both tried to bring their investigation to light and were promptly fired. Sibel Edmond's was placed under a gag order, her life has always been just short of assassination, but after years of a complacent population on what exactly happened on 9/11, she continues to speak-out, and still alive.
We need to point-out the anthrax event that Mueller was likely instructed by the "Deep State" to go after two innocent men, of which one was supposedly suicided. The case was closed after 7 years with no substantial evidence by the FBI, except to say, "their suspect was Ivans of whom is dead."
Yes...Mueller is their man now to help the Dems provide a biased report that may have a profound affect on truth and justice.
Dave Bertrand (Twitter) #Dave Bertrand (@bertranddave1)
"As the FBI closed in on Ivins, the 62-year-old microbiologist took a fatal
overdose of Tylenol, dying on July 29, 2008. After Ivins’ suicide, FBI Director
Robert Mueller said the investigation found he was the culprit, and prosecutors
said they were confident he acted alone."
overdose of Tylenol, dying on July 29, 2008. After Ivins’ suicide, FBI Director
Robert Mueller said the investigation found he was the culprit, and prosecutors
said they were confident he acted alone."
Today's Featured Article / Report
Two FBI Whistleblowers Accuse Bureau of Ignoring Warnings Before 9/11
We speak with FBI agent Coleen Rowley, who accused FBI headquarters in 2002 of hampering the investigation into alleged 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui and former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds who was hired shortly after 9/11 to translate intelligence related to the attacks and says the FBI had information that an attack using airplanes was being planned before Sept. 11, 2001. Rowley reveals one of her fellow FBI agents contacted FBI HQ before Sept. 11 and said Moussaoui was the type that might try to fly a plane into the World Trade Center. [includes rush transcript]
Republican majority leader told colleagues: I think Putin pays Trump... (D.B.: Traitorous and Irresponsible leadership)
LEAK: Staffers grow weary... (D.B.: Oh well....their 120 day employment limit is about here, Obama hold-overs will be gone)
CNN Brazenly Suggests the 'Deep State' is Responsible for Memogate Revenge Against the President
(D.B.: Amazing truth from CNN)
Banker: "One Million Will March On Washington If They Impeach Trump. They Will Be Armed" (D.B.: It will be war)
WH Head of Personnel to Purge Trump Supporters From Staff on May 22 (D.B.: This is the 120 Day purge of Obama hold-outs)
Gowdy Hints at Clinton Wrongdoing: It’s Worse Than You Think (D.B.: "Lock her up !")
Russia Prepared to Release Transcript of Trump-Lavrov Meeting to Debunk Witch Hunt (D.B.: Russia is tired of being the straw man for the Communist Dems)
Study: Unvaccinated Youth Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illness (D.B.: World Government eugenics exposed)
Impeachment of Trump Could Lead To Mass Riots This Summer (D.B.: This would be the official start of CWII)
US preparing legal action against Fiat Chrysler over diesel emissions (D.B.: Impeach Trump ??)
NSA To Expand Surveillance Of US, Foreign Elections Over “Russian Hacker” Fears (D.B. Who in the hell is in-charge??)
White House Vows to Audit the Pentagon, Which Would Be a First (D.B.: Where's that $2.3 Trillion missing you reported Rumsfeld on 9/10/01? Did that help finance / pay-offs for 9/11?)
S Korea to Convince US to Turn THAAD Radars Away From Chinese TerritorySputnik News - The special envoy of the newly elected South Korean president, during his upcoming visit to China will try once again to convince the Chinese leadership of the need to deploy the US THAAD missile defense complex on South Korean soil and will propose a plan to reduce China's concerns. The plan is to turn away the radars from China and direct them only toward North Korea instead…. According to Yonhap news agency, it was the US who noticed the launch of the North Korean Hwasong-12 missile and the South Korean military learned about it after receiving a phone call from its American counterpart. However, the fact that the data was actually received from the THAAD radar became known later on after receiving clarification from the South Korean side. No other details were provided by the US military.
Victims of Communism Memorial Group Tells Networks to Stop Whitewashing Crimes of Socialist Venezuela
Washington Free Beacon - Media attention on Venezuela has been sparse, as the country is on the brink, with a food shortage, an inflation rate as high as 800 percent, and violent crackdowns and the detention of thousands of protesters who oppose President Nicolas Maduro. Four more people were killed yesterday, adding to the more than 40 dead and 750 injured since protests began in March. Marion Smith, the executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, sent letters to the heads of CBS, NBC, and ABC on Tuesday asking the networks to adequately cover the violence and failures of the socialist country, which he says is closer than ever to becoming a communist regime…. The major networks' nightly newscasts have made only brief mention of Venezuela this year. ABC World News Tonight with David Muir has mentioned Venezuela in two segments.… World News Tonight also mentioned the food crisis in schools on Feb. 14…. NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt did one segment this year on April 20…. CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley also has only mentioned Venezuela once this year, on May 4.
Hackers Offer 'Data Dump of the Month' With Nuclear Secrets, Attack Tools
Sputnik News - On Wednesday the Shadow Brokers announced that in June they would begin charging "monthly dues" for new hacking tools that are potentially more dangerous than those used in the ransomware attack that affected computers in 150 countries. "TheShadowBrokers Data Dump of the Month" will offer members top secret "compromised network data" from the ballistic missile and nuclear programs of Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, along with hacking implements for routers, operating systems like Windows 10 and web browsers…. Though it isn’t clear how the hackers acquired the NSA tools, the Washington Post reported that former agency officials say the exploits are "identical" to data seized from former NSA contractor Harold T. Martin III, who was arrested last August for possessing 50 terabytes of confidential information from US intelligence agencies. In a Tuesday blog post the hackers said that if some entity purchased "all lost data before it is being sold to the peoples," they would "go dark permanently," as they would no longer have incentive to operate…. Jerusalem Online quoted Roni Bachar of the US-based Cybersecurity firm Avnet saying, "… But I believe that the security companies, Microsoft and the others, will purchase the tools in order to research them and develop suitable protection."
UK gave Google's DeepMind access to patient data without legal basis
Ars Technica - Google's DeepMind AI wing was given access to the personal medical records of 1.6 million NHS patients on an "inappropriate legal basis," the UK's top data protection adviser to the health service has said. The London-based Royal Free Hospital (RFH) inked a controversial deal with Google last year, allowing its Streams AI app to be tested on the medical records of sufferers of acute kidney damage. It apparently helps clinicians to quickly administer potentially life-saving treatment. However, [National Data Guardian Dame Fiona] Caldicott challenged the hospital's claim that the transfer of 1.6 million identifiable patient records to DeepMind had been processed as "implied consent for direct care."…. Caldicott had written to the RFH in December explaining that she was advising the Information Commissioner's Office on the common law duty of confidentiality around the sharing of identifiable medical records where consent is implied for the purpose of direct care.
Victims of Communism Memorial Group Tells Networks to Stop Whitewashing Crimes of Socialist Venezuela
Washington Free Beacon - Media attention on Venezuela has been sparse, as the country is on the brink, with a food shortage, an inflation rate as high as 800 percent, and violent crackdowns and the detention of thousands of protesters who oppose President Nicolas Maduro. Four more people were killed yesterday, adding to the more than 40 dead and 750 injured since protests began in March. Marion Smith, the executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, sent letters to the heads of CBS, NBC, and ABC on Tuesday asking the networks to adequately cover the violence and failures of the socialist country, which he says is closer than ever to becoming a communist regime…. The major networks' nightly newscasts have made only brief mention of Venezuela this year. ABC World News Tonight with David Muir has mentioned Venezuela in two segments.… World News Tonight also mentioned the food crisis in schools on Feb. 14…. NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt did one segment this year on April 20…. CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley also has only mentioned Venezuela once this year, on May 4.
Hackers Offer 'Data Dump of the Month' With Nuclear Secrets, Attack Tools
Sputnik News - On Wednesday the Shadow Brokers announced that in June they would begin charging "monthly dues" for new hacking tools that are potentially more dangerous than those used in the ransomware attack that affected computers in 150 countries. "TheShadowBrokers Data Dump of the Month" will offer members top secret "compromised network data" from the ballistic missile and nuclear programs of Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, along with hacking implements for routers, operating systems like Windows 10 and web browsers…. Though it isn’t clear how the hackers acquired the NSA tools, the Washington Post reported that former agency officials say the exploits are "identical" to data seized from former NSA contractor Harold T. Martin III, who was arrested last August for possessing 50 terabytes of confidential information from US intelligence agencies. In a Tuesday blog post the hackers said that if some entity purchased "all lost data before it is being sold to the peoples," they would "go dark permanently," as they would no longer have incentive to operate…. Jerusalem Online quoted Roni Bachar of the US-based Cybersecurity firm Avnet saying, "… But I believe that the security companies, Microsoft and the others, will purchase the tools in order to research them and develop suitable protection."
UK gave Google's DeepMind access to patient data without legal basis
Ars Technica - Google's DeepMind AI wing was given access to the personal medical records of 1.6 million NHS patients on an "inappropriate legal basis," the UK's top data protection adviser to the health service has said. The London-based Royal Free Hospital (RFH) inked a controversial deal with Google last year, allowing its Streams AI app to be tested on the medical records of sufferers of acute kidney damage. It apparently helps clinicians to quickly administer potentially life-saving treatment. However, [National Data Guardian Dame Fiona] Caldicott challenged the hospital's claim that the transfer of 1.6 million identifiable patient records to DeepMind had been processed as "implied consent for direct care."…. Caldicott had written to the RFH in December explaining that she was advising the Information Commissioner's Office on the common law duty of confidentiality around the sharing of identifiable medical records where consent is implied for the purpose of direct care.
FLASHBACK: Schumer Warned Trump in January Over Deep-State Revenge (D.B.: A direct threat)
WATCH: Defiant Trump Responds to Media Assault Against his Presidency (D.B.: Dems condemn Trump, not for laptop intel leak, but for being "Jovial" with Russians....very absurd)
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Reuters ICE raid in California
An hour before dawn on the morning of May 11, a team of 10 officers for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began assembling outside a coffee shop in the Southern California beach community of San Clemente. -- The 10 officers were about to embark on a targeted enforcement action, hoping to pick up five men believed to be in violation of U.S. immigration laws. The men had all been convicted of crimes, ranging from drunk driving to attempted murder, and that made them high priority targets for deportation. -- The first stop was an apartment building not far from the coffee shop, where the armed agents arrested a 35-year-old immigrant from Iran who had served a year in jail on an attempted murder conviction.......
An hour before dawn on the morning of May 11, a team of 10 officers for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began assembling outside a coffee shop in the Southern California beach community of San Clemente. -- The 10 officers were about to embark on a targeted enforcement action, hoping to pick up five men believed to be in violation of U.S. immigration laws. The men had all been convicted of crimes, ranging from drunk driving to attempted murder, and that made them high priority targets for deportation. -- The first stop was an apartment building not far from the coffee shop, where the armed agents arrested a 35-year-old immigrant from Iran who had served a year in jail on an attempted murder conviction.......
Seattle Times Seattle federal judge says government can't restrict immigrant legal help
A federal judge in Seattle has temporarily blocked a Justice Department order that called on a local immigrant-rights organization to stop some of its legal work. His ruling also applies to similar groups around the country. -- U.S. District Judge Richard Jones ruled Wednesday after oral arguments in a lawsuit brought by the nonprofit Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP). -- In a letter last month, the Justice Department told the group it must “cease and desist” providing certain legal assistance to immigrants unless it undertakes full representation of them in court....... |
ICE Phoenix ICE officers deport Mexican national wanted for sex trafficking minors
A Mexican national wanted in his native country for sex trafficking minors was handed over to Mexican law enforcement officials Tuesday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales. -- Valentin Mendiola-Castaneda, 35, was transferred to the custody of Mexico's Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR) and Mexican immigration by deportation officers with ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Mendiola was arrested in January by officers with ERO's Fugitive Operations and special agents with ICE Homeland Security Investigations. -- In addition to sex trafficking, the Mexican arrest warrant issued in June 2014 charges Mendiola-Castaneda with the aggravated sexual exploitation of minors....... |
Glenn Spencer
See-through wall? So a company is proposing to build a see-through border wallThis is a great idea as it could solve all the problems with a solid stone wall, e.g., people on the other side could be up to no good. -- I hope it works, but if we can see into Mexico through it, how thick could it be? Would it be strong enough? And, how about cost? If it cost much more than a fence of the same size, why not just build a steel beam fence you can see through already? And what would it take for people on the other side to block our view by simply spray painting their side? -- I have every confidence that the people who are evaluating these proposals back at CBP in DC will take all of these things into consideration. |
Pamplin Media -- H/T to David Olen Cross Deportation arrests rise in Rockwood, Latinos say
Deportation agents are stepping up arrests in the Rockwood neighborhood, according to a prominent nonprofit leader in the Latino community. -- "What we call the Rockwood area --- maybe the David Douglas (School District) --- it's always been a no man's land," said community organizer Francisco Lopez. "Nobody pays attention to the area, except ICE." -- Lopez heads Voz Hispana Cambio Comunitario, which runs citizenship classes and has organized several marches against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE. -- The organization has identified hot spots in Rockwood (Multnomah County) and the Cornelius and Forest Grove areas west of Hillsboro (Washington County.)...... |
KGBT After drunken driving conviction, government wants to deport Mexican illegal alien for the 7th time
After a second drunken driving conviction, the federal government wants to deport a Mexican man for the seventh time. -- Oscar De La Rosa-Mendoza, 31, of Mission --- a Mexican citizen who wasn't lawfully present in the United States --- pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated, a Class B misdemeanor, on May 9. He also pleaded guilty to resisting arrest, a Class A misdemeanor. -- De La Rosa had previous convictions for drunken driving, evading arrest and assault causing bodily injury, according to Hidalgo County court records....... | Sen. Luther Strange wants sanctuary cities to pay for border wall
Sen. Luther Strange wants sanctuary cities to help foot the bill for a wall at the U.S./Mexico border. -- Strange, R-AL, and Georgia Senator David Perdue introduced the Securing the Border and Protecting Our Communities Act earlier this week. The bill would prohibit some transportation grant funding from going to so-called sanctuary cities that don't cooperate with federal enforcement of immigration laws. In turn, the grant funding would be reallocated towards building a wall at the U.S./Mexico border, a major -- and potentially costly - provision of President Donald Trump's presidential campaign....... |
Daily Caller Rep. Hunter: Sewage Spilling Into The US From Mexico Is Making Our Border Patrol Agents Sick
GOP California Rep. Duncan Hunter wrote a letter in May to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and head of the EPA Scott Pruitt, urging the two to take action on the sewage spill in Tijuana that is pouring into the U.S. and apparently making Border Patrol agents ill. -- Hunter drew attention to the massive sewage spill in the Tijuana River that is still moving through San Diego County, and in the letter sent May 9, he noted that it's important to bring attention to the affects on Border Patrol agents and Navy SEAL members, not just the environmental impact of the spill....... |
KGBT Officers at Pharr bridge find 919 pounds of marijuana hidden in tractor-trailer
Officers at the Pharr bridge found 919 pounds of marijuana hidden in a tractor-trailer last week. -- Officers at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge stopped a tractor-trailer on Thursday, according to a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. They sent the trucker to secondary inspection, where officers found 268 packages hidden in the trailer. -- The packages, which tested positive for marijuana, weighed about 919 pounds....... |
Washington Examiner Immigration arrests climb 38 percent under Trump
Arrests of illegal immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has jumped 38 percent in the 100 days since President Trump signed his controversial immigration enforcement executive orders, ICE said Wednesday. -- ICE arrested more than 41,000 illegal immigrants between late January and the end of April, ICE said. -- Acting ICE director Thomas Homan said in a statement that the arrests are the result of Trump's "commitment to enforce our immigration laws fairly and across the board." -- Of those arrested, ICE said nearly 75 percent were convicted criminals...... |
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