Sunday, June 18, 2017


Patriots Have a Short Time to Act Because Evil Never Takes a Day Off-Genocide Awaits (video)

Patriots Have a Short Time to Act Because Evil Never Takes a Day Off-Genocide AwaitsCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Attempted assassination of dozens of congressmen in the heart of America. We had descended into being a 3rd rate, third world banana republic. Our enemies are laughing at us and those that are Patriots are frightened. I received an email from a reader, and also had a family member express...


Bombshell: Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device the Whole Time! (Video) (video)

Bombshell: Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device the Whole Time! (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: The Pete Santilli Show. Judicial watch is reporting that former FBI Director James Comey has had Hillary Clintons backup device the whole time. Court records prove that the email storage company Datto,which is based out of Connecticut handed over said device which had five or six disks on it to the FBI on October...


David Stockman Blasts 'Derangement & Danger on the Potomac'

David Stockman Blasts 'Derangement & Danger on the Potomac'CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. Authored by David Stockman via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, / ZeroHedge The horrific shooting spree on the practice field of the GOP's congressional baseball team was hardly the end of this week's madness on the Potomac. As it happened, the former was apparently another random eruption...


Deep State: The All-Encompassing Tentacles of George Soros Are Firmly Wrapped Around Jared Kushner (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins. George Soros’ Soros Fund Management has quietly been financing the Kushner-backed real estate finance startup Cadre with a substantial credit line, according to sources familiar with the matter. It seems that today you can hardly read an article connected to anything in politics, social media or American culture without also...


Trump’s Presidency and Life Depends On Appointing His Own Special Prosecutor-He’s Running Out of Time (video)

Trump’s Presidency and Life Depends On Appointing His Own Special Prosecutor-He’s Running Out of TimeCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Trump need to act right now? The following video, covers why Special Prosecutor, Muellar, needs to fired. Trump needs to appoint a special prosecutor of his own to investigate Clinton, Comey, et al….. immediately. Hi Presidency and evenhis life depend on it. The complete story is contained in the following...


Awesome Revelations from “The Putin Interviews”

Awesome Revelations from “The Putin Interviews”CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today Putin will eventually be known as Vladimir the Great SOTN Editor’s Note: The SOTN staff has carefully reviewed “The Putin Interviews” conducted by Oliver Stone with Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow. What became immediately evident from...


Something Fishy About USS Fitzgerald Story We Are Getting From the Media

Something Fishy About USS Fitzgerald Story We Are Getting From the Media CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. By Thomas Lifson / American Thinker Under no circumstances should a US Navy vessel possibly be damaged by a container ship at sea. Multiple systems exist to prevent this. Even CNN is noticing how little we know about the catastrophe that took the lives of seven sailors and almost caused...


NASA Infrared Telescope Shows Planet X, Nibiru Very Clearly (video)

NASA Infrared Telescope Shows Planet X, Nibiru Very ClearlyCONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore. There are presently nine known planets in the solar system. It is possible that a tenth planet, referred to as “Planet X,” exists and is waiting to be discovered. 4,359 years ago, during the cataclysm known as “Noah’s flood“, “sudden changes in temperature, violent storms and water avalanches from Antarctica...


Rh Negative Human Blood Extraterrestrial Lineage Connection Theory (Video) (video)

Rh Negative Human Blood Extraterrestrial Lineage Connection Theory (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Humans with blood type Rh Negative belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage according to new theory. Humans have possible four general blood types: A, B, AB and O; this classification is derived, according to scientists from proteins which are found on the surface of cells which are designed to fight off...


Time To Investigate Non-Fiction Events! (Video) (video)

Time To Investigate Non-Fiction Events! (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. Now that the whole allegation of the Trump-Russia collusion has been thoroughly and utterly disproved, the left is now switching directions and going for the obstruction of justice angle. Just like the Russian collusion allegation, this will again be thoroughly disproved in due time. This constant barrage of attacks against...


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