The More the Establishment Freaks Out Over Trump
Started by Robert M i
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
The More the Establishment Freaks Out Over Trump, the More Attracti...
Trump is attractive precisely because the Establishment fears and loathes him because
1) they didn't pick him and
2) he might upset the neoconservative Empire that the Establishment elites view as their global entitlement.
The Establishment is freaking out about Donald Trump for one reason: they didn't pick him. The Establishment is freaking out because the natural
order of things is that we pick the presidential candidates and we run
the country to serve ourselves, i.e. the financial-political elites.
Donald Trump's candidacy upsets this neofeudal natural order,
and thus he (and everyone who supports him) is anathema to the
Establishment, heretics who must be silenced, cowed, marginalized,
mocked and ultimately put back in their place as subservient debt-serfs.
With Trump ascendant, the serfs are selecting the noble in the castle on the hill. Outrageous! Unheard of!
You know the Establishment is
freaking out when Establishment pundit mouthpieces like David Brooks and
Francis F**uyama are freaking out about Trump.
David Brooks could not restrain his
disdain for Trump on a recent Charlie Rose segment, in which he intoned
(and I paraphrase) that Trump can't put eight words together without
referring to himself, i.e. he is not just a narcissist, but he is (take
this, Trump!) a fragile narcissist-- unlike people like Brooks, of course, who are solid, secure, wise, well-educated, erudite water-carriers for the status quo.
Policy heavy-hitter F**uyama confesses the political system in the U.S. is broken but
he can't understand why the citizenry has selected the "singularly
inappropriate instrument" (his description of Trump in the pages of Foreign Affairs) of Donald Trump to express their disdain for their neofeudal lords.
Well, Mr, F**uyama, let me explain
it to you: the debt-serfs have selected Trump precisely because the
neofeudal financial-political nobility you represent consider him a
"singularly inappropriate instrument".
But, the pundits rage, he's a
narcissist. He's fragile. (Now isn't that a classic middle-brow slam
from the hopelessly middle-brow ("I only sound middle-brow due to my
starring role in the mainstream media; actually I'm brilliant beyond
words") Brooks.
Policy guru F**uyama has a much better
turn of phrase, of course: "narcissist" is way too common and
middle-brow a critique at his level. Thus we get "singularly
inappropriate instrument" (ooh, now there's a sharpened blade that slips
easily between the ribs).
Dear Establishment pundits, flacks, hacks, sycophants, apparatchiks, toadies, lackeys, functionaries, leeches and apologists: the
more you label Trump as "singularly inappropriate," the more attractive
he becomes to the 81% who've been left behind by the
financialized-globalized-neofeudal order that has so greatly enhanced your own wealth, influence and power.
Trump is attractive because the Establishment fears and loathes him. Why?
1) They didn't pick him and
2) he might upset the neoconservative liberal hegemony Empire that the Establishment elites view as their global entitlement.
The elitists like Brooks and F**uyama admit that politics have failed. But they believe the solution is more people like us in power. You
know, reasonable, well-educated elitists who won't stoop to get our
hands dirty with laundered millions (for example, the Clinton
The utter cluelessness of the professional apologists and punditry would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic: the
more you fume and rage that Trump is unqualified, narcissistic,
singularly inappropriate, etc. etc. etc., the more appealing he becomes
to everyone who isn't inside the protective walls of your neofeudal
The people outside the
cozy walls of the protected elites don't care if he is unqualified (by
the standards of those who get to pick our presidents for us)
narcissistic, singularly inappropriate, and so on--they are cheering him
on because you, the multitudes of water-carriers for the Imperial
elites, the teeming hordes of well-paid, I-got-mine-so-shut-the-heck-up
pundits, flacks, hacks, sycophants, apparatchiks, toadies, lackeys,
functionaries, leeches and apologists, are so visibly afraid that your
perks, wealth, influence and power might drain away if the 80% actually
get a say.
To the pundits, flacks, hacks, sycophants, apparatchiks, toadies, lackeys, functionaries, leeches and apologists:
We're sick of you, every one of you, and the neo-feudal Empire you support. We want you cashiered, pushed outside the walls with the rest of us, scraping by on well-earned and richly deserved unemployment.
Laura J Alcorn
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