- Being Prepared for Change !!!
Previously posted ...
Verily the American Beauty Rose is of Victory !!!
Welcome to this week's Parasha (Torah Study), which is called Devarim (Words).
This portion of Scripture will be read during the morning services this
Shabbat (Saturday) in synagogues all around the world.
Please read along with us, and discover timeless Torah truths in these portions
of Scripture to be read in synagogues this Shabbat.
We know you will be blessed as you read along with us !
This Shabbat precedes Tisha B'Av, which begins on Saturday night.
It is called Black Sabbath because it is considered the saddest Shabbat
of the year. It is also called Shabbat Chazon (שבת חזון—Sabbath of Vision),
which is taken from the special Haftarah (prophetic portion) that is read
prior to Tisha B'Av, in which Isaiah laments the sin that
will cause the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
This week, we begin the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy),
with the Torah portion that is also called Devarim. In this portion,
Moses retells the wilderness saga and reviews with all the people
everything that Adonai had ordered them. He begins with God’s
directive at Horeb to get moving and take the Promised Land,
which extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River,
including the lands of Ammon, Moab, and Edom.
Last week, the readings in the Book of Bamidbar (Numbers)
concluded with the double Torah portion of Matot–Masei.
You can view this Parasha on our website complete with embedded links ...
Parasha Devarim: When God Requires Change - published in 5775
The Fast of Tisha B’Av and the Coming of Adonai Tzidkenu
Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar (Av 9), begins Saturday night. It is a day of fasting on which we mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples that stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Babylon had successfully laid siege to Jerusalem without destroying the Temple around 605 BC, taking Daniel and many Israelites captive.As well, the Prophet Jeremiah had very vocally warned the people of the coming siege for many years. He repeatedly called for repentance, which could have prevented the destruction of the Temple. [...]
Tisha b'Av: The Third Holy Temple Plans Have Begun
Published on Jul 26, 2015 - The Temple Institute
This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
Tisha b'Av 2016: A Time to Build
Published on Aug 7, 2016 - The Temple Institute
Love, commitment and a shared vision for the future… these are the qualities that a Jewish couple bring to the marriage canopy. These very same qualities will enable the people of Israel to go from merely breaking the glass of remembrance of the destruction, to the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in our lifetime.
Parasha Reading Schedule 5776
Jewish holiday calendars & Hebrew date converter
Jewish people around the world mark
this day by the candle lighting and blessing:
"Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe,
who has sanctified us with His commandments, and
commanded us to kindle the light of the Holy Shabbat."
Shema Yisrael - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- in the mezuzah and in the tefillin
How to count the omer !
L'ilui Nishmat Azriel Godel ben Efraim Halevi v'Yedidyah
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Journey's End | Parashat Devarim | Your Weekly Challah
Aug 13, 2016 - Av 9, 5776
Parashat Devarim
פרשת דברים
Torah: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27
B’rit Chadashah: Acts 9:1-21
published in 5775 - Shabbat Shalom ! In Messiah's Love, His EVERY Word Ministries ...
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Weekly Torah Portion: Devarim
As we get closer to our goals, forces which oppose our progress rear their ugly heads and try to thwart us. This was true of the children of Israel who had to defeat the twin threats of Og and Bashan before entering the land, and this is true of us today, who must slay the demons which stand between us and building the Holy Temple.
Devarim (Numbers 1:1-3:22)
Parashat Devarim is read on Shabbat:
Av 9, 5776/August 13, 2016
Thanks beloved Rabbi Chaim Richman ...
Weekly Torah Portion: Devarim
Published on Aug 10, 2016 - The Temple Institute
Temple Talk Radio: Weekly Torah Portion
Temple Talk Radio broadcasting from Jerusalem with Rabbi Chaim Richman ...
Temple Talk Radio: Is the Goal of Tisha B’Av to be Sad? Is that the Whole Story
Published on Aug 9, 2016 - The Temple Institute
Whole New World: Why We Mourn for the Holy Temple
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Parshat Devarim
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Thanks beloved Rabbi Naphtali “Tuly” Weisz ...
What a 200-Year-Old Secret Teaching Reveals About the True Nature of Messiah Will Shock You
A highly secret teaching from one of the most renowned Jewish scholars and thinkers in Jewish history is slowly becoming known, revealing shocking details about the character of Messiah which are so explosive that they were hidden, in code, for over [...]
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
Pray at the Kotel - the Western Wailing Wall
Entire Media News on this Planet
click continue to use PressDisplay.com
Attack lull ends as Israeli is stabbed by Palestinian
Suspect sought in screwdriver assault; last incident July 1
Palestinian stabs Israeli after five-week lull in attacks
by Shira Rubin - USA TODAY
JERUSALEM A Palestinian man used a screwdriver to stab an Israeli man in the neck and back in Jerusalem on Thursday, the first such attack after a five-week lull in assaults by Palestinians that began last fall. The assailant, who was not identified, fled the scene and was being sought by security forces. The previous attack occurred on July 1, when a Palestinian from the West Bank shot at a car near Hebron, killing a father and wounding a mother and two children, according to the Israeli military. [...]
Hamas: Vote for Us or Burn in Hell
by Khaled Abu Toameh
Abbas decided to hold local and municipal elections because his advisors convinced him that Hamas would boycott the vote, according to senior Fatah official Husam Khader. The first sign of Hamas's frightening platform emerged when one of its top muftis, Yunis Al-Astal, issued a fatwa banning Palestinians from voting for any other party other than Hamas. "Any person, male or female, who votes for a party other than Hamas will be considered an infidel and apostate and his or her repentance will not be accepted even if they fasted or prayed or performed the hajj [pilgrimage] to Mecca," the mufti ruled. [...]
Asian Salmon - Cause We All Need More Ways To Cook Salmon
A Shabbat Prefast Meal
Cedar Planked Salmon Like You've Never Seen It
12 page sneak peek ...
All New #SummerIssue - Everything you need this summer Exclusively in Joy
Frozen Strawberry Yogurt
Pack It To Go, Vegetarian Sandwiches Everyone Will Love
Meat Free Recipes and What To Eat Before and After a Fast
Lots of you asked on last week's Facebook Live Q&A about how I juggle everything and especially about my Shabbos prep. So I am sharing my step-by-step, day-by-day Shabbos Plan with you this week. And yes I meant day-by-day literally, because in our house, we do a little something every single day in honor of the holy Shabbos. This week's Q & A is an open forum as always but I will focus a little on Tisha B'Av, pre- and post fast recipes and menus and anything else you wanna know. Wishing everyone an easy and meaningful fast - our last fast, G-d willing. <3 Jamie
A Non Meat Casserole You Can Prep Now and Eat Later
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Kitchen Shortcuts To Help You Prep For Early Shabbat In No Time
Shabbat Menu - Quick and Easy Shabbat Dinner
30 Matzo Recipes - What To Do with Lotsa Matzo
25 Spreads For Your Shabbat Challah Plus No Fuss Shabbat Recipes
20 Incredible Cookie Recipes
18 Ways Honey Makes Every Recipe Better
Celebrate Israeli Independance Day in Style With an Israeli BBQ !
Passover Lessons from Jamie's Foodie Friends
Passover holiday page where you can find all our Passover articles
Do You Have a Fear of Fleish ?
Tu B'Shevat Guide
The Best Recipes of 2015
Fake It Till You Make It With These Cooking Tips and Tricks That Make It
Freezer Stock Up: Complete Meals To Make In Advance
WATCH: Q&A With Jamie - How to Make Ahead and Freeze
Why We Love Tahini - Jamie Geller and Tamar Genger
How to Cook the Best Cholent Recipe - beloved hubby amazing
Joy of Israel Episode 5 - City of David Tour
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♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Joy of Kosher w Jamie Geller
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Whether you keep kosher or are just kosher-curious, JoyofKosher.com,
starring best-selling cookbook author Jamie Geller, is the ultimate online
community for people with good taste who are passionate about food.
JoyofKosher.com features thousands of gourmet and everyday kosher
recipes searchable by category (dairy, meat or pareve), cuisine, course,
and/or holiday, plus cooking tips and tricks from celebrity chefs and food
personalities. JoyofKosher.com also offers mouth-watering menu ideas for
Shabbat and all Jewish holidays. You don’t have to be kosher to love kosher !
Verily, Beloveds, I can scarcely take this all in while here on
the Lord's Earth, when we are all finally home, please, do
stop by to see Jamie and those beloveds within her given house ...
Beautiful - watch and hear oh so closely beloveds ...
Handcrafted Luxury Challah Covers From Israel ...
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 KJV
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Devarim w Tisha B’Av
- Being Prepared for Change !!!
Shabbat Shalom
Welcome to this week's Parasha (Torah Study), which is
called Devarim
(Words). This portion of Scripture will be read
during the morning services this Shabbat (Saturday) in
synagogues all around the world.
This Shabbat precedes Tisha B'Av, which
begins on Saturday night. It is called Black Sabbath because
it is considered the saddest Shabbat of the year.
It is also called Shabbat
Chazon (שבת חזון—Sabbath of Vision), which is taken
from the special Haftarah (prophetic portion) that is read
prior to Tisha B'Av, in which Isaiah laments the sin that will
cause the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
Destruction of Jerusalem, by Johann Georg Trautmann
Devarim (Words)
Deuteronomy 1:1–3:22; Isaiah 1:1–27; Mark
“These are the words
[devarim] which Moses spoke to all Israel on this side of
the Jordan in the wilderness.” (Deuteronomy 1:1)
Last week, the readings in the Book of Bamidbar (Numbers)
concluded with the double Torah portion of Matot–Masei.
This week, we begin the Book of Devarim
(Deuteronomy), with the Torah portion that is also
called Devarim. In this portion, Moses retells the
wilderness saga and reviews with all the people everything
that Adonai had ordered them.
He begins with God’s directive at Horeb to get moving and
take the Promised Land, which extends from the Mediterranean
Sea to the Euphrates River, including the lands of Ammon,
Moab, and Edom.
It is possible that the people were quite content not to
move forward once they had received the Ten Commandments at
Horeb (another name for Mount Sinai). They were no longer
under bondage, and the easiest thing to do would be to stay
Change can be
difficult. It takes effort to cope with a new situation.
But life is a journey. We are not meant to stand still
and stagnate. We are meant to move forward.
He Led Them by a Pillar of Cloud (Providence
Lithograph Company Bible card published
between1896 and 1913)
Facing the
Consequences of Sin
"Have confidence in your
leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep
watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this
so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that
would be of no benefit to you." (Hebrews 13:17)
In this Parasha, Moses reminds the new generation
that before the Israelites left Horeb, he had to create a
system of leaders in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties,
and tens because their quarrelsome nature has been such a
heavy burden.
These leaders were commissioned to judge cases and
disputes fairly, showing no favoritism.
After this, they moved on. When they reached
Kadesh-Barnea, Moses told them: “Look,
Adonai your God has placed the land before you. Go up, take
possession, as Adonai, the God of your ancestors, has told
you. Don’t be afraid, don’t be dismayed.”
(Deuteronomy 1:21)
(Deuteronomy 1:21)
But the idea of representative leadership seems to have
taken hold, and the people approached Moses asking that scouts
go ahead of them to find the best way into the Land. Moses
appointed one man from every tribe.
Each representative came back saying that the Land was
bountiful; however, 10 scouts said the inhabitants were bigger
and stronger than the Israelites. The implication was that
God was not big or strong or faithful or real enough to defeat
them. The Israelites chose to believe the faithless majority,
instead of the two faith-filled spies.
Believing the majority report was contrary to everything
that they had witnessed and experienced. God had moved
powerfully and miraculously on their behalf both in Egypt and
in the desert.
Not only that, He had proven Himself by going ahead of
them in the first place and charting the way they should go.
They only had to follow. There
was no reason to think that God would bring them to the
edge of the Promised Land only to desert them and leave
them to their own devices.
Open Torah scroll
In this Parasha, Moses reminds the new generation
of the devastating consequences for their parent's lack of
faith: the entire generation died in the desert, as would
Moses also reminds them that when their parents knew they
had sinned by listening to the 10 spies, and understood the
consequences of their sin, they tried to "make it right" by
fighting the enemy in their own strength.
Subsequently, they suffered a terrible defeat.
Moses seems to be teaching that the majority doesn’t
always know what is best, and sometimes following the majority
can have unforeseen, tragic consequences. It is far too easy
to get pulled along by the crowd.
We also understand
that although God forgives us when we repent for not
following Him, we cannot escape the consequences of our
God will not desert us, but there will be changes that we
have to live with and accept.
A Jewish woman sways back and forth as she prays at the Western
(Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.
Moses Prepares the
Nation for Change
In Parasha Devarim, we see that Moses is giving his
parting words. In less than 40 days, he will die.
Moses will not be crossing the Jordan with the Israelites.
So, he takes this opportunity to point the people towards
Adonai and impress on this new generation the
importance of heeding His instructions.
As they move forward, he wants them to be aware of their
tendency to get into trouble. But self-examination will help
them bear fruit.
He also wants them to remember that their strength is in
the Lord Himself. It is YHVH whom they will follow as they
cross the Jordan to take the Land.
In that Land, they will experience a drastic lifestyle
change. They will no longer journey through the wilderness
under His leadership, but will live in an abundant land under
Joshua’s leadership.
He wants the people to internalize the message that despite their disobedience
and grumblings, God had carried them throughout their
40-year journey through the wilderness the way a father
carries his children.
“The LORD your God, who is
going before you, will fight for you, as He did for you in
Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There
you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father
carries His son, all the way you went until you reached this
place." (Deuteronomy 1:30–31)
Although they will experience a change that will require
great effort on their part, Adonai will be with them.
Likewise, when Adonai ordains a season of change for us,
we can trust Him and confidently move forward.
An Israeli father carries his son on his shoulders as they hike in
the wilderness.
Isaiah Chastises the
This week’s Haftarah (Prophetic) reading is the
last in a series of three Haftarot of Affliction,
which are read during the Three Weeks of mourning between 17
Tammuz and 9 Av.
In this Haftarah, Isaiah chastises the people for their
rebellion against Adonai. Despite having been repeatedly
reprimanded and punished while in the Promised Land, they have
continued on with their sinful ways. Isaiah even calls their
leaders “rulers of Sodom.”
In fact, the people have become so sinful that God no
longer delights in their sacrifices and holy day observances.
There is no problem with the actual sacrifices or
observances, however. God ordained them.
The problem is a
people whose hearts are far from Him and are just going
through the motions as though that is what makes them
God actually requires us to bring our sacrifices and
offerings to Him in holiness, with a heart that seeks Him
first, so He expresses His displeasure:
“Stop bringing meaningless
offerings! Your incense is detestable to Me. New Moons,
Sabbaths and convocations — I cannot bear your worthless
assemblies." (Isaiah 1:13)
In this portion, we learn that while they are going
through the motions of required observances, their hearts
follow after pagan practices and idolatry.
Coupled with this hypocritical admixture of the law of
Moses and the ways of the world are selfishness, cruelty, and
the perversion of justice. Isaiah calls them “partners with thieves; they all love
bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause
of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before
(Isaiah 1:23)
(Isaiah 1:23)
While these sins, if not repented for, will result in the
destruction of the Temple, God does not leave Israel only with
words of reprimand: He encourages the people to repent and
turn to Him by performing just acts and showing kindness to
the widows, orphans, and the needy.
A homeless man sleeps on a street corner in Tel Aviv.
The Lord Prepares
the People for Redemption
This Haftarah portion contains a very precious
promise that points to our redemption in the Messiah:
“‘Come now, let us settle
the matter,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red
as crimson, they shall be like wool.’” (Isaiah 1:18)
This precious promise of renewed intimacy finds its
ultimate fulfillment in Yeshua (Jesus) and the Brit Chadashah
(New Covenant) that He ratified with His own blood.
was the LORD’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes His life an offering for sin.” (Isaiah
At that time, a cleansed people would wholeheartedly
follow the Lord, and their hearts and minds would be
supernaturally filled with the knowledge of God.
that time,’ declares the LORD. ‘I will put My law in their
minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God,
and they will be My people. No longer will they teach their
neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because
they will all know Me, from the least of them to the
greatest,” declares the LORD. ‘For I will forgive their
wickedness and will remember their sins no more.’” (Jeremiah
A model of the Second Temple as Yeshua might have seen it.
On Shabbat Chazon, as we prepare for Tisha B'Av, we
remember that the First Temple was destroyed on Tisha B'Av
because of idolatry and wickedness, and the Second Temple was
destroyed because of baseless hatred among Jews (and
especially, perhaps, of Yeshua).
But that is not the
end of the story. Yeshua will return to Israel when the
Third Temple is built and there is a national turning to
Him, as the Prophet Zechariah foretells.
"And I will pour out on the
house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of
grace and supplication. They will look on Me, the one they
have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for
an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves
for a firstborn son." (Zechariah 12:10)
Oh how we look forward to this wonderful day of grace and
changed hearts!
These Last Days are a season of change.
God is moving among His people to physically and
spiritually restore them. You can be part of this end-time
move of God by contributing to our work among the Jewish
"Hear the word of the LORD,
you nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: 'He who
scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over His
flock like a shepherd." (Jeremiah 31:10)
"You will again have
compassion on us; You will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."
(Micah 7:19)
Willing to
Shabbat Shalom from
the Entire Bibles For Israel Family!
the Entire Bibles For Israel Family!
Copyright © 2016 Messianic
Articles cannot be copied without permission
Articles cannot be copied without permission
The Jewish people (the People of the Book)
gave the world the BIBLE. Today there are about 14 million
Jewish people in the world though most have never studied
the Messianic Prophecies. Finally, for the first time, there will
be a Hebrew Messianic Prophecy Bible, based on the
Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls and Masoretic texts translated
into hundreds of languages, exposing the true meanings.
Many have falsely said that God is finished with His
Chosen People; however, Bible prophecy clearly states that
this will never be so. In fact, in these Last Days,God is moving
among His people to physically and spiritually restore them.
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A greater part of intelligence analysis is deciphering the information
from the disinformation, this is under the guises of tradecraft.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
Proud to be a Jew and an Israeli
I am Israeli - אני ישראלי
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