April 30, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — The reaction among
responsible black and white law-abiding citizens to the black thugs
rioting in Baltimore was captured by Toya Graham, the black mother who
smacked her son around when she found him on the streets joining the
attacks on police. Even liberals in the major media applauded her
efforts... (more)
April 30, 2015
CNS NEWS — In the oral arguments presented
yesterday in the Supreme Court on the question of whether the U.S.
Constitution guarantees two people of the same sex the right to marry
one another, Justice Samuel Alito asked whether--if two of the same sex have a right to marry--why not four people of opposite sexes... (more)
April 30, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — Traditional marriage supporters and legal reporters suggest Tuesday's
oral arguments on the definition of marriage mean the Supreme Court
could go either way on marriage, but a respected legal scholar says the
track record of the justices shows the odds are still strongly with
supporters of same-sex marriage... (more)
April 30, 2015
FOX NEWS — "We will not obey." That's the
blunt warning a group of prominent religious leaders is sending to the
Supreme Court of the United States as they consider same-sex marriage...
April 30, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — Evidence of a pro-"gay"
bias by two Supreme Court justices, especially Ruth Ginsburg, could
undermine the court's ruling on same-sex "marriage," according to a
constitutional expert. "The decision will forever be open to question of
whether it was an honest and fair decision of the court or was
controlled by their personal viewpoints on the issue," Col. John Eidsmoe
told WND on Wednesday... (more)
April 30, 2015
NEWSMAX — Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old
black man who died of a spinal cord injury sustained while in Baltimore
police custody, was banging against the walls of the police van he was
being held in, according to testimony from another prisoner in the van,
The Washington Post reported Wednesday night... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The Baltimore riots show that police departments must hold officers accountable for wrongdoing, President Obama said Wednesday. Obama told Steve Harvey on his morning show that though he supports the Baltimore police officers injured by rioters -- adding that there is no excuse for that kind of violence -- police departments need to work on accountability and transparency in order to build more trust in minority communities... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday
asserted that President Obama has irresponsibly enflamed race relations
in the United States and wasted a unique opportunity to heal old wounds
and bring Americans together. The Texas Republican, a candidate for
president in 2016, made those comments during an appearance in
Washington hosted by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce... (more)
April 30, 2015
MICHELLE MALKIN — It's never enough.
American taxpayers have surrendered billions and billions and billions
of dollars to the social-justice-spender-in-chief. But it's never,
ever enough. The latest paroxysm of urban violence, looting, and
recriminations in Baltimore prompted President Obama on Tuesday to trot out his frayed Blame The Callous, Tight-Fisted Republicans card... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — With such steady, just
and hopeful leadership from President Obama and his recently departed
attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., is it any wonder that peace, love,
patriotism and tranquility reign across the land with such fervor? In
Ferguson, men and women, black and white, raised their hands high to the
heavens -- all together, as one... (more)
April 30, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — The Iran Revolutionary
Guard naval patrol intercepted a U.S.-flagged ship five days before
firing shots on the Marshall Island-flagged Maersk Tigris and seizing
it, representing what U.S. Defense Department officials call a "pattern
of behavior" as Washington and Tehran seek to finalize a nuclear
agreement... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Today, there is no
greater threat to U.S. national security than the prospect of a nuclear
Iran. Led by theocratic zealots who have pledged to "annihilate Israel"
and who regularly lead chants of "Death to America," an Iran with
nuclear weapons poses an unacceptably high risk of murdering millions of
Americans or millions of our allies... (more)
April 30, 2015
LARRY KLAYMAN — It is bad enough when
President Barack Hussein Obama's minions throughout the executive branch
further his nefarious interests at the expense of We the People, but
when a supposedly independent federal judge plays political games to
boost Obama's Iran agenda and the judge's chances of being nominated by
the "Muslim in Chief" to the U.S. Supreme Court, this amounts to a
perversion of our legal system... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — The White House tried to reassure Americans and the governor of Texas Wednesday
that a planned special U.S. military training operation in several
southwestern states is no cause for alarm. The plans have raised fears
among some Texans of a federal occupation.... (more)
April 30, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — In a matter of two
days, two underground tunnels dug between the California-Mexico border
were discovered by U.S. Border Patrol. The first was found Monday near Calexico across from Mexicali. The second, though incomplete, was discovered Tuesday in the Tijuana River Valley across from Tijuana's Avenida International... (more)
April 29, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Justices were fractured Tuesday
over fundamental questions of society, child-rearing and equal
treatment under the law as the Supreme Court struggled with whether the
Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry or if voters
should still have the power to say what marriage means within their own
state borders.... (more)
April 29, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — An article on a left-wing
website called AlterNet carries the title: "What My Female-Born
Transgender Autistic Brother Can Teach You About How We Construct Our
Identities." This may be the next phase in the campaign for transgender
rights. Perhaps it will be the next reality show, following Bruce
Jenner's.... (more)
April 29, 2015
BOB UNRUH — The New York Times reported on Tuesday
that Justices Ruth Ginsburg and Elena Kagan argued at the Supreme Court
hearing on same-sex "marriage" that mandating that status across the
nation would do no harm to traditional marriages of heterosexual
couples.... (more)
April 29, 2015
JOSEPH FARAH — It's a question I'm hearing frequently these days --
even from people who don't necessarily follow politics that carefully:
What is the point of electing Republicans to the House and Senate if
they are going to capitulate to Barack Obama and the Democratic minority
anyway?... (more)
April 29, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Violent clashes between police and angry crowds erupted on Baltimore's streets Monday
afternoon and fires burned into the night after hundreds gathered for
the funeral of a 25-year-old black man who was fatally injured while in
police custody.... (more)
April 29, 2015
— A Dublin, Ga., middle school teacher who in March told her students
that President Barack Obama isn't a Christian has been removed from the
classroom to pave the way for her retirement at the end of the school
year.... (more)
April 27, 2015
ALAN KEYES — Though these days many people
claim to accept the notion that trust in God involves an irrational
"leap of faith," when the Bible portrays the trust that God accounts as
righteousness, it seems rather to be based on the actual experience of
the righteous. They are often reacting to awesome events that impress
them with God's presence and power, but they also do not hesitate to ask
for such evidence when their trust is lacking... (more)
April 27, 2015
JOAN SWIRSKY, RA ANALYST — It took the socialists and communists -- today known as progressives --
nearly one hundred years to implant one of their own in the Oval
Office. One could include their ideological soul mates, the jihadists
among us, since the dream they all have in common is to transform and/or
to destroy America... (more)
April 27, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — GOP presidential candidate
Marco Rubio believes there is no constitutional right to same-sex
marriage. "It doesn't exist," he told David Brody of "The Brody File" in
Des Moines Iowa this weekend. "There is no federal constitutional right
to same-sex marriage. There isn't such a right... (more)
April 27, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — The media have launched a
major campaign on behalf of the "transgendered." The Bruce Jenner ABC
News interview is the most visible manifestation of this campaign.
However, the NBC Nightly News on Wednesday
ran a story by Kate Snow about the "transgender grandchild" of
Democratic Rep. Mike Honda of Hawaii. Lacking in the coverage is any
concrete definition of the term "transgendered" or any discussion of how
children are now being used to promote an increasingly bizarre sexual
agenda that requires physically mutilating or chemically treating very
confused young people.... (more)
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