BJ3: Ever see a monkey do pushups
and situps???? Be amazed; better than most people I know,
From: Jenny.....monkeys
State threatening anti-Common Core parents with
jail?...Fight over federalized testing escalates
BJ3: Yep....From:
John Rolls
Defiant- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Holds News
Conference; I Take Law Enforcement Seriously
BJ3: “Over
use”? You mean like more than zero?
From: Rob...Fury rises at Disney over use of foreign
From: Rob E
Walker At Odds With Rubio On Legal
From: sherzieve
From: "Dave Hollenbeck"
Judicial Watch, AEF File Amici Brief with
Supreme Court Supporting Arizona, Kansas Efforts to Require Proof of Citizenship
on Voter Registration
BJ3: Absolutely as per Sher. Plus, as a commenter says, and we have
long said, especially here...”By holding grants, money and threats of pulling
federal dollars, he can attempt to force local police departments to do what is
commanded of them. That may have very little to do with people’s safety and
everything to do with imposition of doctrine and
This is, of
course, what he plans to do...and--with no opposition from our elected
"leaders"--I suspect it will be soon....From: "cam39470" .....Obama tells on
From: sherzieve...
Guess it's not quite as "tin foil hat" as many have
said...From: John Rolls
From: D Johnson
Helm getting wired in tight. Updated information regarding the two month long
From: charlite.....
Humbly, I suggest Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke as our next
POTUS. He's the best of the best that America has ever produced - so superior to
ANY of the current contenders that the comparison is incalculable. A PRESIDENT
CLARKE would indeed inspire, design and create a New American Renaissance -
both foreign and domestic. Why aren't conservative leaders talking about
David Clarke? - Meanwhile, read and see how Saudi Arabia and Israel are 'going
it alone' in the absence of any help whatsoever from Indonesian Barry Soetoro,
currently parked in our W.H.
Sheriff David Clarke for POTUS!
Sheriff To Obama: Damn Right We Cling To
Our Guns And Religion
From: sherzieve...
Liberals and leftists
lie instead of telling the truth...even when the truth would actually help
From: "doug walk" (Arrogant, lying, liberal mayor
actually denies saying what she was recorded
saying by multiple sources, do
these liberals even know when they’re lying or were they just brought up being
taught to lie) ???
From: Dave Hollenbeck
Prosecutorial Misconduct is
not an Epidemic!
From: sherzieve.....
More ObamaGov activity to stop the distribution of supplies
to citizens of the USA...From: "Dave Hollenbeck" :
Truck drivers strike at Ports of L.A., Long Beach, San Diego
Truck drivers strike at Ports of L.A., Long Beach, San Diego
EBau...How to
Destroy a People Through Immigration
EBau...Illegal Immigration And Gangs:
Someday Our Cities Will Burn Because We Didn’t Protect Our
EBau...End of America in 2014?! The
‘Orchestrated Event’ Begins as Infowars Reporter Gets Threatened With Arrest For
Exposing Immigration!! (Chilling Videos)
EBau...Soros-Funded Group Plans ‘Fly-In’ to Push House
Republicans on Amnesty
Attachments area
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