"[The] Vote By The FCC To Regulate
The Internet... Is Further Proof That The Obama Administration Will Stop At
Nothing In Their Efforts To Control The Internet." -- Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Make no mistake, the Internet as you know it will never be the same if we let Barack Obama implement this takeover. You'll pay more for less service and the government will use this draconian ruling as a club to bludgeon Internet freedom, including ultimately your free speech.
And if you think we exaggerate, consider what Blackburn says on the matter: "Once the federal government establishes a foothold into managing how Internet service providers run their networks they will essentially be deciding which content goes first, second, third, OR NOT AT ALL." [Emphasis Ours]
Time is short and Blackburn's Internet Freedom Act is still stalled in committee as Republicans bicker behind closed doors over whether or not they should fight Barack Obama or pretend to "compromise" with Barack Obama and essentially give him everything he wants.
Seriously folks, if you like your Internet and want to keep your Internet... If you like your 1st Amendment rights and want to keep your 1st Amendment rights... Congress must hear from you now.
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What Would You Say If Barack Obama Ordered Your Local AM Radio Station To Stop Broadcasting The Rush Limbaugh Show?
If calling this un-American power grab by Barack Obama's FCC an "Internet Takeover" ... which has been sold on an unsuspecting public as something called Net Neutrality ... sounds a little far-fetched, then consider just one example of what is contained in the 400 pages of the Obama-FCC order.
Here's what the FCC says about First Amendment rights in Section 544: "The rules we adopt today do not curtail broadband providers' free speech rights. When engaged in broadband Internet access services, broadband providers are not speakers, but rather serve as conduits for the speech of others."
Okay... so here's a question: Do local AM radio stations not "serve as conduits for the speech of others." Come to think of it, is your radio not a "conduit" for the speech of others?
Now, let's be clear. This Obama-FCC order only applies to the Internet (at least for now), but the analogy should serve to illustrate EXACTLY what Barack Obama and the FCC are thinking when it comes to your First Amendment rights. Call it the Fairness Doctrine for the Internet.
If you're not a "speaker," the First Amendment doesn't apply to you. And who determines whether or not you're a "speaker?" Why... none other than Barack Obama and his regulatory puppets.
The thinking is straight out of George Orwell's Animal Farm. Barack Obama doesn't need to control your speech if he can control the "conduits" of your speech.
If you like your Internet, you can keep your Internet and if you like your First Amendment rights, you can keep your First Amendment rights... You can say whatever you want, but lots of luck when it comes to anyone actually hearing what you have to say or you hearing what others have to say to you because federal bureaucrats could ultimately control the "conduits" of speech.
Rush Limbaugh perhaps said it best: "[D]o you want the people who gave you ObamaCare running your Internet service? Do you want them in charge of what you can get and when you can get it and how much it's gonna cost you?"
The time to act is now.
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"Socialism For The Internet" ...
If you're still having trouble understanding the dangers of this latest Internet Takeover, just remember that so-called Net Neutrality is "Socialism for the Internet."
That's exactly what Seton Motley, the president of Less Government, says about so-called Net Neutrality. He adds: "It's an assault on the industry to effect an ideological outcome" so "the government will be able to pick winners and losers."
Washington Times columnist and syndicated radio talk show host Tammy Bruce goes a step further and claims: "The Internet must be killed because it dares to keep turning on the light in a room the left prefers remain dark."
Bruce goes on: "This would be done to make the Internet more 'fair,' of course. But the truth of the matter is it's an excuse to essentially nationalize the Internet. The moment that's accepted, all bets are off...."
Senator John Thune says: "It is a power grab for the federal government by the chairman of a supposedly independent agency who finally succumbed to the bully tactics of political activists and the president himself."
But there's more...
Almost two weeks after voting on the then-secret so-called Net Neutrality order to facilitate Barack Obama's takeover of the Internet, the FCC finally released the 400-page order to the public... and once the guidelines were released we realized that Obama's plan to takeover the Internet was far worse than we could have ever imagined.
According to The Daily Caller, the FCC Net Neutrality order made "46 references to a group funded by Billionaire George Soros and co-founded by a neo-Marxist."
Translation: Based on references in the order alone, it is clear that Barack Obama's takeover of the Internet was actually written ... in large part ... by radical Marxists.
But that tidbit of news should come as no surprise since it is also known that radical socialist-leaning organizations funded by Billionaire Socialist George Soros and others have spent approximately 200 MILLION DOLLARS ($200,000,000.00) to make Barack Obama's tyrannical and dictatorial takeover of the Internet a reality.
Make no mistake, the Socialists are at the gates and only you have the power to stop them. No one said this fight would be easy, but we're in it to the bitter end. Are you in this fight with us?
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Say What? ... It's No Conspiracy Theory. The Socialists Are At The Gates And So-Called Net Neutrality Is Part Of Their Master Plan...
If you're looking for more specifics, the organization whose arguments are cited at least 46 times in the Obama-FCC dictatorial order is ironically named Free Press.
Free Press is funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundation and other left-wing groups like the Ford Foundation. And it was founded by Robert McChesney, an avowed Socialist who is presently a communications professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
And to McChesney so-called Net Neutrality is simply a means to an end. Specifically, it's the first step to be taken to fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist tyranny.
Don't take our word for it. Read what McChesney says about it for yourself:
Make no mistake, so-called Net Neutrality was always about giving the government total control and there's only one way to stop it now that Barack Obama's FCC has essentially decreed it ... by dictatorial fiat ... to be the law of the land. The Republican-controlled Congress must bring H.R. 1212 to the floor of the House and Senate and pass it TODAY.
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Yours In Freedom
Center for Individual Freedom
815 King Street
Suite 303
Alexandria, VA 22314
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