Closed Walmarts To Be Guerilla Warfare Staging Areas In Response To Invasion
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
There can be no doubt that the internal events at Walmart holds the key
to the end game of Jade Helm operations. Jade Helm and Walmart are
inextricably linked and the existing evidence suggests one of two
possible end game probabilities for Jade Helm. 1. Converted Walmart
Jade Helm – Russian Intel Report
from Dr. William Mount: Russian Intel (SVR) works closely with Pravda
Reporters and have assisted me in stopping this coming war for about 7
years now and here is what they have to say about Jade Helm....
Citizen Journalists: Baltimore, Wash D.C. Ferguson, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Use Our Platform To Grow Your Audience
Operation Jade Helm 15 Huge Step Closer Towards Permanent Military Presence On Main Street
Baltimore Riots And A Vision Of Things To Come

Obama Is Happy To Mock Michele Bachmann on the Rapture (Video) Obama Is Of Satan & Antichrist Spirit Fact! Apocalypse
CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala.
By King of Shambhala Obama Is Of Satan & Antichrist Spirit Fact!
Obama the Prince of Satan Paranormal clips compilation Obama Mocks
Michele Bachmann on the Rapture The “mock Michele Bachmann for her
religious beliefs” train ride...
Valerie Jarrett Contact With Baltimore Mayor
“Prepare For Nuclear War” Russia Warns Citizens As US Tanks Flood Into Europe
Nepal Quake Moves Kathmandu 10 Feet
The Miracle Of The 528 Hz Love Frequency Solfeggio (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator.
by Attuned Vibrations According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a
frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of
creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE
frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart,
your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality...
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
CONTRIBUTOR: The Pete Santilli Show
CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Investor
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore
CONTRIBUTOR: truthlovingsoul
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