Monday, May 19, 2014


1. Is The American Spirit Broken Beyond Repair?
Michael Goodwin / D.W. Ulsterman 
2. Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from Every Angle
Sher Zieve

3. Report: 100 Veteran Deaths Linked to ‘Delay in Treatment’ at VA Hospitals 
Greg Richter 


4. Dollar on the Brink of Disaster
John Williams – Greg Hunter Video 
Economist John Williams has a dire prediction for the U.S. dollar.  Williams says, “I don’t see what will save it at this point. . . . Now we are to the point that the dollar has been ignored for years.  The federal deficit has been ignored for years. . . . That’s what we are on the brink of disaster with, and that is what has to be addressed now, and that’s not happening.”  Williams also contends, “The way I see it, the dollar could go to zero in terms of its purchasing power.  You don’t want to have your assets in U.S. dollars.” 

5. Smoking Gun From The Federal Reserve Murder Of The Middle Class
Jim Quinn

6. The $12 Trillion Ticking Time Bomb
Phoenix Capital Research

7. The Perfect Storm Of The Dollar?
Russia DUMPS 20% of Its US Treasuries, FATCA Kicks In July 2014

8. Can A Nation $17 Trillion In Debt Afford Higher Interest Rates
& Will This Change Our Retirements?
Daniel R. Amerman, CFA

9. The National Debt – A National Disgrace
Dwight Kehoe

10. Jim Rogers Warns: “You Better Run for the Hills!”


11. Were U.S. Veterans Benghazied?
 Jeannie DeAngelis
In an article published online at, Geoff Dyer says that the indignity swirling around the Obama administration concerning the unnecessary deaths of “dozens” of U.S. veterans in a VA hospital in Arizona threatens to “engulf” the president.
Moreover, with all due respect to the author, isn’t the VA hospital just another example of the sort of bungling that’s been going on for six years? 
And doesn’t this more recent scandal reflect the same ineptness that negatively impacted Benghazi and stands to severely impact what Dyer calls the “improving fortunes” of health care reform in the future?



12. The Emerging Junta -The IRS’s Illegal Actions —

and Its Efforts at Cover-Up —Undermine the Foundations of our Government.

Kevin D. Williamson


13. Operation Choke Point: Obama’s Plan to Kill the Second Amendment + Video
End Time News


14. Feds Ignite Suspicion with Explosive Buying Spree –
Blasting Caps, ‘Linear-Shaped Charges’ Included in Delivery Order
Steve Peacock

15. Time for the States to Take Back Their Land from the Feds
Alan Caruba



16. Military Preps US Deployment: ‘End Game’ Has Arrived

Stefan Sanford / Video

17. Putin Out and Proud
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison


18. Is The Mainstream Media Dying?
Michael Synder

19. Operation American Spring 2014

 20. Obamacare Site Served Just 1 Person On Day 1 –  
 Calamity Far Worse Than Previously Reported 
 Garth Kant 

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