Monday, May 19, 2014


Political Correctness Sinks Mark Twain
image A cove in Lake Tahoe will not be named for American writer Mark Twain, after the Washoe Tribe complained the caucasian author was prejudiced against Native Americans.

The Banana Republic of Massachusetts?
image Like most of the rest of the United States, Massachusetts is fast becoming a banana republic -- minus the bananas. Tomorrow, we'll find out just how far gone the state is, when Judge David Ricciardone in Worcester hands down his sentence on an illegal alien drunken driver from Ecuador charged with murder in the death of a taxpaying American citizen in Milford in 2011.

Today's Edition Sponsored By:
More documents shed light on the IRS war on conservatives
image A public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption says Internal Revenue Service headquarters directed the targeting of conservative-leaning tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle.

Hillary's age and health are fair game
image Republican National Committee Director Reince Priebus echoed strategist Karl Rove's concerns about a head injury Hillary Clinton suffered in 2012, saying "health and age is fair game."

Religious Americans will keep fighting for traditional marriage
image In 1831, a French aristocrat named Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in America and spent several years traveling and studying life in the communities of the new nation.

Julian Castro is Obama's pick for HUD, perhaps for 2016 ticket
image San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro will be nominated as the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, a move that both indicates the Obama administration's confidence in its ability to get nominations through the Senate and one that could have implications for the 2016 presidential campaign.

Your sign, your property, but take it down!
image Highway billboards selling commercial products are apparently okay in Texas, but not signs displaying the Ten Commandments. Liberty Institute is fighting for the constitutional rights of Jeanette Golden, a Christian woman in Hemphill, Texas, who has been told by the state she can't put a Ten Commandments sign on her own property adjacent to a highway.

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