Sunday, April 27, 2014


DOJ To Release Thousands Of Prisoners: Crime Wave To Follow

Obama’s Department of Justice, led by Attorney General Eric Holder, is less concerned with enforcing the law than it is with fixing the wrongs of years gone by. As such, they will begin releasing thousands of non-violent drug offenders from federal prison. The idea being, that these prisoners were unfairly sentenced under “racist” laws.
This comes on the heels of Obama’s Fair Sentencing Act and Holder’s push to restore voting rights to convicted felons. Regardless of opinion of America’s war on drugs, it is the law of the land. It is not the Executive Branch’s job to reinterpret or ignore the law. Correcting a perceived injustice should not come at the expense of our safety.
What the government is planning to do is set thousands of prisoners loose in our communities. They may be currently in jail for non-violent drug offenses, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t criminals. Many of them have lengthy arrest records. Many more took plea deals that knocked down additional non-drug related charges.
The idea that these prisoners are law-abiding saints that got caught up in an unjust system is a joke. They are street hustlers and thugs that happened to get caught selling drugs. They have no respect for the law and no ability to earn a living legitimately.
What do you think is going to happen when they hit the streets? Will they resume pursuing that advanced college degree that was rudely interrupted by the crack distribution conviction? Perhaps they will take a position on the board of directors at a Fortune 500 company.
Or, more likely, they will steal cars, rob liquor stores, and resume a lucrative career in drug distribution. One statistic that I would love to see but won’t because the DOJ will never release it is, how many of these prisoners end up back in jail within a year of their release. Considering that criminals have a 78% recidivism rate, I’m sure that number will be pretty high.
Due to prison over crowding in California, the federal government has forced the state to do something similar and set thousands of so called non-violent offenders free. Since this has been going on, property crime and assault rates have increased significantly in the Golden State. Gee, I wonder if there is a connection?
These prisoners will re-offend. Of that there is no question. But Obama and Holder are really setting themselves up for more trouble than they can handle. As soon as one of these criminals rapes or kills someone, when they should have still been in prison, the doo-doo is going to hit the fan.
If Obama is really looking for people to grant clemency to, he should start with folks whose only crime is legally owning a gun before it was made illegal by an unconstitutional state gun ban. Oh wait, this isn’t about justice or personal rights; it’s political posturing.
Obama breaks and ignores the law for a variety of self-serving reasons. This newest action may be the most despicable of all. He is going to unleash thousands of criminals on society because he wants to prove to the black community that he has their back. He’s sick and tired of being accused of not doing enough to help black people so he’s going to let all of these offenders out of jail. Ironically, many of these newly sprung convicts are going to return to their black communities to commit further crimes.

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