Thursday, October 3, 2013

RedState Briefing 10/03/2013

Morning Briefing
For October 3, 2013

>> Today's Sponsor

1.  This is About Shutting Down Obamacare
Congressmen, this is about shutting down Obamacare.

Democrats keep talking about our refusal to compromise. They don’t realize our compromise is defunding Obamacare. We actually want to repeal it.

This is it. Our endgame is to leave the whole thing shut down until the President defunds Obamacare. And if he does not defund Obamacare, we leave the whole thing shut down.

After all, if the government is not spending any money, when we collide with the debt ceiling in two weeks, we should not have to worry since the government is spending so little money.

This shutdown is about Obamacare. Congressmen, do not take your eyes off the ball. This is not about a grand bargain to restructure the tax code, reform entitlements, or raise revenue.

This is about shutting down Obamacare. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

2.  Ted Cruz & Mike Lee: Commanders of the Conservative Army
Whenever a conservative says anything critical of the pukey leadership in the Republican Party — whenever they do it — what do we hear?

“Circular firing squad.”

“This is not helpful.”

“They violated the 11th Commandment.”

“Let’s not make our 80% friend our enemy.”

“They won’t consider the end game.”

They vomit this stuff up every single time any conservative points out how badly they are selling out.

So you can laugh that these same establishment guys have run off to the Politico to tell the world just how badly they beat up Ted Cruz in their closed door meeting and he has no end game. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  How the Democrats got us to a shutdown
The press has been falling over itself to attack Republicans for the shutdown and claiming that they are the source of all the irresponsibility in the process. They have conveniently forgotten several important things about how much the Democrats have broken the budget process in the last couple of years and in this year in particular.  I wrote back in January about how the Senate Democrats were dismantling the budget process. While the Senate did pass a budget resolution this year, in many ways the situation has gotten much, much worse. A shutdown is, purely for procedural reasons, a natural and logical consequence of the massive failure of the Senate to do its job.

Let’s work through the details. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

4.  Annnd that is the sound of the California #Obamacare exchange going down in flames.
Here’s a clip on KNTV. Basically, it reports that the California Obamacare exchanges will be taken offline this evening so that Covered California can fix the problem that’s keeping people from… enrolling in the California Obamacare exchanges. Mind you, they’re claiming that the site will be ready again on October 3rd… then again, they also claimed that it’d be ready on October 1st. Several different times, in fact. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

>> Today's Sponsor
Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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