Thursday, October 24, 2013


  Submitted by: Debbie Beatty


By Aaron Cantor ~ October 24th, 2013 @ 16:31
Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)
He can’t say enough good things about the debacle he calls Obama Care, even though it is an absolute disaster.
Now today, since he realizes that the folks are not buying the CaCa de TORO, he has switched gears and is touting (get this)
I have written I can’t remember how many columns on this particular subject, and have asked if some of the supposed illuminati (you know the ones who think they are smarter than anyone else) could please define just what is Comprehensive immigration reform.
They bandy that phrase around every time they open their mouth because it sounds like a good buzz word, but they can’t or won’t define its meaning.
The minute one of those illegal wetback border jumpers crosses the border he has committed a host of felonies, and yet Eric the incompetent HOLDER has ordered the U.S. Border Patrol not to arrest detain and deport them, and ICE has been ordered not to lock them up but instead they are running a giant catch and release program (thank you Mr. Holder and Big Sis Napolitano.
They actually intend to give these wetbacks a path to citizenship as a reward for breaking our laws to get here.
Once those people become citizens they can sponsor their whole damned family into the country, the floodgates will have opened wide and can’t be closed again and at that point
What used to be the United States of America, will no longer exist, but will be just a fading memory of what once was.
Now switching from one program to another in quick succession, is an old magicians trick known as misdirection (you know, don’t let the people see what piece of business the left hand is doing while you distract them with the right hand).
Now it really gets fun boys and girls, we are really strapped for cash as regards the military but the Dummy in chief (right in the middle of the so called sequester) want’s to expend $8.5 million dollars to change the Marine Corps Dress Uniform cap to a unisex hat which closely resembles the dress hat worn by woman marines.
If you think the Marines who had to march in the inaugural parade with the bolts removed from their weapons were pissed, this is going to be the frosting on the cake with the giant cherry on top.
He is throwing all this stuff at us one after the other, so hopefully no one will get centered on any one thing long enough to start anything but our boy is dead assed wrong.
I don’t think he realizes just how big a can of whip ass he is about to open or what the consequences will be.
Going back to the Obama Care disaster does it not seem strange that they had three years to get the web site set up and they spent$634 million dollars to do it and it still does not work?
It has been suggested that it wasn’t supposed to work, that it was designed to fail, to what end I have not got a damned clue, but then that is above my pay grade I didn’t go to Columbia and Harvard, I graduated from a lowly school most folks have never heard of commonly known by we alumni as SU/CHK.


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