Monday, September 16, 2013


From Thug to Peacemaker

In our fast changing world, the meteoric rise of Vladmir Putin from a bully trampling on the lives of anyone who dares to oppose him to being Obama/Kerry's guide to "peace on earth" is a sight to be internalized.
Putin, the ally of Assad, is being heralded by Kerry and Obama as the man who will bring Assad under control. Hopefully, no one but the desperate duo believes this farce of a chemical weapons deal.
As you read this, Putin continues to supply arms to Assad.
Of even greater danger is that Putin, an energetic friend of Iran, will be seen by the White House as the man to lead negotiations with Iran - in other words to give Iran more time to develop nuclear weapons. This becomes increasingly likely as Iran's President just asked Putin to help Iran with its nuclear strategy. Last week, Putin agreed to provide Iran with state-of-the-art anti-aircraft missiles.

Putin the Peace Maker may be funny if America had competent leaders. Instead, we have an administration that is desperately trying to stay afloat -- an administration that will appease its enemies rather than stand up for what is right.
Don't be surprised if tiny Israel steps to the plate and stops Iran's nuclear program, as Israel's leaders feel the United States is retreating from the world stage.


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