Sunday, September 15, 2013


Submitted by: Joan Biz

The Department ofHousing and Urban Development wants to change the Fair Housing Law includeforced integration of neighborhoods and control of local zoning.

HUD's new ruling give the government the authority to reshape your community without local approval.

Please take the time to make your comments.Should this Rule be passed, it will affect every neighborhood in the country.

Please see video below and read the Wall StreetJournal article written by Rob Astorino.

"Under the proposed rule neighborhood dataprovided by HUD will be used to evaluate patterns of integration andsegregation, racial and ethnic concentrations of poverty, and access to"valuable community assets." HUD wants to know if existing laws andpolicies -- such as zoning, financing, infrastructure planning andtransportation -- create, perpetuate or alleviate segregation."
Hereis the link in which you are able to provide your comments the Department ofHousing Urban Development (HUD).
On the right hand side is a box that is green inbold stating “Submit A Formal Comment” CLICK that.
You will then be brought to the is here where you are able to comment electronically.

HUD strongly encouragesyou to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allowsthe commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timelyreceipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately available to thepublic.
Alternate Ways toComment - Mail your comments to HUD.
Interested persons areinvited to submit comments regarding this proposed rule to:
Regulations Division,Office of General Counsel
Department of Housingand Urban Development
451 7th Street SW., Room10276
Washington, DC20410-0500.
Communications must refer to the below docketnumber and title. There are two methods for submitting public comments. Allsubmissions must refer to the above docket number and title: Docket ID: HUD-2013-0066 Agency: Department ofHousing and Urban Development. Facsimile (FAX) comments are not acceptable.

Mr. Obama sees the US Constitution through the eyes of a litigator seeking loopholes.

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