Sunday, September 15, 2013

CHUCK KOLB 09/15/2013

The Rainbow Belongs to God !!!

Many thanks to Don Hank ...
Just in from Pastor Scott Lively,
who asks for widest possible distribution of this excellent summation.

This is an excellent idea. Are you listening, Vladimir?

Where can I go from Your Spirit? ... Where can I flee from Your Presence? ...
To the heavens, on the wings of the dawn on the far side of the sea?
To the depths and into death itself? ...  Even darkness is not darkness to You ...
Everywhere I go you are there [...] from Everlasting God - Tom Fettke, Ken Bible
Psalm 139 - Isaiah 63:16 - Psalm 73 - Romans 8:12-25

Everlasting God -Tom Fettke (4:58)

The Rainbow Belongs to God
by Dr. Scott Lively

A trap being laid for February’s Russian Olympics could give homosexuals a world-wide exclusive claim on the symbol of the rainbow.

The word “gay” once meant “happy” and “carefree” until it was appropriated by the homosexual movement.  Now it’s a word that
defines sodomy and gender identity disorder.  Intuitively, children who have never known the true meaning of the word now use the
phrase “that’s so gay” to describe things that are wrong and undesirable.  The “gays” tried to sanitize a lifestyle of unnatural sex
by giving it a new name, but instead corrupted something that once was clean and wholesome.  The world has irreversibly lost a
unique and precious gem of the English language that still adorns the poetry and musical lyrics of a more innocent time, like the fading
photograph of a beloved child who died long ago.  The word was stolen and destroyed like a kidnapped child who never came home.

The word “homosexual” was invented by the early homosexual movement in 1860s Germany to accomplish the same impossible goal. 
In that case, a brand new word, homosexual, was invented to replace the term “Sodomite.”  “Homosexual” was intended to sanitize
the lifestyle defined by the practice of sodomy, but instead the word became so corrupted in the public mind that the movement eventually
felt compelled to abandon it in favor of “gay.”

This brings me to the symbol of the Rainbow.  Even now the rainbow has come to be associated with the homosexual agenda. 
Not yet exclusively, because there are many besides “gays” who still use the rainbow for other purposes.  However the day is
fast approaching when only those wanting to promote homosexuality will dare to use it.

Christians and Jews (and even Moslems) should not let this happen!

The rainbow belongs to God and was created by Him as a symbol of His authority over creation.  Revelation 4:3 describes a
rainbow around His throne in heaven.  Genesis 9:13-15 declares that He placed the rainbow in the sky as a promise to never again
 punish the earth by flood.  Then in Genesis 19 He gave a preview of the future destruction of the earth by fire – by incinerating
Sodom and Gomorrah.  Both Peter and Jude remind us that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah  was a warning to all
generations not to follow the gross sexual immorality of those cities (1 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7).

Who were the sinners of Sodom that prophesy warns  will rise again in the end times to dominate society (Romans 1:26-32 and
I Timothy 3:1-9)?  They were first called “Sodomites,” then “homosexuals,”  and now “gays.”  Their movement has adopted
the rainbow flag as an act of defiance against God, and their final attempt to sanitize their sin is to wrap themselves in His own cloak.

This article is a call to Christians and Jews (and Moslems — who also revere the book of Genesis ) to take back the rainbow from
the “gays.”  I am urging pro-family leaders and advocates everywhere to start using the rainbow again, especially in ways that
clearly link the symbol to Biblical opposition to the “gay” agenda, or which remind the world of its true meaning.  One way to do this
is to create our own rainbow flags and banners bearing the slogan “The Rainbow Belongs to God: Genesis 6-9, 19” or a similar message.

The global homosexual movement, in cooperation with the leftist media, is making a final gambit to gain exclusive control of the rainbow
symbol.  They have set a trap for the Russian government that they intend to spring during the Winter Olympics scheduled for
February 2014 in Russia.

Very simply, they plan to protest Russia’s new law criminalizing homosexual propaganda to children by encouraging individual
competitors and other highly visible figures, including celebrities, to display the rainbow symbol during the Olympic Games. 
The media will ensure that each such display is broadcast to the world.

It is a no-win scenario for the Russian government.  If the Russians ignore the tactic, the “gays” will declare victory and claim
that the Russian government was ashamed to enforce its “hateful” law while under the scrutiny of the world. If the Russians
attempt to enforce the law by punishing those who display the rainbow, the media will portray those persons as heroic victims
and martyrs, while portraying the Russians as “homophobic” bullies secretly intent on exterminating homosexuals. 
Either way, the media will segue any rainbow related stories with coverage of violent hate crimes (real or staged) against
homosexuals that occur anywhere in Russia during the games (or any time since the passage of the new law).  They will imply
that these incidents are the result and intent of the new law, and the “climate of hate and fear” it has engendered .  Worst of all,
whichever way this protest campaign goes, the rainbow will be perceived by the world as the exclusive property of the “gay” movement.

However, with a simple judo move, the Russians could catch the “gays” in their own trap, and at the same time rescue
God’s rainbow from being dragged through the mud.

Imagine the Russian Olympics taking place under a giant rainbow banner declaring that the rainbow belongs to God!  And rainbow
symbols incorporated in virtually every aspect of the games and the celebrations surrounding them.  The scheme to display rainbows
as a rebellious act by Hollywood celebrities, and left-leaning Olympic contenders would be rendered impotent.  The “gay” movement
would be thwarted in its attempt to steal for itself what belongs to God and to all of us as His children.  And, best of all, the entire world,
including the “gays,” would be reminded of the truth of the Bible: that God gave us the rainbow as a reminder not only that He judges
sin, but that He forgives and heals those who repent.

Scott Lively Ministries

Praise For Putin

As the United States and the United Kingdom morph slowly into a “gay” version of the Soviet Union, an unlikely hero of family
values has emerged: Russian President Vladimir Putin.  In a stunning reversal of roles, the Russian Bear has become the
defender of Christian civilization against the Cultural-Marxist American Eagle and British Lion.

While America and Britain compete to see how fast they can turn their children into Sodomites, Russia has banned homosexual
propaganda to youth.  While the “mainstream” American and British press publish only pro-”gay” puffery and propaganda, Russia’s
Pravda has become a counter-balance to their lies.  While the US and UK public schools have erected an iron curtain to prevent
students from encountering any pro-family arguments or advocates, the Russian schools are preparing their boys and girls for
healthy, normal marriage.  And while the “Land of the Free” and its Mother Country (which once promised that “Britons never, ever,
ever shall be slaves“) embrace police-state tactics against Bible-believing Christians, the former Communist slave state is becoming
a beacon of freedom to those who love God‘s design for the family.

Today I have mailed my Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin, praising him, and the Russian government for standing up for the family.
 I have also sent him a copy of my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, co-authored by Jewish researcher Kevin
E. Abrams, which will soon be published in Russian.  We have promised President Putin the first copy of that book in his own language.

The Pink Swastika 5th Edition
The Pink Swastika, 5th Edition, available here in PDF format.
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -

† † † † † † †

Homofascism and the Dark Days Brewing for America
by Gina Miller

Those of you who regularly tune in to this radio broadcast are not surprised when I say America has been taken over by communists,
and along with the rest of the world, is spinning down into the hellish abyss of the Last Days foretold in the Bible. 
Satan’s global regime is smoothly working its sinister way into place, and the days ahead will grow ever darker.

I know there are many, many people who do not want to hear such words and do not believe what I say is true. There are many
people who are content to keep their heads buried firmly in the sand while all hell breaks loose around them. 
I am sorry about that, and I can not help them. [...]

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