Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Sarah Palin is listening, AND so are the liberals.

You, the Tea Party Leadership Fund, single–handedly got her attention despite facing big establishment opposition. We believed in her, and she heard us.

From Sarah's most recent appearance on Hannity: "I've considered it because people have requested me considering it."

Our petition drive to get Sarah Palin in the United States Senate is working!

BUT she still hasn't made a final commitment to run and that's why I need you to respond to this request right away.

Here's the deal, it was your voice from our first petition that convinced her to test the waters by mentioning her interest in running. AS SUCH we're emailing you to launch a renewed petition effort to lift Sarah Palin over the top and convince her to run for Alaska's Senate seat in 2014.

Incumbent liberal Democrat Mark Begich is terrified of facing a real challenger. That's why when Sarah let slip on Hannity she was considering a run, Begich took the time to attack her in the press, "I don't know if she's a resident. She's been away from Alaska a lot and has probably lost touch with what's going on."

Last I checked, Mark Begich's the one who's been spending too much time in Washington D.C. begging the Obama administration for favors rather than representing the good people of Alaska. Send Sarah to stop him!

Senator Sarah Palin, think about it. It just makes sense.

The United States Senate rests just outside conservative control, and by electing more Tea Party Heroes to replace the establishment cronies from either party — you can be a tangible part of saving our nation from slipping into the vast sea of liberal socialism.

Now more than ever, we need another Tea Party Hero in the Senate to halt Harry Reid and his pals in their war against our Constitution on issues like amnesty, gun control, and our nation's crushing debt. With Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America will rest easier at night knowing she's at the watch.

That's why I need your renewed support today by signing the Tea Party Leadership Fund's petition to draft Sarah Palin to the U.S. Senate — and I need you to chip in an extra $25 or $50 so that I can help get her over the final hump.

Sarah is the proven Maverick who's stood up to the special interests in Alaska and has been a tireless advocate for our Tea Party values ever since she hit the national stage.

Sign your name to the petition right now, and make a donation of $20, $50 or $100 dollars to convince her you're serious.


Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. We worked hard to get her attention — now let's seal the deal. By signing our renewed petition, you make a bold statement — you're tired of the wishy–washy sellout establishment shills and you're ready to put a real leader in the Senate next to Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
Visit this link, sign your name to our petition, and help us show Sarah Palin the Tea Party Leadership Fund has her back!

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