Monday, February 4, 2013


Dear Patriot:
Karl Rove has declared war* on the Tea Party Movement. Our response? BRING IT!
Establishment Republicans like Karl Rove has diluted what is supposed to be the conservative principles and message of the Republican Party. In a misguided attempt to 'appeal to moderates', Rove and his ilk have alienated conservatives within the Republican Party and sent the Democrats a clear message. They have no spine.
Rove has some nerve attacking a movement that infused the right with such enthusiasm that it gave the Republican Party its biggest gains in 2010. If he wants to point the finger of blame at anyone, he needs only look in the mirror for it was Rove that was the primary driver in Bush's becoming the second biggest spender of all time, right behind Barack Obama. This caused the Republican Party to lose all credibility for fiscal conservatism in 2006, paving the way for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and eschewing in Barack Obama and the freedom sucking ObamaCare.
This is war, my fellow Patriots. It is shameful that we are not only at war with the Progressive Democrat Party whose objective is to 'fundamentally transform America' and wipe away the death, sweat, and tears that were paid by those that came before us so that we might have freedom. But now, RINO Rove has made it plainly evident that he lacks commitment to the principles of a constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility, fiscal sanity, and freedom by declaring war on a group of every day Americans who only want to preserve the America that our founders left for us for the generations to come. Help us fight Karl Rove in showing him that the Tea Party Movement is not going anywhere HERE.
Does Rove believe that Americans should be enslaved to a government that views their hard earned money as belonging to government first? Does Rove believe that government should have the power to decide which guns we should be allowed to own and have the power to limit our Second Amendment rights? Does Rove believe that Americans should be silenced and shamed from fighting for the freedoms that are guaranteed and promised to us within the Constitution? That is precisely the message that he is sending by declaring war on the good people within the Tea Party Movement. 
Ladies and gentlemen, we must not let this stand! We must band together to send a message to Karl Rove that America is worth fighting for; the Constitution is worth standing for; our freedoms are worth every single stance, word, and action that we take to maintain. Unlike Karl Rove, we are not funded by millionaires and billionaires. Our funding comes in the average amount of $43 from every day moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and singles who have a common bond....a belief in the United States of America and a desire to fight for her. Please help us fight establishment Republicans like Karl Rove who see you as a threat HERE.

Contribute Circle

Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

declared war

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