Thursday, November 3, 2011


The Wall Street Occupiers ARE Anarchists
by: Lee S Gliddon Jr

What began as a questionable protest is erupting into anarchy and Obama loves it!

The protesters are led by Unions, George Soros, and Leftists in an effort to overthrow our government. Watch the need for Martial Law to be declared and you can bet this is what tickles Obama and his minions.

Liberal Pundits are parroting such things as, "The majority of Americans agrees with their actions," as well as, "The signs you see are representative of what Americans are thinking."  No lie is too small or too bug for them to promote in an effort to draw attention from a FAILED Presidency!

The true facts are: Millions of dollars wasted cleaning up their mess. (Garbage, human waste, criminality, and drug use). Further millions are lost due to business closures due to rioting, break ins, and general disorder. Police forces are necessarily expanding vast sums of money investigating crimes among which are rape and battery.

America hears politicians such as Nancy Pelosi assert such claims as, "These are spontaneous protests by people exercising their Constitutional Rights." In the next breath you hear the protester compared to Tea Party crowds (Who Liberals hate).

If you looked at the areas where the Tea Party protesters gathered you saw no residual garbage, no signs of breakage and the smiles of businesses that enjoyed then visiting and spending money for hotels, restaurants, parking and, not to be forgotten, the rentals of Porta-Potties, money paid for licenses and security. Then look at the current protesters. 

Need I say more? 

The answer is, use water cannons, and the necessary force to send these anarchists packing. Quit allowing Liberal politicians to honey-coddle these anarchists and get them out of the way of American life! They do not belong and the sooner that is seen the better!   

Oh...and when you hear claims of, "I have a Right," and "They have a Constitutional Right,: simply reply, "The U.S. CONSTITUTION DOES NOT SUPPORT ANARCHISM!"


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