Thursday, November 3, 2011


Dear Conservatives ,
Since I was elected to Congress last year, I've been fighting.  I've been fighting against Obamacare, out of control spending and outrageous benefits for bureaucrats.  I've been fighting for hard-working taxpayers like yourself, no matter what politicians and talking heads may say.
Want proof?

I took Chris Matthews head-on in a recent interview.  He was trying every trick in the book to catch me off balance and I fought back!  Check out the video and see for yourself.
I will take the fight to liberals every time.  And that just doesn't mean Democrats.  You and I both know there are quite a few big spending Republicans too.  I'll stand up and fight against them just the same!
When citizens like you elected me to represent them in Congress, I stayed true to my word.  
-  I sleep on the couch of the Capitol Hill office because I want to stay in Washington as little as possible.  My home is in the district where I can best serve the taxpaying citizens I represent.  
-  I turned down Congressional benefits because I do not want to take part in the sweetheart packages that Congress has voted for themselves.  
-  And I know you'll appreciate this, I didn't attend the phony Obama "jobs" speech.  I know what creates jobs and it certainly isn't more government spending!
Unlike the politicians in Washington, I have kept my promises to cut the size of government, cut taxes, cut red tape and kill Obamacare.  
You will always know where I stand.  For the hard working American taxpayer. Watch me take on Chris Matthews and fight for you. 
Congressman Joe Walsh (IL-14)
P.S.  Ever think you'd see liberal motor-mouth Chris Matthews stammering for words? Watch the video and donate $100, $75, $50 or even $35 TODAY!

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