Monday, November 28, 2011


Mr. Boehner: Remove Barack Obama Or The American People Will Remove You In 2012!

     And just why are we sending such a simple and harsh message to our Republican "leaders" in Congress? Because, quite frankly, they just don't get it. 

    And they need to learn it fast. And since far too many of them seem incapable of understanding anything too complex, we'll break it down for them in very simple terms that even they can understand

     They need to be made to understand that if they do not recognize that Americans want them to stand up to Barack Obama and remove him from office, Democrats not voting for them will be the least of their worries. They need to understand that conservative Americans will remove THEM from office

     Obama is destroying America. Look around you at the closed shops, the millions out of work, the millions of families fracturing and falling apart under the jack-boot of progressive liberal policies? 

     Conservative Americans... do you remember them Mr. Boehner? 

     Do you remember, those hard working souls who have been taxed to within an inch of their existence by government?  

     Do you remember those who continue to carry the ever-growing burden of national debt on their backs? 

     Do you remember those whose children have an albatross of debt around their necks even though they are not old enough to have an allowance? Do you remember them?

     Well we're going to jog the memories of our so-called Republican leaders and we're going to send them a message that even they should be able to understand: Stand up to Barack Hussein Obama. Remove him from office, or the American people will remove you from office in 2012

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Barack Obama is either out to destroy America and the core values that made her the greatest nation on earth or he is the most incompetent President ever elected. Tell our elected officials, in no uncertain terms, that he must be impeached before he can do anymore harm to the America that we love. Tell them, in no uncertain terms that Barack Obama must go or the American people will see to it that THEY go!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

What Must Obama Do... How Far Must He Go Before Our Elected Officials Decide To Enforce The Constitution?
     Barack Obama has decimated our country. Millions are unemployed because he and his cadre of cohorts instigated socialist economic plans and policies that were consigned to the scrap heap of history more than 30 years ago. 

     Obama has trampled our Constitution, he's usurped the authority of Congress, alienated our allies, cozied up to our enemies, used our hard-earned money to line the pockets of his cronies, turned a blind eye to voter fraud and the selling of weapons to criminal elements south of the border; and to top it all off, he continues to accrue debt at such an alarming rate that it's a clear and present threat to our national security. 

     Mychal S. Massie with Project 21, who is also calling for Obama's Impeachment put it even more eloquently: "He has acted both unilaterally and in concert with Middle East policies that have opened the entire region to radical Islamists who have already seized Libya and have taken hold in Egypt. He has nationalized American industries, he has subverted the rights of States, he has acted in concert with criminal illegal alien elements that are overrunning our country and bankrupting state infrastructures." 

     Massie goes on: "He has openly instructed his Justice Department what laws he will arbitrarily support. He has not only supported, but encouraged racial prejudice and criminal actions in his Justice Department by his silence and willingness to become involved in municipal police doing their job, while ignoring unambiguous racially motivated actions in his own Justice Department." 

     And Massie concludes by telling us: "Obama is being openly disingenuous and dishonest, he is acting like a monarch. It is up to Congress to honor the Constitution and remove this man from office. America cannot wait. The damage he is capable of every day we wait is too great to ignore. We must call and write our representatives and tell them enough is enough. We must tell them either they begin efforts to remove him or we will work to remove them next election." 

     Mark J. Fitzgibbons, writing for The American Thinker, calls Obama's actions"Lawless" and adds: "Obama and his administration have engaged in years of lawbreaking. Mr. Obama unlawfully used TARP money so that the government obtained ownership interests in Chrysler and General Motors. He ignored the War Powers Act in deploying the military machine to Libya. When Congress refused to pass the DREAM Act, he implemented portions of it via executive order." 

     So Mr. Boehner, we ask you? Which of these "high crimes and misdemeanors"DOESN’T constitute as an impeachable offense? 

     One thing is certain. We cannot wait for 2012. We need leadership, we need to have the man who hates America removed from office. We want it now and we need it now. Nothing is more important to the survival of America than the immediate removal of Barrack Obama from office

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Barack Obama is either out to destroy America and the core values that made her the greatest nation on earth or he is the most incompetent President ever elected. Tell our elected officials, in no uncertain terms, that he must be impeached before he can do anymore harm to the America that we love. Tell them, in no uncertain terms that Barack Obama must go or the American people will see to it that THEY go!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Wake Up.  People Are Rioting.
     The Community-Organizer-In-Chief's incompetence and incalculable hatred of this nation has brought violence to the streets of America and Republicans are helping him do it. 

     They cower and stand idly by and allow it to happen. Make no mistake, their lack of decisive action enables Obama. They share the guilt. 

     Obama has finally let his hatred for this great nation boil over. He wants nothing more than to reduce this nation to a smoldering pile of ashes. He has presided over the greatest decline in American history. He has incited American to turn on American. 

     He has lied to the nation, he has borrowed money we do not have to fund his union cronies who have ploughed that cash money into fermenting hatred in this land. He is poisoning the soul of this nation. 

     It's clear that he must be stopped but Republicans don’t seem to see removing him from office as a pressing issue? 

     Our elected officials seem to think that we have the time to wait. That this nation, whose ideals are being trampled under the feet of Neo-Nazi’s and Communists in violent street protests in cities across the country, can wait another year before Obama is removed from office. 

     And it's maddening that they're conceding the point that a man who has never proved his Constitutional eligibility to hold the office in the first place should actually be allowed to run for it a second time

     They are wrong, dead wrong. This nation cannot take another year of Obama in the driver's seat. The suicidal path that he has set America on must be stopped and it must be stopped immediately

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Barack Obama is either out to destroy America and the core values that made her the greatest nation on earth or he is the most incompetent President ever elected. Tell our elected officials, in no uncertain terms, that he must be impeached before he can do anymore harm to the America that we love. Tell them, in no uncertain terms that Barack Obama must go or the American people will see to it that THEY go!

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