Monday, February 28, 2011


Submitted by: Debbie Warren
I have a problem and need advice and direction.  This is being sent to my representatives and fellow citizens who might have a suggestion on how I might find the ways and means to address these issues productively.  Elections are not the answer, so what is?
How is it that we have massive budget shortfalls in Texas ... which include State, County and City budgets and yet our public employees continue to squander our money on Illegal Aliens and their anchor babies?  While our borders continue to be an unprotected sieve for armed cartels and illegals swarming into our nation for food stamps, housing, earned income credits supposedly reserved for actual citizens and all manner of tax-funded welfare also intended for CITIZENS; our Fiduciaries are entertaining everything from Amnesty to 'work visas' at the expense of citizens who are unemployed and need those jobs.  Most illegals work jobs that pay 'under the table cash' while they enjoy free medical care and free delivery of their illegal anchor babies...many work jobs using the social security numbers of citizens who then are forced to prove they are not the beneficiaries of that income, but are being held up to pay the taxes on it.  Many who run the border or continue to reside in Texas are not here to obtain the jobs they have no right to...instead they are here to vote illegally in our elections, enroll their children in our schools for free educations/breakfast and lunch programs, rally and demonstrate illegally in our streets for 'their' rights?, commit all manner of crimes against our citizens and strangle our courts and related systems in the process...only to be set free to continue their path of destruction.
While we struggle to control and lower costs, citizens are the ones harmed because they are the ones who contribute to the infrastructure that is being stolen blind by corrupt politicians, entitled public employee parasites who write their own paychecks and benefit structures with impunity and Illegal Alien Invaders who enter and avail themselves of the result of our blood, sweat and tears with the aid and support of those we entrust to prevent such theft.
Our public employees and leaders spend our money and the time they should be spending doing 'our' busines on 'our' behalf maintaining ESPANOL sections on their websites and sending out government notices regarding CITIZEN BENEFITS in Spanish.  Why is that?  How is that practice justified in an English speaking nation?  For what purpose, other than pandering to Illegal Aliens and those who supposedly immigrate here legally but have no intention of learning our language and integrating into OUR society instead of the other way around?  Our Fiduciaries are guilty of everything from dereliction of duty, violation of their sworn Oath to unfettered malfeasance at our expense.
We are told that our benefits and our services are to be slashed while the derelicts and thieves invading our borders and running our public offices continue to expect their entitlements to continue without interruption or exception.  We are threatened with all manner of prosecution if we do not continue to pay exhorbitant and extortive amounts into the coffers from which our funds are stolen.  We citizens are barred from the same legal services that are given for FREE to criminals and Illegal Aliens and the tax-funded employees have no compunction telling you that you don't qualify if you are not an Illegal Alien, black, disabled or GLBT and yet WE pay for these agencies.
To add insult to injury; I watched a local news story last week regarding the DISD offer to teachers who want to quit or retire.  A young woman stated that she already intended to leave the district in order to move to El Paso with her husband who had accepted a more lucrative job there; so she was very happy to take the $ 8,0000.00 to $ 10,0000 offer.  How nice for her; how convenient.  Doesn't anyone besides me see a problem with that.  Shouldn't that have been an immediate disqualifier for her and people like her who would take advantage of the offer and accept an undeserved windfall at our expense?  This is typical of the outright abuse, and arguably theft, occurring under our noses and that has served to bankrupt America.
We have an out of control hive of public employees bleeding every last nickel out of our coffers for their benefit and the benefit of those whom they pander to for illicit votes and contributions while we suffer and scratch our behinds.
From Illegal Aliens to corrupt businesses and corrupt public servants, our Fidiciaries are handing our money out as fast as they can before there is nothing left.  But they will have 'theirs' and they will have the votes from masses of parasites who live off the sweat of the average American's brow.  Bankers, developers, builders, insurance companies, Title companies, investment firms, lobbyists and more have been given a free pass to swindle honest citizens with the aid and comfort of Fiduciaries who enjoy vacations, dinners, retreats, trips, kickbacks, votes and more from their pals.  And we pay the price.  We cannot get these reprobates to investigate and prosecute the very criminals we have the documents and witnesses and probable cause to shore up our requests.  Instead, it takes hundreds of FBI agents to catch one lone Muslim terrorist who cannot begin to evoke the damage done by the corporate criminals and corrupt politicians in this country.  Ask the average family who lost their home, assets, jobs and credit to the unprosecuted crimes and ponzi schemes cooked up by the Fiduciaries in their transactions how they feel about the agencies and law enforcement entrusted to prevent or curb such abuses...and prosecute the crimes.  Ask them how they feel about being renedered unable to file or pursue legal remedies.
Our Fiduciaries are so busy preparing for the next election, travelling for speaking engagements and hawking their books for personal profit ... entertaining their ascension to higher and more lucrative office that they cannot be bothered with the peoples' business for which they are paid handsomely.  They are so busy hiding behind closed doors working out deals with some developer or corporation that will make more money from the initial stages of an unnecessary development that will bring nothing near the jobs or revenue that is promised to the gullible public that is being swindled in the process; that they cannot assist the victims of related crimes in their deserved redress.
AND, in the meantime, we watch as hordes of the entitled union workers demand more than their fair share...more than the average private sector the behest of high level Union Thug Bosses with the active involvement of a Thug-in-Chief who occupies our highest office after promising to march with these thugs and 'PAINT OUR NATION PURPLE'.
My question is this:  Who is going to step up?  Who gives a damn about their Oath of Office?  Who gives a damn what is being sprayed from the air upon us and our children?  Who cares how many border patrol agents are murdered by guns our ATF sold or allowed to 'walk' while those same agents are told they cannot use deadly force to protect themselves and our citizens and are provided rubber bullets instead?  Who cares about the young people who are serving in a foreign land and being killed and maimed in the name of Freedom and human rights for people who have battled for thousands of years and will continue to do so and who hate us and our values...while our own Liberty is being squandered and abused here on our own land?  Who cares how many foreign agents and mercenaries have been recruited to keep our citizens in line when the jig is up?
Who in God's name do I take these issues to when the Federal, state and local investigative and law enforcement agencies and courts are in the tank with the criminals who have harmed me and my fellow citizens and threaten me on a daily basis?  Who is going to do the job they swore to do when they accepted the position and cash the checks paid out of our public funds?  Who is going to prosecute the savages who wear a badge and spend more time harrassing and beating the crap out of citizens or running interference for their corrupt bosses than protecting and serving the public who pays their salaries.  Who cares about the innocent and formerly productive citizen who cannot get medical care for the damage done by FDA corruption and the corporate scum that poisoned them?  Who cares about the citizens who worked their entire lives and followed the law only to find themselves one inch from living out of a refrigerator carton under some bridge until they are told they have to leave or are arrested for vagrancy?  Who cares about the veteran who has no job and nowhere to sleep?
Want more details...more proof...probable cause?  I've got it for my cases and the rest is happening in plain sight to the horror of our citizenry.
Debbie Warren
Plano, Texas

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