Friday, January 28, 2022



All bets are off, Fellow Conservative. No more NONSENSE.

We’re going to be more aggressive than ever.
We’re not going to sit back and take NO for an answer.
It CAN’T be business as usual.
After YEARS of Nancy’s nonsense, it’s time for change:


We’re going to take inflation HEAD ON.
We’re going to take the border crisis HEAD ON.
We’re going to take China HEAD ON.
We’re going to take CORRUPT Dems HEAD ON and FIRE Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, and Eric Swalwell from their committees.

We’re going to tackle all of these crises Biden has SLEPT through. But STEP 1 requires YOU:

We MUST secure a GOP majority this fall to do ANY of this.

I’m counting on YOU. Please act NOW to take the Corrupt Socialists HEAD ON: 

Onwards to victory!
GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy

A note from Kevin:
Kevin McCarthy urgently needs YOU to take action

As Leader of the House Republicans, I’m committed to flipping the House of Representatives in 2022 to restore the Republican Majority and steer America back on the right track. I’m incredibly grateful for your support in this fight and want you to know that I’m doing everything in my power to secure victory for Republicans. Your sustained support fuels our grassroots movement and provides us with the resources necessary to combat the Left’s political games. If you’d like to make another contribution, I will fight tooth and nail to ensure every cent goes towards advancing the conservative agenda and winning back the House -- EXPRESS DONATE HERE >>>

The fight is far from over, and we’re only getting started.

Kevin McCarthy
Leader, House Republicans

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