Friday, January 28, 2022


 Breaking! CÓVÌD-19: A Second Opinion! Sènàtor Ròn Jóhnsön, Dr. Rôbert Málone, Peter McCùllóugh, Thomas Rénz, Vládimir Zélenkó - Please Share

REPORTER: Christian Patriot News: This story is several days old however many still have not seen it. It is extremely important that you watch and share everywhere. Discussion begins around the 40 minute mark. Sen. Ròn Jóhnsôn moderates a panel discussion, CÒVÌD-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned dóctors and medical èxperts provide a different perspective on the global plándémic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hòspital trèátment, váccine éfficácy and safety. NOTE! It's a long video however please be sure to watch 4:19 hour mark. It's truly sad what is happening to these dóctors for doing the right and ethical thing for their patients instead of being forced to sit back and watch them DIE. Pure evil.

Click Here to see, "Breaking! CÓVÌD-19: A Second Opinion! Sènàtor Ròn Jóhnsön, Dr. Rôbert Málone, Peter McCùllóugh, Thomas Rénz, Vládimir Zélenkó - Please Share


X22Report: Message Received, New Narrative Coming, Think Mùslìm Bròtherhood!! - Must Video

REPORTER: John RollsThe [DS] is panicking, they know they are losing and now they forced a SC Justice out. They accelerated their plan and it doesn’t work they are done for. Senate was the key. Scàvinó sent a message, change of narrative coming, think MB. Will the new narrative bring in Óbámá into everything that is going on. It is starting to seem like it is. The [DS] is preparing to fight back.

Click Here to see, "X22Report: Message Received, New Narrative Coming, Think Mùslìm Bròtherhood!! - Must Video"

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