Saturday, May 27, 2017


He Is Coming Again
Sent the Holy Spirit
Part 2
The Pentecost was the first revival of Christianity as Jesus, as promised, sent the Holy Spirit to enter and rest upon the followers of Christ, the first Christians.
Today the Lord is stirring who have stirred themselves to lay hold on Him and His teachings. In small churches as well as gatherings around the world – in China , India , Europe , Africa , South America , Central America , Canada and here is the U.S. An intense cry is being heard” “Oh God, tear open the heavens and send down Your Holy Spirit once again. Melt away all evil and manifest Your presence.”
The Christians lifting their voices in prayer are seeking His presence to melt away the mountains of hardship, unbelief and asking Him to change the hearts of those who have stood in opposition to Him for oh so many years. They are not seeking featured evangelists, TV preachers, no phony organizers. What they seek is for the Lord to reveal Himself in His glory and saving power.
We Christians know of the troubling times, of the economy sinking deeper, Iran ’s nuclear threats, Russia becoming mote threatening and the many global calamities. The message of self-fulfillment will no longer be tolerated and only the absolute reality of God will stop the world from spinning totally out of control.
Isaiah 64:  4 Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.   
Things never before heard of will be God’s work and we who wait will marvel at His power. We, who waited for Him, will experience the wonders of all He does.
I must explain that the, ‘waiting,’ is the ‘binding together, or gathering together for a single cause,’ is to ‘wait for Him.
It will be His reward to His faithful that will allow us to witness the ‘melting of hearts that are currently set against Him.
Evidence of His Second Coming can be seen through:
1. Outbreaks of spiritual gladness even as things in our lives grow darker. This must be the way of every Christian.
Isaiah 64: 5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. But when we continued to sin against them, you were angry. How then can we be saved?    
We are saved through the mercies He extends and through obedience to His will. This must be a source of joy and a reason to shout with gladness.
2. The Holy Spirit coming almost as a rainstorm and awakening His people as if awakening a bride.
Matthew 25: 6"At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!
Why, I ask, is there no outcry from the Pastors, evangelists, and Christian writers mentioning the Second Coming? Could it be that they are in denial and fearful that such may be imminent and if they refuse to cry out this will be delayed? Have they no thirst for Christ?
Revelation 22:  17The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.   
Where are the voices crying out for His return?  Are the lacking a yearning for His Coming? It is as if they are like the servant that wanted to continue his partying and deny His master’s imminent return.
Matthew 24: 48But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,' 49and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of.   
Look about you. Have you ever witnessed so much covetousness? The wicked are in denial of His imminent return. Even many that claim to be Christian are in denial!
Brothers, sisters, I say, prepare yourselves for His Coming! You must realize a Christian thought of, this world is not your home. You must get ready to meet your Bridegroom!
It is time that we Christians come to realize that Satan is in this world, on earth, and in the hearts of evil men. We must realize that there are colder Christians falling away and their love of pleasure out weighs their love of God. False preachers abound and there is more temptation to follow them than ever before.
But, brothers and sisters, none of these things can overcome the work of the Holy Spirit! The victory He brings will not be silenced and we will triumph!
I ask that you and I mean each of you, gather your loved ones, either gather with a Pastor who is worthy or failing that, gather with anyone that you know to be Christian and pray! As you pray sincerely ask God to place the Holy Spirit amongst you and revive your love in and for Him. Believe in Him and the warmth you will feel will be the Holy Spirit entering your heart and mind. The belief will bring Him to you!
At Pentecost there were but 120 disciples in the Upper Room that realized the promise of Jesus that He would send the Holy Spirit.  Likewise today, we all must hold onto that promise from our Lord.
Luke 22: 29And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me,
The Lord is listening to the cry of His children. He is pouring out the Holy Spirit as His answer to those cries. It is time that we felt the stirring in our hearts and were ready to loudly pronounce, ‘Behold, He, our Lord and Savior is coming! Let us go out and meet Him. The time has come!’
(Closing prayer)
Almighty God, Father of us all, please hear our prayer. Abba, we praise You and we ask that You accept our worship and see us as the children You deem as worthy of You.
Lord, You sent us Your only begotten Son who walked amongst us and taught us Your way. He, in turn, sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen our spirits and show us how to lead our lives. It was by His power that we were able to show our faith as we lived our lives. Though our lives have been beset with hardships we eagerly await each dawn as You forever fill us with wonder and awe of Your ways.
Lord, we thank You for all that You do and all that You will continue to do for us. We ask now that You, once again, send Your Holy Spirit to live within our hearts and that our Lord Jesus return and defeat all evils here in this world and cast Satan into the pit so as to free us of the snares he places before us. Please make his time on earth a thing of the past.
Father, we await the Coming of Jesus and know that You, as the power of Universe, will answer our prayer. It is with the utmost faith in Your absolute majesty we come to You and with love in our hearts humbly beseech our rest and our reward of life eternal, with You, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.
Strengthen our hearts and minds and prepare us for the days that come.
We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior whom we eagerly await, and the Holy Spirit who strengthens our hearts. Together with You they fill our hearts with gladness and take away all our sadness.
  • Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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