Apr 03, 2015 07:00 am

By Jason DeWitt
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
By Jason DeWitt
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
Apr 03, 2015 03:02 am

By Dion Dassanayake
The final moments inside the doomed Germanwings plane which shows passengers screaming and crying have been revealed in a "chaotic" video recorded onboard.
Germanwings Passenger Recorded Horrific Video of Last Moments Inside Doomed Plane [+video]
By Dion Dassanayake
The final moments inside the doomed Germanwings plane which shows passengers screaming and crying have been revealed in a "chaotic" video recorded onboard.
Germanwings Passenger Recorded Horrific Video of Last Moments Inside Doomed Plane [+video]
Apr 03, 2015 03:02 am

By Daniel Horowitz
It looks like the Muslim population of America is going to triple in the next 35 years, and that's not looking good for our country.
U.S. Muslim Population to Triple by 2050 and Here’s What it Means for America
By Daniel Horowitz
It looks like the Muslim population of America is going to triple in the next 35 years, and that's not looking good for our country.
U.S. Muslim Population to Triple by 2050 and Here’s What it Means for America
Apr 03, 2015 03:01 am

By Lisa Bourne
A small-town Indiana pizzeria owned by a Christian family has closed its doors after being terrorized by pro-homosexual bullies opposed to the family’s religious values.
The Fake News Story That Forced an Indiana Pizzeria to Shut down and Its Christian Owners into Hiding
By Lisa Bourne
A small-town Indiana pizzeria owned by a Christian family has closed its doors after being terrorized by pro-homosexual bullies opposed to the family’s religious values.
The Fake News Story That Forced an Indiana Pizzeria to Shut down and Its Christian Owners into Hiding
Apr 03, 2015 03:00 am

By Adam Kredo
Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.
Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement
By Adam Kredo
Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.
Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement
Apr 03, 2015 03:00 am

By Greg Corombos
Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce”.
Huge Surge of ‘Unscreened’ Muslims Flooding U.S.
By Greg Corombos
Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce”.
Huge Surge of ‘Unscreened’ Muslims Flooding U.S.
Apr 03, 2015 02:59 am

By Ryan T. Anderson and Sarah Torre
In a victory for religious freedom, earlier today Gov. Mike Pence, R-Ind., signed into law the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Indiana Protects Religious Liberty, Then Throws it All Away
By Ryan T. Anderson and Sarah Torre
In a victory for religious freedom, earlier today Gov. Mike Pence, R-Ind., signed into law the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Indiana Protects Religious Liberty, Then Throws it All Away
Apr 03, 2015 02:59 am

President Barack Obama says that every path Iran had to develop a nuclear weapon will be cut off after a tentative nuclear deal was reached.
Obama: Tentative Iran Nuclear Deal ‘Best Option’ For Israel
President Barack Obama says that every path Iran had to develop a nuclear weapon will be cut off after a tentative nuclear deal was reached.
Obama: Tentative Iran Nuclear Deal ‘Best Option’ For Israel
Apr 03, 2015 02:57 am

By Tessa Berenson
Its effects can be as potent as crystal meth, bath salts or cocaine. It causes people to act erratically, uncontrollably and dangerously. It’s called flakka.
Meet Flakka, the Dangerous New Drug Sweeping Florida
By Tessa Berenson
Its effects can be as potent as crystal meth, bath salts or cocaine. It causes people to act erratically, uncontrollably and dangerously. It’s called flakka.
Meet Flakka, the Dangerous New Drug Sweeping Florida
Apr 03, 2015 02:56 am

By Art McGrath
We have to give the Democrats credit for persistence – they don’t give up when it comes to going after the Second Amendment. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Democrats Still After Ammo for AR-15s
By Art McGrath
We have to give the Democrats credit for persistence – they don’t give up when it comes to going after the Second Amendment. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Democrats Still After Ammo for AR-15s
Apr 03, 2015 02:56 am

By Ellen Nakashima
The Department of Homeland Security is seeking bids from companies able to provide law enforcement officials with access to a national license-plate tracking system.
A Year After Firestorm, DHS Wants Access to License-Plate Tracking System
By Ellen Nakashima
The Department of Homeland Security is seeking bids from companies able to provide law enforcement officials with access to a national license-plate tracking system.
A Year After Firestorm, DHS Wants Access to License-Plate Tracking System
Apr 03, 2015 02:55 am

By Kyle Olson
There’s one group of young eaters who like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program: pigs.
Michelle O’s ‘Healthy’ Lunches Going to the Pigs, Literally
By Kyle Olson
There’s one group of young eaters who like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program: pigs.
Michelle O’s ‘Healthy’ Lunches Going to the Pigs, Literally
Apr 03, 2015 02:55 am

By Sky News
An attack by masked terrorists who stormed a university in eastern Kenya has left at least 147 people dead.
Terrorists Kill 147 In Kenyan University Attack
By Sky News
An attack by masked terrorists who stormed a university in eastern Kenya has left at least 147 people dead.
Terrorists Kill 147 In Kenyan University Attack
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