From: Kathy
Dog Fetch Fails -- makes you laugh! NONE OF US
Full Audio- Dr. Terry Lakin
On Challenging Obama's Article II Eligibility; My Life Was
The Muslim Marxist in the
White Mosque continues, on a daily basis, to exceed our
expectations. Just when you think he can't get any more lawless, or
corrupt, or incompetent, or traitorous, he does. But like he claims
to be the case with American's achievements, he doesn't do it alone.
He's had massive assistance from the "mainstream" media, the
Democrat Party, and to the disgust of patriotic Americans
nationwide, the Republican Establishment. LINK
Excerpt...And now, Barack H. Obama has used
his pen and his phone to instruct immigration officials to approve
more L-1 visas. Barack Obama announced the executive action before
an economic conference, promising that this change would help
hundreds of thousands of foreign workers gain employment in the
United States. Obama is literally
giving away American jobs to foreigners. Demand that Congress put a
stop to this lunacy! LINK
BJ3: It’s
happened before on OBCare.
From: sherzieve..... This is likely NOT a good
harbinger for the SCOTUS June decision. Entire US government
now submits to Obama...
Court Rejects Obamacare 'Death Panel'
BJ3: More feedback relative to “Cruz and NBC”. From: EBau From: Arnie
NO Surprises for
...those paying
Ted Cruz – On his Filibuster…Are we
dumb, too trusting or just plain Ignorant? | Scanned Retina
Arnie - In the service of the
Ted Cruz's wife is not a low man
on the totem pole of CHASE, but a vice president on
committee to promote NAFTA. So while her Husband says one
thing, she is eagerly working to make Mexico, US, and Canada all one
big happy nation. She is tight with
the Counsel on Foreign Affairs also.
Hmmmmmm, makes you kind of want to hock a
loogy doesn't it? As
you may have heard Ted Cruz announced his campaign for the White
House. Yes you and I both had a pretty good idea that was
going to happen... but what I uncovered
in this special report will blow your mind... and we're really not
that far away from this possible
reality. Please set aside some time today to
watch then forward/share this news report.
I'm counting on you to pay it forward by spreading the
From: Rob E
Congress Knows Obama Is A Illegal
President and So Would Ted Cruz Be!
BJ3: Bet a number of people think this might be
about their city.
Democrat-run city: We control
employees's speech
If you hold a job with this big-city government, be
prepared to check your First Amendment rights at the door.
When officials don't like what you say or write off the job, you're canned, and they're daring the U.S. Supreme Court to tell them otherwise ... Read the latest now on |
Monopoly Money http://news.extras-
MUST READ: Rep. Luis Gutierrez unveiled this shocking “Get out of Jail Free” card for illegal aliens currently roaming the streets of the United States. In an infomercial-style video released earlier this week, Gutierrez explains his toolkit’s key feature: a card designed to help illegal immigrants escape deportation. LINK
From: Mike Volin...
James Renwick
Manship will guest on tuesday night’s
James is a living historian and has a
devote love for our Country, so deep he attends many events dressed
as President
George Washington. Listen to what James
has to say about the current crisis we face from our Government and
offers a solution on how we can put it back in the hands of We The
People. James will also discuss the Sheriff Kit Project.
Date: 03-31-15 Time: 8:00pm-10:00pm eastern Call in number: 347-989-8853 Listen online and join the chatroom:
Date: 03-31-15 Time: 8:00pm-10:00pm eastern Call in number: 347-989-8853 Listen online and join the chatroom:
From: Sher From: Orly Taitz
Can you force a religious Christian to
work on Sunday or a religious Jew to work on
Saturday? Attacks on Indiana are just a diversion from
Obstruction of Justice that is possibly being committed by Clinton
or treason possibly committed by Obama
From: Rob E
Police Officer Shatters Car Window After Female
Student Denies Rolling It Down, Gets Forced Out Of
Injury Table"
The government tells us vaccines are safe, yet the
Department of Health and Human Services publishes a "Vaccine Injury
Table". LINK
From: Savage...Radical cleric’s co-conspirator pleads guilty in plot to set up terror camp in Oregon
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