Democrats Go 'Bananas' Over Voter I.D. Law Wisconsin Now Has One of the Most Robust Election Integrity Laws in America |
Dear Conservatives,
My earlier email to you celebrating
Truly, there are few subjects that make liberals go more bananas than requiring voters to show a Photo-I.D. before voting!
Of course,
Obama and the Democrats claim that vote fraud doesn’t exist — only
racist Republican suppression in the form of Voter I.D.
But lest you doubt the depth of Democrat hysteria over Scott Walker’s new Voter I.D. law, here’s just one email I received earlier today:
From: Terry H#@?+= <fdjsfdk@gmailcom>
Date: March 31, 2015 at 10:46:43 AM EDT
To: "Go Big, Go Bold PAC"
Subject: Re: Stopping Obama-Holder VOTE FRAUD
of sh*t… Voter Fraud does not exist and is not a problem at all and you
know it. You just want to keep the poor and minorities from voting and
you are reinstating Jim Crow like voter registration. Shame on you.
The only way you can possibly win is by keeping people from voting so
you choose to make it more difficult rather than encouraging all to vote
and streamlining the voting process. Liars...
Wow. What’s scary is that this individual actually beleives the sickening propaganda being put out by Obama and Eric Holder.
One thing is for sure — as conservatives, we must never shrink from doing what's right for America in the face of Democrat intimidation.
Even in the face of death threats from Democrat protestors against his own wife and kids, conservative Scott Walker has time and again refused to “cave-in” to the Democrat’s liberal demands.
Scott Walker is a “rock-ribbed” conservative, tough as nails, and HE KNOWS HOW TO WIN!
BOTTOMLINE: Because Gov. Scott Walker took a stand for what's right — and refused to back down or be intimidated — Wisconsin today has one of the most robust voter integrity laws in the nation.
As you know Scott Walker is considering a run for President.
As conservatives, we must urgently encourage Scott Walker to take that final step — Run, Scott, Run!
‘Go Big, Go Bold’ — Conservative leadership for America — Scott Walker 2016!
Go Scott, Go!
Bob Adams
Go Big, Go Bold PAC
P.S. — As Scott Walker tours early primary states like South Carolina, Iowa, and New Hampshire, it is critical for conservatives to rally their support behind Scott Walker.
P.P.S. — Now is the time for conservatives to
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
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