The Media is Distracting You from the Crimes of DC Politicians
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HR1466: Congressmen Seek to Abolish Patriot Act
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34,000 Black & Latino Churches Cut Off Presbyterian USA Following Approval of Sodomy & Redefining Marriage
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Socialist Democrat Tool Luis Gutierrez Releases Toolkit to Aid Illegal Alien Criminals in Not Getting Deported
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Guns & the Right to Defend Your Family is a Pro-Life Value
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Parents Sing – Baby Claps Hands… In The Womb!
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Obama Was Hand-Picked & NOT a Natural Born Citizen - Congress Knew It & Protected Him
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Pastor in England Arrested for Quoting Bible – Tried, Fined, and Threatened with Imprisonment by Islamic Sharia Judge
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A Bold Proposal for Conservative GOP Candidates
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Muslim Keith Ellison Calls for Constitutionality After Asking for Unconstitutionality
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If Anyone Belongs in a Burga, it's Lena Dunham
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ISIS Attacks on Italy Within Weeks?
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Experts Admit Conspiracy Theorists Right About Rigged Stock Market: “The Dirty Secret Is Out”
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Obama’s Two State Temper Tantrum
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You Won’t Believe the Enormous Amount of Taxpayer Money Planned Parenthood Received to Fund Murder
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Obama Continues Loosening the Reins on Illegal Aliens in the US
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A World In Change – Shanghai Cooperation Organization
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