Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

The English language version was not on the site last I checked, so I translated this. If you are paying attention, this is not news. Here is one man's theory why we keep supporting terror in Syria despite the ongoing slaughter of Christians and minorities there and in neighboring Iraq. It is amazing how cynical our geopolitical manipulators have become.
What are the lives of a few Christians compared to US military policy?
What does public opinion matter?
Who cares if we are setting the stage for nuclear war as long as the empire buildres get their One World Order?
Don Hank

Newsletter from 28.07.2014 - The Syrian toad

BERLIN / DAMASCUS / MOSCOW (Own report) - The director of Catholic Relief and Works Agency
Caritas Lebanon sharply criticizes the West’s Syria policy. It is high time for the West, together with its middle eastern allies, to stop supplying the rebels in Syria with weapons of war, declared the Lebanese Caritas director Paul Karam. In addition, they must ensure that not constantly citizens of European countries are not constantly joining the Salafist terrorist militias in Syria - at the expense of the stricken civilian population. Insight into why the West sticks to its efforts to oust Assad, despite growing demands to put an end to the terrorist regime of the "Islamic State" as quickly as possible is provided by the foreign policy expert Dmitri Trenin of the Moscow Carnegie Center. Trenin says Russia has succeeded in the course of Syria war to deal the West sensitive blows to its political power. The West, in turn, is do everything it can war to destroy Russia's Middle Eastern influence in Syria. In fact, in Germany the demand for Western military intervention in Syria is gathering momentum.
Newsletter vom 28.07.2014 - Die syrische KröteBERLIN/DAMASKUS/MOSKAU (Eigener Bericht) - Scharfe Kritik an derwestlichen Syrien-Politik übt der Direktor des katholischen HilfswerksCaritas Libanon. Der Westen müsse endlich aufhören, gemeinsam mitseinen mittelöstlichen Verbündeten die Aufständischen in Syrien mitKriegsgerät auszustatten, erklärt der libanesische Caritas-Leiter PaulKaram. Zudem müsse er dafür sorgen, dass nicht andauernd Bürgereuropäischer Staaten zu salafistischen Terrormilizen in Syrienüberliefen - auf Kosten der geplagten Zivilbevölkerung. Aufschlüssedarüber, wieso der Westen an seinen Bemühungen festhält, Assad zustürzen, obwohl die Forderungen immer lauter werden, man müsse soschnell wie möglich dem Terrorregime des "Islamischen Staats" ein Endesetzen, liefert der Außenpolitik-Experte Dmitri Trenin vom MoskauerCarnegie Center. Trenin zufolge ist es Russland im Verlauf desSyrien-Kriegs gelungen, dem Westen empfindliche machtpolitischeNiederlagen zuzufügen. Der Westen wiederum setze alles daran, imSyrien-Krieg auch Russlands nahöstlichen Einfluss zu zerschlagen. InDeutschland wird dabei in inzwischen sogar wieder die Forderung nacheiner westlichen Militärintervention in Syrien laut.mehr

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