The seed has
sprouted 15/07/2014
report) - The Western-backed
government of Ukraine is stepping up its warfare in the eastern part
of the country.
Attacks on
residential areas are
ongoing, and increasing attacks on the economic
infrastructure are leading to fears that Slovyansk , like the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk,
will be hung out to dry: In Slavyansk, the water and electricity supply
failed completely even in
hospitals after the destruction, and observers spoke of a humanitarian
catastrophe. In armed forces
and irregular militias, fascist forces, which Berlin has made presentable, are
becoming established -
in the case
of the party Svoboda, through cooperation
and public
appearances of party
leaders with the German Foreign Minister, and
in the case
of the infamous
sector ("Right sector") by (Germany’s) acquiescence to its emergence on the Maidan. One of
the results of the Berlin-supported development
is that recently the central Kiev
demonstration for gay rights has been
banned - by a protegé of Berlin's foreign policy, the Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, who is highly
Saat geht auf
Bericht) - Die vom Westen protegierte Regierung der Ukraine verschärft ihre
Kriegführung im Osten des Landes. Angriffe auf Wohngebiete dauern an; zunehmende
Attacken auf die wirtschaftliche Infrastruktur lassen befürchten, dass auch die
Großstädte Donezk und Luhansk wie zuvor Slowjansk gleichsam ausgetrocknet werden
sollen: In Slawjansk war es nach der Zerstörung der Wasser- und Stromversorgung
sogar in Krankenhäusern zu Totalausfällen gekommen, Beobachter sprachen von
einer humanitären Katastrophe. In Streitkräften und irregulären Milizen
etablieren sich faschistische Kräfte, die Berlin hoffähig gemacht hat - im Falle
der Partei Swoboda durch Kooperation und gemeinsames Auftreten des Parteichefs
mit dem deutschen Außenminister, im Falle des berüchtigten Prawy Sektor
("Rechter Sektor") durch die billigende Inkaufnahme von dessen Erstarken auf dem
Maidan. Zu den Ergebnissen der von Berlin unterstützten Entwicklung gehört, dass
kürzlich die zentrale Kiewer Demonstration für die Rechte von Homosexuellen
verboten worden ist - von einem Zögling der Berliner Außenpolitik, dem in
Deutschland hochpopulären Kiewer Oberbürgermeister Witali
Donald Hank comments:
This is beyond bizarre. The German government, like all Western
powers, is pro-gay to its eyeballs. Yet, their protegée, Vitaly Klitschko, who
is now mayor of Kyiv, has banned gay
Now, recall that one of the main reasons Russia is so despised by
Western elites is thate that country has had to chutzpah to ban gay
So what do they do but groom a man who will now be
seen as a homophobe to be president of Ukraine, who when he fails to get
elected, becomes mayor of Kyiv and bans gay demos.
Talk about unintended
But this should not
Germany, which bans any appearances of anti-Jewish speech in its
own country, lost no sleep over holding photo-ops with fascists like Oleh
Tyahnybok, thereby making them appear acceptable to the world. (McCain also did
a photo op with this well-known
It is a crazy mixed up – and hypocritical – world we live
It turns out that what Westerners call homophobia in Russia is
simply part and parcel of Slavic culture in general and not specifically Russian
culture per se.
Just one more thing: Some of you are listening to anti-Putin
friends and acquaintances, including Russian immigrants, who tell you that all
reports about attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces are bogus and are purely
Russian propaganda. They are even going so far as to say that all the reports of
Russian speaking residents in Ukraine being attacked and having their villages
destroyed are false and that the REAL story is that Putin is sending in Chechens
to kill the Russian speakers.
Like Putin would do something that preposterous
and counterproductive now that he is under constant pressure from his own people
and Russian media to send troops to Ukraine to help the Russian
Further, if this were true, why would we read that
Ukrainian air
force planes are being shot down? If the Ukrainian
armed forces are harmless and not shooting anyone, why are they flying military
planes over the Russian speakers’
Finally, this report is from German observers. Does anyone still
think this is Russian
Don Hank
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