Sunday, March 30, 2014

NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/30/2014

Political Sermons From Pastors in the Founding Era, Part 32
All through his sermon West has made a point of two things that seemed to have been lost to today’s society and that is 1) God has required us to obey those that are in authority and 2) those in authority are mandated by God to rule according to His principles and guidelines. These principles and guidelines will always minister justice to the people. The principles and guidelines are always for the general good of the people as a whole.......
by Pastor Roger Anghis

The Coming Battle
Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece
What Time is It?
Guess what, kids! We're going to Disneyland in three years' time! Guess what, Honey! We're being transferred to Paris for two years; our flight's this afternoon, just after lunch. Both scenarios are equally ludicrous. It is also absurd to fire an under-performing employee and give him twenty-four months' notice but telling the same employee that he must be out and off the premises within an hour is just as wrong. What time is right? .....
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.
Imprecatory Psalms: Can we Pray Them Today?
What are the imprecatory psalms?  Imprecatory psalms are those psalms that contain curses or prayers for the punishment of the psalmist's enemies. To imprecate means to invoke evil upon, or curse. Psalms 7, 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 79, 109, 137, 139, and 140 all contain prayers for God's judgment on the psalmist's enemies. These psalms perplex many.  Consider, however, that the purposes of these imprecations are.........
by Kelleigh Nelson

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