Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Submitted by: Nancy Battle

The Childish Antics Of A Brat

By Aaron Cantor ~ October 7th, 2013 @ 20:10
Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)
Obama’s stooges will pull any childish, juvenile, vengeful trick in the book on his orders and/or his royal whim to make life miserable because he doesn’t just get his way no questions asked.
Setting up barricades so WWII veterans cannot access memorials in Washington, DC.
Blocking roads so Americans can’t catch a glimpse of Mount Rushmore, targeting conservative groups using the IRS, covering-up scandals like Benghazi, you name it and these snakes will do it.
The Snake in Chief, Obama himself, will do anything to prevent the truth about these scandals from coming out.
Now, Eric Holder is blocking an ATF whistleblower from publishing a book about the ATF’s Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.
The U.S. Park Service is even blocking parking lots of businesses which are adjacent to but not on federal land.
A Park Ranger actually said that they were ordered to make life as miserable as possible for the folks.
What kind of illegal thuggery is that?
There is no underhanded, sneaky, dishonest act these serpents will not commit in order to cover not only their own butts, but Obama’s skinny ass as well, all so they can stay in power and keep their cushy jobs and fat paychecks while the rest of us great unwashed foot the bill.
If they are tried and convicted, we will be required to hire someone to guard them, count them 3 times daily, feed them and look after their medical needs and other critter comforts, not to mention they might get out someday and try to slither right back into politics.
On the other hand, a firing squad is too quick for these snakes, but, an Apache Sunbath is a long drawn out gruesome and excruciatingly painful affair (takes approximately 72 hours) ultimately ending with the recipient giving up the ghost and retiring to the hot nether regions from which there is no return, and I feel quite sure Lucifer, or what the hell ever you want to call him, would enjoy having such dishonest and disingenuous house guests to keep his home fires burning on high.
Just the thought of Pelosi, Reid, Schumer and the rest of that slithering bunch shoveling coal or whatever they use for fuel down there to keep the fires burning, just tickles the daylights out of me, and that is not to say there are not a lot of folks from the other side of the aisle who shouldn’t be manning a shovel right along with them (all 546 of them should all be down there).
The Oath of Office has meaning it is not just a bunch of words you mumble in order to get on the payroll and get the big bucks and the perks.
You slithering serpents all held up your hand and swore to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic, but instead, you have all (every one of you) abrogated your oath big time and on an almost daily basis, which qualifies all of you as domestic enemies (you know the ones you swore to protect and defend against).
It would appear that we can’t trust any of you DRUTS to do the right thing, therefore you all have to go, so do us all a favor; go back to your quarters, roll up your gear, submit a letter of resignation with immediate effect, and then get the hell out of town and out of our lives for good!
We will go about finding some honest men and women to take your place, and if they go rogue, we will fire their ass too.
You people work for us not the other way around.
We Have Had a Belly full of You Snakes.

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