Monday, September 23, 2013


Godless Left Runs Amok In Europe and America
September 23, 2013
By Don Feder

       When Dostoyevsky said "If God does not exist, then everything is permitted," he didn't mean everything as in raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but everything like mass murder and torture chambers – or, for that really close shave – la guillotine, dubbed France's national razor.

       Heirs of the Terror, the French left are at it again.

       The socialist government of Francois Hollande will shortly be posting a set of 15 secular principles in all 55,000 French public schools. Article 9 thereof states: "Secularism implies the rejection of all violence and all discrimination, guarantees equality between girls and boys. There is a separation of the private and public sphere." Which usually means: The public sphere can interfere with the private sphere, but not the reverse.

       Militant secularism has a long and distinguished history of rejecting violence – from the French Revolution to the Bolshevik Revolution to Maoism and Pol Pot. "Respect for the other" must be why secularists habitually use tax dollars to force believers to finance abortion, contraception and gay indoctrination. What would Thomas Jefferson say about that? He said it. "To compel a man to furnish sums of money for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves is sinful and tyrannical."

       The secular principles also reiterate the ban on "ostentatious religious symbols" in French schools. Taken literally, that means the flag of the World War II French resistance, whose centerpiece is the Cross of Lorraine, could not be displayed in the nation's schools. Ironically, the principles are being promulgated in part to combat galloping Islamism. Trying to counter militant Islam with militant secularism is like trying to contain Nazism, circa 1930, with afternoon teas.

       The Europeans are taking inclusion to truly dizzying heights. The Swiss government has announced a competition to replace its national anthem, which currently includes references to God, prayer, mountains and sunshine – thus excluding atheists, agnostics, valleys and cloudy weather.

       The official responsible for the new anthem explains that the text will include values enshrined in the Swiss constitution, such as democracy and solidarity. "We have an open society, religiously neutral. We have atheists, no single god, so this anthem is difficult," explained Lukas Niederberger.

       The competition to replace Switzerland's sadly outdated anthem will run through the end of June 2014. A 25-member judging panel will be composed of individuals from all walks of Swiss life, including athletics, music, literature and yodeling. (Why would I make this up?) The Swiss may not have noticed that their flag features a huge white cross on a red field.

       I have my own entry for the competition: "O Switzerland. O Switzerland, religious neutrality shed its grace on thee. And crown thy solidarity with chocolates and cuckoo clocks from peak to shining peak."

       While all of this was going on, the European Union, meeting in Brussels, tentatively adopted a constitution long in the making. In defiance of two thousand years of history, the document includes no mention of that force more responsible than any other for shaping the continent over the past two millennia – Christianity.

       When a third of its member nations – most from the still Christian East, led by Poland – objected to the document, the EU commission president said that part of the constitution could not be altered. If secularism is based on reason, as its proponents claim, why do they so often resort to the-debate's-closed to answer arguments?

       In Europe, the secularist war on faith is over 200 years old, dating back to the murder of clergy during the Reign of Terror and setting up a Goddess of Reason in Notre Dame de Paris. The American left is a relative newcomer, but no less enthusiastic.

       • The Colorado Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of the state's governor issuing an annual National Day of Prayer proclamation, in a suit filed by the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Supporting the proclamation, Alliance Defending Freedom notes that the Supreme Court has a long and unbroken history of upholding legislative prayer. No matter, the secularist assault will continue – perhaps until Obama gets another Supreme Court appointment, God forbid!

       • This month, a U.S. District Court in New York threw out a suit to have the motto "In God We Trust" taken off our currency. Imagine forcing atheists to have an affirmation of the Deity in their pockets. If they would rid themselves of any offending coins or bills, I'll happily accept them.

       • The aforementioned Freedom From Religion Foundation is also attacking a Holocaust memorial on the grounds of the Ohio state capitol because the design includes two upright panels that form a broken Star of David. Never mind that Jews were the main targets of Nazi genocide and the killers forced their victims to wear armbands with the symbol. The foundation calls the design "exclusionary" and a "dishonor." Like the denial of Christianity in the EU constitution, reality must not interfere with dogma.

       • Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes, a chaplain at the Elmendorf-Richardson Air Force base in Alaska, was forced to remove from the base website an essay titled. "No Atheists in the Foxholes: Chaplains Gave All In World War II." That wasn't enough for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, led by the maniacal Mikey Weinstein, who said the posting used a "bigoted religious supremacist phrase ... that defiles the dignity of service members by telling them that regardless of their personally held philosophical beliefs, they must have faith."

       • While calls for Chaplain Reyes' head were coming in, a Diversity Day celebration at the Los Angeles Air Force Base included a drag-queen performance by the Jewels and Brunchettes. Hey, this is Obama's new inclusiveness Army. A military spokesman defended the display by noting; "Drag acts to this day represent the struggle for freedom and equality of the LGBT community." That he could spout this with a straight face qualifies him as Obama's next press secretary.

       • God in the Pledge of Allegiance is under attack in Massachusetts, in a case before the state's highest court. Plaintiff American Humanist Association is confident it has a winner. Unlike other challenges to the Pledge, this one is based not on First Amendment separation grounds (that the judiciary has historically rejected in this regard), but the Equal Rights provision of the Massachusetts' Constitution, which our Supreme Judicial Court used to mandate homosexual marriage in 2003. If that argument fails, the Association's next suit may be based on the III Amendment's prohibition against quartering troops in private residences.

       • When it was noted that students don't have to say the Pledge, the Humanist Association's Roy Speckhardt sniffed: "The opt-out itself is exclusionary and unpleasant. Children are left with a bad choice: either stand up and recite something against your beliefs, or opt out and be ostracized." Imagine the exquisite agony of a kid from an atheist family being forced to hear the G-word once a day. Try to imagine kids in the Peoples Republic of Kennedy being ostracized for refusing to say the Pledge. By the way, the Bay State/Gay State is notorious for its LGBT-brainwashing curricula, in furtherance of secularism.

       Rampaging secularists have a friend in the White House. The president's disdain for Judeo-Christian religion (Islam he's down with) was manifested before he even took up residence at 1600. People in small towns who cling to religion are gun-toting racists bitter over employment prospects, he told an audience during the 2008 campaign. In office, well let's say the American Humanist Association, Freedom from Religion Foundation and Robespierre Weinstein must be so proud of him.

       Unlike his predecessor, he's consistently refused to host National Day of Prayer observances. On several occasions, he's deliberately misquoted the Declaration of Independence by omitting the words "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." He's said "E pluribus unum" is the national motto, rather than "In God We Trust," as established by federal law.

       He's issued Thanksgiving Proclamations without reference to the Power to whom we are to give thanks. (Perhaps he thought we should be thanking him for Obamacare and a recession that's lasted as long as he's been president.) He opposes inclusion of FDR's D-Day prayer in a World War II monument. When last seen, he was chiseling out part of the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Memorial ("that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom").

       God-aversion compliments the rest of Obama's social Marxist agenda – unrestricted abortion (up to and including the moment of birth), same-sex "marriage" and medical-triage under Obamacare. Maybe they'll have a drag-queen performance at this year's National Christmas Tree lighting.

       Emulating his French counterparts, perhaps Obama will promulgate his own secularist principles, and by executive order – which he'll call the diversity-makes-us stronger credo:

1. Benghazi, IRS abuses and DOJ gun-running are "phony scandals" ginned-up by Republicans in Congress.
2. Trayvon died for our racial sins. (If Obama had a son, he'd look like him.) Aaron who?
3. It's all Bush's fault. (AKA: the mess I inherited)
4. Republicans will do anything to keep 30 million uninsured from getting health care.
5. All you really need is love (do-de-doodle-do).
6. America ain't nothing special.
7. You didn't build that! Your daddy the state did.
8. We need a little income redistribution.
9. When a jihadist shrink kills 13 on a military base shouting "Allahu akbar," it's workplace violence. Jihad is a spiritual struggle, totally unrelated to acts of terrorism. Islam has nothing to do with honor killings, genital mutilation and placing a pressure-cooker bomb next to an 8-year-old boy at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
10. The gun did it.

       Without God, everything is permitted, including leaders who think they're God. Kumbaya Obama, kumbaya. Oh Obama, kumbaya!

Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website,

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