Morning Briefing
For September 25, 2013
1. Finger Lickin’ Frauds
hours of Liz Cheney, now a candidate for the Senate in Wyoming,
announcing her support of Ted Cruz’s filibuster, Senator Mike Enzi, who
Cheney is primarying, took to the floor of the United States Senate and
declared he stood with Ted Cruz.
Roberts, the elderly Senator from Kansas who may soon be getting a stiff
primary challenge, stiffly stood on the floor of the United States
Senate to show he too stood with Ted Cruz.
Paul, after NBC News reported he may disagree with Cruz’s filibuster
threat, went to the floor of the Senate and stood with Ted Cruz.
John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell and Lamar Alexander and other
Republican Senators are leaking attacks against Cruz on background. They
complained to reporters about Cruz suggesting they were cowards. They
did so off the record and in the shadows. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
2. Obama administration defies Senate on UN arms trade treaty.
Check with your former colleagues, Secretary Kerry: there was no point to signing this treaty, because it will not be ratified. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
3. In a battle between Ted Cruz and Harry Reid, we must stand with Senator Cruz
In a battle between Ted Cruz and Harry Reid, we must stand with Senator Cruz.
week, House Republicans overwhelmingly passed legislation that defunds
ObamaCare while keeping the government open and running. Now it is time
for the Senate to do the same.
want to keep the government running. Democrats claim they want the
same, but they aren’t acting like it. By denouncing the House bill,
Harry Reid has already said that he’s willing to shut down the
government to save face for the president and to defend a failed law. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
4. Righteous incompetence
the astonishing TV show “Breaking Bad” reaches its conclusion, there
have been many fine efforts to dissect the morality and philosophy of
the show, with Jonah Goldberg’s lengthy dissertation at National Review a
standout. It’s a testament to the brilliant writing and acting on the show to find so much thoughtful commentary. The
main character, Walter White – as masterfully portrayed by Bryan
Cranston – will be an enduring pop-culture icon of hubris, moral
arrogance, and tragedy. Fiction
is the perpetual rediscovery of mythology – from ancient Greece,
through Shakespeare, into the suburbs of New Mexico, where we find a man
who mistakenly believed he could reformulate his life with a careful
measure of evil. ”Breaking Bad” tells an important and relevant story about the triumph of righteousness over competence. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
5. We’re Breaking Up
Dear GOP,
I’m breaking up with you. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming. We’ve had our ups and downs. The
Tea Party years were tough enough, but I truly thought we could make it
when we elected (who we thought were) more principled leaders to
replace at least some of the old guard. Unfortunately, the old guard and their old ways just won’t go away and you seem to be more in tune with them.
To be honest, I’ve been drifting away from you for some time now. I was getting the sense your values weren’t in line with mine and then Syria happened. And, well, let’s just say that Syria really showed me what is important to you.
But the death knell to our relationship wasn’t Syria; although that one cut pretty deep. Nope, it’s your treatment of Senator Ted Cruz. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
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Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState
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